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Bradley Manning Exposed: The Joyce Riley Power Hour

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His name is Joshua Frederici

Her name is Bethany Nalley. The entire story is in the works, and will be posted shortly.

5-10-2011 Joyce Riley's The Power Hour with guest Ed Chiarini Topic Bradley Manning EXPOSED This is the audio of the show with guest Ed Chiarini of Disclosing the Identification of Bradley Manning. For more information go to or

For those of you who missed me on the Joyce Riley Power Hour this morning where I release this info, you are probably wondering why the person in the photo you know as Bradley Manning and the other individual look to be of different ages.

Think about it for a second. If you planned on deceiving the world with an event like this, and you needed an individual to play the patsy, how would you go about getting the task done without getting caught? How do you pull it off and then deal with that actor possibly leaking one day down the road? How do you deal with them possibly being found and exposed?

That answer is simple and they're are ways you can see them use this technique in other staged missing, or mysterious murder type of perception management operations.

Notice the clothing of the individual we have been told is Bradley Manning. Notice anything odd about it? Now look at the images of Holly Bobo that I also exposed on this site. Notice anything odd in her images? (now hers are not as drastic as Mannings but you can see what I'm talking about)

Did you ever stop and wonder why in every Manning photo he is in clothing that appears to be from the late 80's early 90's? polo shirt collar standing up and old style Oakley frames on his head. This is due to the photo you are being shown is a picture taken of this person many years ago. The backgrounds are all generic so you cant get an idea of the actual time the photo was taken. This is how they in the media exploit you, and know if they show you a photo you will automatically think in your mind that the image is current.

This protects them from all the issues I previously mentioned and allows the individual to live their lives as a normal person. No need for name change and new identity because the world is looking for (in their minds) a different person.

The only reason I found this individual is due to his ties with Dave Weiss.

Dave Weiss aka Dr. LeMole (Rep Giffords Arizona Dr) isnt a Doctor at all, he just plays on on your tv. Dave is a partner in a film, video, and CGI media production company located in Arizona called Radian Helix media. Its owned by Brandan Pittman (the person you see when you look at the Jared Lee Loughner mug shot) In Daves FaceBook friends list we find people that look alike and share the same genitic facial landmarks as do individuals either living or dead on the news. Here are just a few of the people you can find there:

Dan Adragna or Holly Bobo's Father

Amanda Barns Hicks or Holly bobo (missing Tennessee Girl)

David Hicks or Gabe Zimmerman (Giffords Aid that was killed)

 Joshua Frederici or Bradley Manning (wikileaks leaker)

Emily Kuntz  or Emma McMahon (Giffords Shooting eye witness)

Bonnie-Jean Brown  or Mary Reed (Emma's McMahon Mother)

 Ronald Globe or Dr Steven Rayle (Giffords Shooting Eye witness)

Anthony Nguyen or Dr. Peter Rhee (Giffords Arizona Dr)

Michael Burkeen or Dr. Imoigele Aisku (Giffords Houston Dr)

Daisy Axford or Kelly O'Brien (Gabe Zimmermans Fiance)

Kristi Lanier or Desta Hughes Stutts (Current Speech Therapist for Giffords)

Hope Nixon or Kenia Monge (Missing Colorado Teen)

April DeWilde Warmington or Holly Bobo friend

Samantha Archer or sister of Carrie Thomas Murdered at Moreno Valley ATM

Anchyi Lena Urena or missing girl Yee Wah Ho

Jason Bast or Fort Hood Shooter

David Isaacs or Giffords Memorial guitar player (to come)

Gabe Hernandez or John Inzuna

Pam Simon or Nancy Koop Medley

Dave Weiss or Dr Lemole

Debbie Francis-Lane or Sara Hummel Rajca (Giffords Staff)

David Waterso or fox news Jonathan Hunt

If it were one or two people that just so happened to look alike, I wouldn't be wasting my breath. But when we are talking 26 people can be tied to him then we have something more than a confidence. Plus we have Steven Cates (the guy with the pink hair that claims to of bee Loughners poetry classmate) that admits working for Radian Helix Media as a script writer for a project called Brazil.

This is not a coincidence. Is Dave Weiss, actually who he appears to be? We know he played Dr. LeMole for the Giffords staged (FSE) we know he is a voice over actor with ties to a large corporation, but is the name Dave Weiss just being used to throw people off? Is he using the same techniques that they use in the other staged events as a extra layer of security for himself? Check back or tune in to to find out.

I have tried to contact everyone on this web site. Brandan Pittman (loughner mug shot) just hangs up and no one else returns any calls. So I ask if you found yourself on a web site, and you knew you had no ties to what was being said about you, wouldn't you contact the owners of the site? I know I sure would. That to me speaks volumes.

NEW INFO MAY 11, 2011 9:41pm CST

Adrian Lamo the hacker that snitch on Bradley manning is not a hacker at all. He is an actor with ties to David Weiss. the Same Dave Weiss that has ties to almost all the other actors in the Rep Giffords event, and all the missing teens, including the Holly Bobo event. He is part of the film, video, and CGI company called Radian Helix Media. Which is owned by Brandan Pittman (the person you see when you look at the Jared Loughner Mug shot). This company is responsible for shooting the footage that is then shown to you on the news. It is all a lie and is scripted you cannot deny this after you look at all the other investigations on my site. This makes over 24 individuals acting in events that are totally unrelated to each other but all of them have direct links to Dave Weiss. A large number of them appear in his FB Friends list. To deny this means you believe all these individuals just so happen to be a coincidence that they all have events going on in the country that have people that look exactly like them. and even though the events take place in different states its just a coincidence that they all share a friend that works for a media company, that admits working on the Giffords FSE. (Full Scale Event)


And now for Bradley Manning. Please refer to the video for the explanation on the differences in age.