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 #1:  Russia Has a Death Ray Gun



Shielding is ineffective. The scalar pulse (or continuous wave) can go anywhere gravity can go. It penetrates the steel hull of tanks and armored vehicles.


It penetrates underground shelters and bunkers. It penetrates pillboxes and fortifications. Foxholes are no protection. Just shoot through the earth into them. There is no longer any place to hide.


Bodies did not decay even in 30 days...

The Soviets are employing just such a scalar "death ray" weapon in Afghanistan, apparently in the noses of some of their HIND helicopters. These choppers usually fire gas rockets to camouflage the testing of the tactical scalar death ray.


For example, they may fire rockets filled with nerve gas, and some persons will die convulsively from the chemical. Those hit by the scalar EM weapon, however, have a most peculiar death mode.


Death comes-instantly and totally. There is no convulsion, no response. The entire nervous system is destroyed instantly. Every living cell in the body is killed instantly, including all bacteria, germs, etc. A body hit with this thing falls like a limp rag and lies where it falls. It doesn't decay in even 30-45 days. In a macabre fashion, it's been reduced to something like food irradiated with nuclear radiation; everything is killed, so the material is preserved for an extended period before any decay can set in.

Western military authorities have speculated that this strange death is due to some sort of eery new gas. However, even with the most virulent gas, some seconds are required for a body to die. And while it's dying it goes into convulsions. Violent convulsions. This eery, instant death that leaves a non-decaying corpse is not due to a gas. This is the signature of a high-powered pulse kill using a scalar EM weapon. The associated gas rockets are the disguise used to fool our intelligence analysts. They're just part of the Soviet deception plan.




For details of the mysterious, instant deaths in Afghanistan, see Yossef Bodansky, "Soviets testing chemical agents in Afghanistan," Jane's Defense Weekly, 1(13), Apr. 7, 1984, p. 508


Armor has no effect...

Such weapons are also effective against armored vehicles, for example. They can be carried by personnel, mounted on vehicles, mounted in helicopters, etc. They are truly all-purpose weapons.

An infantryman with a bazooka-sized scalar EM pulse weapon can easily knock out a tank with one shot. The armor has no effect; scalar EM goes right through conductive shielding and Faraday cages. And with the same weapon he can knock out another tank, and another, and another...


More frightening than the mind of Man has ever imagined...

Brezhnev's unheeded 1975 characterization of these weapons as "more frightening than the mind of ran has ever imagined" has very real justification. There is now a "balance of terror" loose in the world that makes the old MADmen's MAD concept look like a sunny day in Hawaii.

"Each side secretly develops new means of warfare in order to employ them unexpectedly. History knows many examples how the employment of a new weapon initially gave considerable success because the enemy, caught unawares and not knowing the combat capabilities of this weapon, was for some time incapable of effective counteraction" - V. Yo. Savkin, The Basic Principles of Operational Art and Tactics, Moscow, 1972.




Unfortunately, few modern Americans know of the great scientific and engineering achievements of Nikola Tesla. Yet, many of Tesla’s achievements helped the United States reach its high standard of living and obtain its great productive capacity.


Nikola Tesla (1857-1943) was born in Smitjan, Lika, which is now part of Yugoslavia. In 1884, he came to America and became a naturalized U.S. citizen.

He first worked in the Edison plant in Orange, New Jersey. Later he worked with George Westinghouse. Tesla discovered the principle of the rotary magnetic field, applying it in a practical manner in the induction motor. It was Tesla’s design which provided the basis for the millions of electric motors now used all over the world.


In 1899, Tesla established an experimental laboratory in Colorado Springs, Colorado. There Tesla developed a method to transmit power long distances without wires. He lit a bank of 200 carbon filament lamps--consuming about 10 kilowatts at a point 26 miles from the transmission station--using no wires for connection. AS A RESULT OF THESE EXPERIMENTS TESLA DISCOVERED METHODS TO CREATE MASS ALTERAT1ONS IN THE WEATHER BY ELECTRICITY.


Tesla wrote an article titled, “The Problem of Increasing Human Energy” that appeared in the June, 1900 issue of CENTURY MAGAZINE. The article showed the theoretical basis for the current Soviet weather warfare attacks against America.


Tesla wrote:

“Stationary waves in the earth...will enable us to attain many important specific results impossible otherwise. For instance, by their use, we may produce at will, from a sending ­station, an electrical effect in any particular region of the globe. We may send...over the earth a wave, of electricity traveling at any rate we desire, from the pace of a turtle up to lightning speed.”

The June, 1976 issue of RADIO-ELECTRONICS MAGAZINE carried an article titled, “Twelve Million Volts.” The article reported that Tesla’s experiment in Colorado Springs are the basis for a new form of U.S. Government backed research into nuclear fusion.




The Soviet scientific attention to Tesla’ a last living assistant has even more ominous implications when one realizes that the U.S.S.R. is using nuclear fusion energy research in the creation of their horrible new PARTICLE BEAM DEATH RAY WEAPON. General George Keegan, retired Air Force Chief of Intelligence, has devoted great energy to warning the American people about the immense danger of the Soviet particle beam weapon. Keegan’s warnings met strong objections from the Rockefeller-CFR political flunkies who control the Pentagon.

A detailed and technical account of the Soviet’s near perfection of their particle bean DEATH RAY Weapon (which confirms General Keegan’s warning) appeared in the May 2, 1977 issue of AVIATION VIE & SPACE TECHNOLOGY. The Soviet particle beam weapon will be able to destroy U.S. intercontinental ballistic missiles and thus, NEUTRALIZE MOST US STRATEGIC WEAPONS.

The book, LIGHTNING IN HIS HAND. THE LIFE STORY OF NIKOLA TESLA by Ines Hunt and Wanetta V. Draper (Omni Publications), devotes an entire chapter to Tesla’s death ray design. The description of Tesla’s death ray is very similar to the description of the Soviet particle beam weapon. Hunt and Draper reported that news of Tesla’s death ray appeared in a Colorado Springs paper on May 30, 1924. “The news story told of the invention of an invisible ray, developed by Tesla, which was capable of stopping airplanes in mid flight, an invention which had come about through improvements on Tesla’s Colorado Springs discoveries.”

The book stated that in 1934, an Associated Press report quoted Tesla as,

“saying that his ray was based on an entirely new principle of physics. He … claimed that his bean could destroy 10,000 planes at a distance of two hundred and fifty miles. ... The beam was only one one-hundred-millionth centimeter.”

Tesla stated that his bean could create, “a veritable Chinese wall around the country, and could defend the United States against all foes.” “His beam,” he claimed, “could melt any engine, whether driven by diesel or gasoline or oil, and THERE WAS NO POSSIBLE DEFENSE AGAINST IT.”

Hunt and Draper continued,

“The ray was described as the most important of all Tesla’s inventions so far. It was said that IT COULD SEND CONSECRATED BEAMS OF PARTICLES THROUGH FREE AIR, and could cause armies of millions to drop dead in their tracks. ...The Tesla ray involved four new inventions: one, comprising an apparatus for producing rays and other manifestations of energy in free air, eliminating the high vacuum necessary for producing such rays and beans; the second, a method for producing great electrical forces and the third, a plan for amplifying this process in the second invention; and the fourth, a new method of producing a tremendous repelling force. ... The voltages to be employed were fifty million volts, catapulted for destruction. The entire process was labeled, by Tesla, his ‘TELEFORCE’.”

Additional evidence that the Soviets are using the scientific techniques of Nikola Tesla in their weather warfare against America appeared in a press report in the September 23, 1977 WASHINGTON POST. (for more information about a Report on this subject, "click" HERE) The newspaper reported that,

a strange, star-like ball of light was sighted over Petrozavodsk in Soviet Karelia, spreading over it like a jelly fish and showering down shafts of light.

A number of Russians witnessed the event, which was reported by the Soviet news agency Tass. A similar phenomenon was seen over neighboring Finland.

Witnesses in Helsinki stated that a strange and unusual “ball of fire was visible for about four minutes.”

An article in the JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RERSEARCH by Dr. B.N. Turuan stated that U.S. military intelligence satellites have also reported sighting what are apparently monster lightning bolts over the U.S.S.R. Dr. Thurman revealed that the “superbolts” were thousands of times more powerful than any previously sighted there.

According to Dr. Turuan, these “superbolts” have electrical power to about 10 TRILLION WATTS and total energies of more than a billion joules. Prior to the new Soviet sightings, the most powerful lightning bolts ever recorded were 10 billion watts and contained total energies of one million joules.

Anyone familiar with Nikola Tesla’s numerous experiments (especially those in Colorado Springs) would recognize that the strange Soviet super lightning bolts are probably the direct result of Russia’s use of the fantastically high power Tesla-style weather warfare attacks, nuclear fusion development, and the related particle beam death ray development. Tesla personally created lightning bolts about 1735 feet long, about 77 years ago.

The article in the June, 1976 issue of RADIO ELECTRONIC MAGAZINE described current US experimentation in creating gigantic Tesla-style man-made lightning and ball lightning (in the search for a fusion energy solution). However, the U.S. experiment is relatively tiny, compared to the massive Soviet efforts.



#2Scalar Potential Interferometer

Scalar Potential Interferometer

Figure 6.  Multimode Tesla Weapon

In the 1930's Tesla announced other bizarre and terrible weapons:  a death ray, a weapon to destroy hundreds or even thousands of aircraft at hundreds of miles range, and his ultimate weapon to end all war -- the Tesla shield, which nothing could penetrate.  However, by this time no one any longer paid any real attention to the forgotten great genius. Tesla died in 1943 without ever revealing the secret of these great weapons and inventions.

Unfortunately, today in 1981 the Soviet Union has long since discovered and weaponized the Tesla scalar wave effects. Here we only have time to detail the most powerful of these frightening Tesla weapons -- which Brezhnev undoubtedly was referring to in 1975 when the Soviet side at the SALT talks suddenly suggested limiting the development of new weapons "more frightening than the mind of man had imagined."

One of these weapons is the Tesla howitzer recently completed at the Saryshagan missile range and presently considered to be either a high-energy laser or a particle beam weapon, (See Aviation Week & Space Technology, July 28, 1980, p. 48 for an artist's conception.)

Aviation Week & Space Technology July 28, 1980

Saryshagan Longitudinal Wave Complex

Figure 7.  Tesla Weapons at Saryshagan

The Saryshagan howitzer actually is a huge Tesla scalar interferometer with four modes of operation. One continuous mode is the Tesla shield, which places a thin, impenetrable hemispherical shell of energy over a large defended area. The 3-dimensional shell is created by interfering two Fourier-expansion, 3-dimensional scalar hemispherical patterns in space so they pair-couple into a dome-like shell of intense, ordinary electromagnetic energy.

The air molecules and atoms in the shell are totally ionized and thus highly excited, giving off intense, glowing light. Anything physical which hits the shell receives an enormous discharge of electrical energy and is instantly vaporized -- it goes pfft! like a bug hitting one of the electrical bug killers now so much in vogue.

If several of these hemispherical shells are concentrically stacked, even the gamma radiation and EMP from a high altitude nuclear explosion above the stack cannot penetrate all the shells due to repetitive absorption and reradiation, and scattering in the layered plasmas.

In the continuous shield mode, the Tesla interferometer is fed by a bank of Moray free energy generators, so that enormous energy is available in the shield. A diagram of the Saryshagan-type Tesla howitzer is shown in figure 7. Hal Crawford's fine drawing of the interferometer end of the Tesla howitzer is shown in figure 6.

Hal's exceptional rendition of the Tesla shield produced by the howitzer is shown in figure 8.

Figure 8.  The Tesla Shield

Figure 9.  Tesla Terminal Area Defense System

In the pulse mode, a single intense 3-dimensional scalar phi-field pulse form is fired, using two truncated Fourier transforms, each involving several frequencies, to provide the proper 3-dimensional shape (Figure 10). This is why two scalar antennas separated by a baseline are required. After a time delay calculated for the particular target, a second and faster pulse form of the same shape is fired from the interferometer antennas.

The second pulse overtakes the first, catching it over the target zone and pair-coupling with it to instantly form a violent EMP of ordinary vector (Hertzian) electromagnetic energy. There is thus no vector transmission loss between the howitzer and the burst. Further, the coupling time is extremely short, and the energy will appear sharply in an "electromagnetic pulse (EMP)" strikingly similar to the 2-pulsed EMP of a nuclear weapon.

This type weapon is what actually caused the mysterious flashes off the southwest coast of Africa, picked up in 1979 and 1980 by Vela satellites. The second flash, e.g., was in the infrared only, with no visible spectrum. Nuclear flashes do not do that, and neither does superlightning, meteorite strikes, meteors, etc.

In addition, one of the scientists at the Arecibo Ionospheric Observatory observed a gravitational wave disturbance - signature of the truncated Fourier pattern and the time-squeezing effect of the Tesla potential wave - traveling toward the vicinity of the explosion.




Figure 10.  "Nuclear" Flashes off the Coast of Africa

Lithuania - 10 Sep 1976 - British European Airways Flight #831 between Moscow and London

CIA Report Released under FOIA

Figure 11. Continuous Tesla Fireball

 The pulse mode may be fed from either Moray generators or -- if the Moray generators have suffered their anomalous "all fail" malfunction -- ordinary explosive generators.

Thus the Tesla howitzer can always function in the pulse mode, but it will be limited in power if the Moray generators fail.

In the continuous mode, two continuous scalar waves are emitted -- one faster than the other -- and they pair-couple into vector energy at the region where they approach an in-phase condition. In this mode, the energy in the distant "ball" or geometric region would appear continuously and be sustained -- and this is Tesla's secret of wireless transmission of energy at a distance without any losses. It is also the secret of a "continuous fireball" weapon capable of destroying hundreds of aircraft or missiles at a distance.

An example of a Soviet test of this mode of operation is shown in figure 11. 

Witness to a super weapon?

Nick Downie describes the strange lurid glow that flared silently over the Hindu Kush


(Multiple incidents in Sept., 1979)






Figure 12. Tesla EMP Globe

The volume of the Tesla fireball can be vastly expanded to yield a globe which will not vaporize physical vehicles but will deliver an EMP to them to dud their electronics.

A test of this mode is shown in figure 12. (See also Gwynne Roberts, "Witness to a Super Weapon?", the London Sunday Times, 17 August 1980 for several other tests of this mode at Saryshagan, seen from Afghanistan by British TV cameraman and former War Correspondent Nick Downie.)

If the Moray generators fail anomalously, then a continuous mode limited in power and range could conceivably be sustained by powering the interferometer from more conventional power-sources such as advanced magnetohydrodynamic generators.

Figure 13.  Tesla ABM Defenses

Figure 14.  Moray/Tesla Technology:  Star Wars Now

          Typical strategic ABM uses of Tesla weapons are shown in figure 13. In addition, of course, smaller Tesla howitzer systems for anti-tactical ballistic missile defense of tactical troops and installations could be constituted of more conventional field missile systems using paired or triplet radars, of conventional external appearance, in a scalar interferometer mode.

          With Moray generators as power sources and multiply deployed reentry vehicles with scalar antennas and transmitters, ICBM reentry systems now can become long range "blasters" of the target areas, from thousands of kilometers distance (figure 14). Literally, "Star Wars" is liberated by the Tesla technology. And in air attack, jammers and ECM aircraft now become "Tesla blasters." With the Tesla technology, emitters become primary fighting components of stunning power.

          The potential peaceful implications of Tesla waves are also enormous. By utilizing the "time squeeze" effect, one can get antigravity, materialization and dematerialization, transmutation, and mindboggling medical benefits.  One can also get subluminal and superluminal communication, see through the earth and through the ocean, etc.  The new view of phi-field also provides a unified field theory, higher orders of reality, and a new super-relativity, but detailing these possibilities must wait for another book.

          With two cerebral brain halves, the human being also has a Tesla scalar interferometer between his ears.  And since the brain and nervous system processes avalanche discharges, it can produce (and detect) scalar Tesla waves to at least a limited degree.  Thus a human can sometimes produce anomalous spatiotemporal effects at a distance and through time. 

This provides an exact mechanism for psychokinesis, levitation, psychic healing, telepathy, precognition, postcognition, remote viewing, etc.  It also provides a reason why an individual can detect a "stick" on a radionics or Hieronymus machine (which processes scalar waves), when ordinary detectors detect nothing. 

Unfortunately there is not room to develop the implications of this human Tesla interferometry in detail, for that must wait for yet another book, presently in its initial stages, that Hal Crawford and I are writing. 

Table 5.  Orders of Reality




      >  CARRIERS OF T



      >  PRODUCES = C





Figure 15.  Implications of Tesla Potential

         At the July 1981 U.S. Psychotronics Association's Annual Conference in Dayton, Ohio, I presented the first rough paper on the Tesla secret and scalar interferometry.  A videotape of the presentation was made and will shortly be available.  I am also scheduled to make a special presentation at the Alternate Energy Conference in Toronto, Canada in latter October, 1981. 

A professional, videotaped two-hour presentation on this subject is also being prepared.  Wide distribution of the material through the international underground physics and technology network has already been made.  This time, God willing, Tesla's secret will not be suppressed for another 80 years!

          And perhaps it is not yet too late.  The material has cost me (now) some 16 years of agonizing labor and nearly $100,000 of my own personal funds.  No orthodox university, scientific group, foundation, or governmental agency would support such an effort, either financially or otherwise.  Indeed, most ordinary journals will not even accept material on such matters. 

Nonetheless, the area is of overwhelming importance and I truly believe Tesla's lost secret will shortly affect the lives of every human being on earth. 

          Perhaps with the free and open release of Tesla's secret, the scientific and governmental bureaucracies will be.  shocked awake from their slumber, and we can develop defenses before Armageddon occurs.  Perhaps there is hope after all -- for even Brezhnev, in his strange July, 1975 proposal to the SALT talks, seemed to reveal a perception that a turning point in war and weaponry may have been reached, and that human imagination is incapable of dealing with the ability to totally engineer reality itself. 

Having tested the weapons, the Soviets must be aware that the ill-provoked oscillation of timeflow affects the minds and thoughts -- and the very lifestreams and even the collective species unconsciousnesses -- of all lifeforms on earth.  They must know that these weapons are two-edged swords, and that the backlash from their use can be far more terrible to the user than was the original effect to his victim.

           If we can avoid the Apocalypse, the fantastic secret of Nikola Tesla can be employed to cure and elevate man, not kill him.  Tesla's discovery can eventually remove every conceivable external human limitation. 

If we humans ourselves can elevate our consciousness to properly utilize the Tesla electromagnetics, then Nikola Tesla - who gave us the electrical twentieth century in the first place - may yet give us a fantastic new future more shining and glorious than all the great scientists and sages have imagined.










 -  About Nikola Tesla



 -  A Cerca de Nikola Tesla


 -  Bright Skies - Top-Secret Weapons Testing?


 - "Broadcast Power" - Nikola Tesla



 -  Earthquake Inducing Electromagnetic Weapons used at Kobe?



 -  Experiments With Alternate Currents Of High Potential And High Frequency - A Lecture


 -  Man's Greatest Achievement


 -  New Energy Generator That "Would Not Consume Fuel" - Tesla's Letter to Robert U. Johnson


 -  Nikola Tesla - Great Scientist, Forgotten Genius


 -  Nikola Tesla - Pionero del Futuro


 -  Nikola Tesla - Secret Time Travel Experiments



 -  Nikola Tesla's Radiant Energy System


 -  Purple Energy Plates - Main File


 - ¿Qué Es Lo Que Descubrió Nikola Tesla?


 -  Scalar Wars - The Brave New World of Scalar Electromagnetics - Main File



 -  Scalar Waves and Tesla Shields - Nikola Tesla - Father Of "Star Wars"? - from 'Antigravity And...'


 -  Son of Tesla


 -  Tesla and Ball Lighting


 -  Tesla and Marconi


 -  Tesla Coil


 -  Tesla Doom Weapons and Aum Shinrikyo


 -  Tesla Howizters - Longitudinal Wave Interferometers


 -  Tesla's "Black Box"


 -  Tesla's Controversial Life and Death - from 'Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries'


 -  Tesla's Electromagnetic Pyramids


 -  Tesla's Fuelless Generator - Nikola Tesla's Later Energy Generation Designs


 -  Tesla's Wireless Power Transmitter and the Tunguska Explosion of 1908


 -  The Aum Shinrikyo Sect



 -  The 'Baranjawarn Bang' Revisited


 -  The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla


 -  The Problem of Increasing Human Energy - With Special References to The Harnessing of The Sun's Energy


 -  Transmission of Electrical Energy Without Wires



Additional Information



 -  Advances in Tesla Technology - Extracts from 'Angels Don't Play This HAARP'


 -  Aquamarine Dreams - Ralph Ring and Otis T. Carr


 -  Apparatus for The Utilization of Radiant Energy


 -  Art Bell & Dr James Mccanney - The Nasa Lies And Tesla Cover-Ups


 -  Coil For Electro Magnets


 -  Encuentro Con Un Genio Desconocido  - Nikola Tesla (1856-1943)


 -  El Jaque Mate - Informaciones Para Materializar Un Mundo Nuevo


 -  George Bush Sr.(Scherff) - 4th Reich in The USA - Deathbed Confessions Photos Support Claims that George H. Scherf(f), Jr...


 -  James McCanney Announces Plans to Replicate Tesla's Tower


 -  Method of Utilizing Radiant Energy


 -  Missing Utopia - The End of Wardenclyffe!


 -  Nuclear-Sized Explosions Without Radiation - United States Patent 4,873,928


 -  Patents - All Tesla Patents


 -  Pentagon Aliens - Formerly 'Space Aliens From The Pentagon'


 -  Prodigal Genius - The Life of Nikola Tesla - by John J. O'Neill, July 1944


 -  Tesla Proven Right as Technology is Transmitted Wirelessly


 -  The Hum - A Legacy from Nikola Tesla


 -  The Second Law Thermodynamics and Tesla's Fuelless Generator



 -  The True 'Father of Electricity' - Nikola Tesla


 -  The Underwater Communication System of Nikola Tesla



Tesla and 'Life in The Universe'


 -  Communicating With Mars - The Experiments of Tesla and Hodowanec


 -  Talking With The Planets


 -  The Wall of Light - Nikola Tesla And The Venusian Space Ship... The X-12


 -  Tesla and The Pyramids of Mars



Tesla's Death Ray


 -  Russia Has a Death Ray Gun...


 -  Scalar Potential Interferometer


 - “Tesla’s Death Ray” and the Accelerated Particle Beam Weapon - from 'The Day After Roswell'


 -  Tesla's "Death Ray" Machine


 -  Tesla's Death Rays - from "The Fantastic Inventions of Nikola Tesla"


 -  The Tesla Howitzer



External Links



 -  Other Nikola Tesla Links





 -  Angels Don't Play This HAARP - Advances in Tesla Technology - by Dr. Nick Begich and Jeane Manning


 -  Colorado Springs Notes 1899-1900 - by Nikola Tesla


 -  Los Diarios Perdidos de Nikola Tesla - HAARP, Estelas Químicas y El Secreto de la Alternativa 4 - por Tim Swartz


 -  My Inventions - The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla


 -  Occult Ether Physics - Tesla's Hidden Space Propulsion System and The Conspiracy To Conceal It - by William Lyne

 -  The Fantastic Inventions of Nikola Tesla - by David H. Childress


 -  The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla - HAARP, Chemtrails and The Secret of Alternative 4 - by Tim Swartz


 -  Yo He Estado en Marte - por Narciso Genovese




 -  Chemtrails and HAARP Weather Warfare - Confirmed by History Channel


 -  Elements of Life - Nikola Tesla Technology


 -  El Proyecto Matriz #119 - NIKOLA TESLA


 -  El Secreto de Nikola Tesla


 -  Experimentos Tesla


 -  Holes In Heaven - HAARP and Advances in Telsa Technology


 -  Nikola Tesla's Technology - Mad Electricity


 -  Nikola Tesla - The Forgotten Wizard


 -  Nikola Tesla - The Race to Zero Point Free Energy


 -  Sueños Aguamarinos - Entrevista a Ralph Ring


 -  Tecnología de Nikola Tesla - Energia Desbordada


 -  Tesla - The Lost Wizard


 -  The BIGGG Tesla Coil 


 -  The Genius Who Lit the World - Nikola Tesla


 -  The Master of Lighting - Nikola Tesla


 -  The Missing Secrets of Nikola Tesla


 -  The Secret Life of Nikola Tesla


 -  Tom Bearden Talks Nikola Tesla


  Tuguska's Explosion


 -  Weather Warfare, Chemtrails, HAARP


 -  Weather Warfare - Program 'That's Impossible' History Channel



Photo Gallery


 Grupo 1



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 -  Algunas Fotos de Sus Experimentos


 -  Planos de Algunas Patentes



Related Reports


 -  Al Bielek's Speech at The MUFON Conference - 1990


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 -  Free Energy - Hi-Tech/Top Secret Projects - Main File



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 -  Orion Technology and Other Secret Projects


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 -  The Unconventional Views of James M. McCanney - Main File


 -  Tom Bearden - Main File


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