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Dr. Peter David Beter

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Feb. 26, 2014

Dr. Peter David Beter - Audio Letter No. 29. "AUDIO LETTER(R)" is a registered trademark of Audio Books,

Inc., a Texas corporation, which originally produced this tape

recording. Reproduced under open license granted by Audio

Books, Inc.

This is the Dr. Beter Audioletter, Box 16428, Ft. Worth, Texas


Hello, my friends, this is Dr. Beter. Today is December 22,

1977, and this is my Audioletter No. 29. Three days from now

will be Christmas Sunday, 1977. On that day my family and I will

join millions of others around the world in celebrating the birth

of our Lord Jesus Christ. Like other proud parents, I look

forward especially to watching my three small children as they

open their gifts. For them, Christmas is a time of pure joy, and

that helps to make it so for us grown-ups as well. Even so this

Christmas they will not be receiving the one present I wish they

could have most of all, the gift of a future to look forward

to--a future of freedom, instead of slavery; a future of plenty,

instead of scarcity; a future of real peace, instead of

deliberate war. If I had the power to grant my children an

abundant future of freedom and peace all by myself, I'd do it,

but that is not possible. They cannot look forward to a future

like that unless all of our children can do the same; and, my

friends, the future which we as a nation are bequeathing to our

trusting children is one for which we deserve to be chastised

severely by our Lord. Much has been entrusted to us, and we have

not measured up to that trust.

We in America have always looked back at the tragedy Nazi

Germany became and said to ourselves: 'How could such a thing

have happened? Couldn't the German people see that they were

headed toward disaster? Why didn't they do something to stop

it?' But apparently we as a nation learned nothing at all from

their example or from any of the other lessons in history

because, my friends, the United States is headed for a disaster

that dwarfs what happened to Germany, or Japan, or Russia, or

China. It is about us that future generations will say: 'How

could such a thing have happened? Couldn't the American people

see that they were headed toward disaster? Why didn't they do

something to stop it?'

More and more Americans can sense now that something is

definitely wrong. If nothing else, our survival instinct is

ringing a muffled alarm inside all of us, warning of imminent

danger. But so far, most Americans are still on the side lines,

forfeiting all our rights and failing our responsibilities under

the United States Constitution. Instead of analyzing the facts

that are already before us, most of us choose the false wisdom

called Wait and See. Instead of going to the effort to challenge

our rulers about matters that are deciding our fate, we deceive

ourselves with the notion that at the next election we can

discharge our whole duty by casting a vote. Meanwhile we just

sit on the fence while we wait and see. Those who are waiting to

see do not have much longer to wait.

At the beginning of this year in Audioletter No. 20, I pointed

out that we are in the period of undeclared warfare that history

will record as Pre-War, leading up to the planned Nuclear War

One. Today as 1977 is on the wane, the Pre-War period is also on

the wane. The first stages of war itself are intended to erupt

soon, beginning in the Middle East. When I resumed recording the

Audioletter in August of this year after a silence of three

months, I warned you that we are now in a new phase as we watch

increasingly the fulfillment of man-made plans for disaster in

war. Having squandered and wasted the days of grace God gave us

to prevent disaster, we as a nation are going to suffer by our

own choice.

My three topics for today are: Topic #1--CYCLONES, AIR QUAKES,




Topic #1--Last month I told you the locations of the Soviet

Particle Beam weapon installations that are now operational on

the moon, and I warned you that "...if the normal Soviet pattern

is followed, we can expect a test of a moon-based Particle Beam

weapon against some earth target in the very near future. If

this is done, it will probably take place under circumstances

where its effects can be explained away as having some other

cause." Events are now moving very fast, my friends. When I

recorded those words last month on November 21, the first Soviet

test shot at the earth had already taken place, but intelligence

about it had not yet reached me. The perfect opportunity for

Soviet purposes was provided by a huge cyclone in the Bay of

Bengal as it approached the southeast coast of India. Soviet

cosmonauts at two of the Particle Beam installations on the moon

readied their weapons and waited for the angry storm to reach the

best possible position for the test. This occurred on the

evening of November 19, 1977, as the cyclone was lashing the

coast line of the Indian State of Andhra Pradesh. As millions of

Indians were struggling against the powerful winds and driving

rain of the cyclone, two Soviet Particle Beam weapons a quarter

million miles away silently swung around to point in their

direction. The weapons were aimed at two nearby locations at sea

within the storm. To avoid any chance that the beams might

interfere with one another on the way to the target, they were

not fired simultaneously but in quick succession. Traveling at

virtually the speed of light, each beam reached the earth in less

than two seconds. As I told you in Audioletter No. 26, a charged

Particle Beam rips apart the atoms of anything it strikes,

causing it to explode. That's why, as I said then, it's an

all-weather weapon--it blasts its way through air, cloud, water,

armor plate, and anything else it strikes. When each beam aimed

at the cyclone reached its target, it produced a brilliant air

flash and a tremendous explosion at the water surface. A portion

of the water itself was made to explode by the beam, creating a

localized artificial tidal wave. The result, as described by

victims who lived through it, was broadcast over the BBC on

December 13, earlier this month. A relief worker who had just

returned from the scene described what she called complete

devastation along the coastal area. Everything, including even

strongly-built houses, had been flattened, and the loss of life

was staggering; and what had transformed a bad storm into a total

disaster, my friends, was a single tidal wave that suddenly swept

ashore in the midst of the storm. I now quote the exact words of

the British relief worker as she described what eye witnesses had

told her: "There were two enormous blinding flashes and the

whole sky lighted up as though on fire, then this vast tidal wave

about 30 miles in length along the coast and 18 feet high just

bore down upon them." My friends, a tidal wave is not a normal

part of a cyclone--high waters, yes; flooding, yes; and normal

wind-driven waves, yes--but not tidal waves. And yet, if you

will study the news reports from all sources, you will discover

that a single devastating tidal wave was reported consistently.

Eye witnesses describe it as something that came suddenly,

sweeping away everything in its path, including loved ones; and

it caused devastation inland to unheard-of distances where people

have never had reason to fear cyclones before. For example, a

ferryboat man in the village of Penumudi is quoted in the NEW

YORK TIMES for December 12 as saying, "All my life I have never

been frightened so much. We are 20 miles from the sea, and yet

the wave came all the way to destroy our boats and our living."

With at least 10,000 dead, over 2,500 villages destroyed, and

2,000,000 homeless, it's no wonder that this cyclone is rated as

the worst to hit India in more than a century. From the Soviet

viewpoint, the test was a complete success. The ability of their

lunar-based charged Particle Beams to blast an earth target with

devastating force, has been confirmed; and by carrying out their

test in the midst of a violent cyclone, they succeeded in

camouflaging the man-made disaster by combining it with a natural

one. Both the lunar and earth orbital Particle Beam weapons of

the Soviet Union must now be regarded as fully operational and

tested. But the lunar Particle Beam test was scarcely completed

before tests began with yet another secret Soviet weapon!

Last month I reminded you of the lightning pace of weapons

advancement that was still publicly visible up until the early

1960's; but at the secret level, military technology was

advancing even faster. As early as 1962, top military officers

were seriously worried about a future threat to America that was

then already visible on the technical horizon. This threatened

future development consisted of space platforms capable of

levitating in stationary positions over our major cities or other

strategic locations. These platforms would not be in orbit like

normal earth satellites; instead, they would actually hover for

long periods of time over a single spot. This cannot be done

with orbiting satellites except for those stationed over the

earth's equator about 22,000 miles out in space. So the United

States already had the capability long ago to build these

hovering platforms if desired, manning them with forty-man crews

who would remain aboard for two months at a time. Therefore it

was obvious that some day the Soviet Union would also develop

this capability, and our military leaders wanted to be in a

position to interdict any Soviet platforms that might some day

invade the space over our country. But their urgent pleas for

authority and funds to develop a defense against the expected

threat of floating platforms, were rudely turned aside--they

didn't fit in with the two-pronged program for world military

domination that I explained for you last month. On the surface,

America was to be gradually stripped of its known weaponry; while

in total secrecy, the moon program was to provide America's

secret rulers with the unadmitted ability to destroy the Soviet

Union in a final double-cross.

Now it's 15 years later, the grand design of our secret rulers

lies in ruins--shattered less than three months ago by Russia's

upset victory in the Battle of the Harvest Moon on September 27.

The men and women of America's secret moon colony in Copernicus

Crater lie entombed where they died, bombarded by a Soviet

neutron Particle Beam weapon orbiting the earth--and now, the

Soviet Union controls the moon and from it the earth.

Furthermore, spurred on by the danger of losing the decisive

Particle Beam race, the Kremlin has spent fantastic amounts of

money to develop a bewildering array of military weapons of every

type. Wherever possible they have borrowed and exploited whole

technologies developed in the West at our cost. They have bought

critical hardware to fill gaps in their own technology, paying

for it with United States financed loans guaranteed by American

taxpayers. They have contracted for western multi-national

corporations to build whole manufacturing facilities in

Russia--factories that are unparalleled here at home; and,

relieved of the need to develop so many things for themselves,

they have been able to concentrate on advanced projects that

leapfrog ahead of our own technology in certain areas. And one

of these areas is the hovering space platform, which certain of

our military leaders were worried about 15 years ago.

For many years the Soviet Union has led the world in the field

of high-energy physics and in many areas of advanced mathematics

as well. This enabled them to win the race for the Particle Beam

weapon, and has also enabled them to develop a hovering space

platform design that operates on more advanced principles than

those our military anticipated 15 years ago.

The Soviet hovering-platform concept is built around a branch

of physics most people have never even heard of called

Electrogravitics. At the present time the Soviet Union is using

electrogravitic vehicles both on the moon and in space close to

earth. Theoretically these vehicles will some day be able to

travel directly between earth and the moon and even over

inter-planetary distances, but the transition from the

gravitational field of the earth to that of the moon, among other

things, is potentially hazardous so this is not being done yet.

Instead, rockets are being used by Soviet cosmonauts to travel

between the earth and the moon, but the electrogravitic

levitation is being used on the moon itself. The electrogravitic

vehicles developed so far by the Soviet Union are still very

crude--they can lift themselves vertically up or down, using

their levitation field they produce, but have to use small rocket

motors to move sideways; but crude or not, the Soviet Union now

has these hovering space platforms and we do not; nor do we have

any means of combating them, since our secret masters have

refused ever since 1962 to allow any means of defense to be


I can now reveal that the Kremlin has begun deploying hovering

space platforms over the United States, and elsewhere, armed with




Platform No. 1 is hovering 672 miles above a spot in the Atlantic

Ocean about 170 miles east of Charleston, So. Car. No. 2 is 821

miles above a spot in the Pacific 256 miles southwest of Los

Angeles, California. No. 3 is floating 784 miles above a spot

about 42 miles west of the so-called Four Corners of Utah,

Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico. No. 4 is 821 miles directly

above the intersection of the borders of Idaho, Montana, and

Canada. No. 5 is hovering 597 miles above a spot that is about

50 miles east-northeast of Denver, Colorado. No. 6 is 560 miles

above Illinois over a spot about 80 miles southwest of Chicago

and 50 miles east of Peoria. No. 7 is at the same altitude, 560

miles, over a spot about 10 miles northwest of Morgantown, West

Virginia, at the border of southwest Pennsylvania.

The first four platforms are manned, the other three, launched

more recently, are still being checked out by remote control

prior to being manned by crews who will be carried there by

electrogravitic shuttle.

Early this month on December 2, 1977, the crew of Soviet

Platform No. 1 received the orders they had been waiting for from

Moscow. They were to commence de-focused beam tests. A

de-focused beam expands out over a broader and broader area as it

flashes through space; and as a result, when the broad beam

strikes the atmosphere, most of the energy is spent in the air

itself. (This is the exact opposite of the situation on November

19 when the lunar Particle Beams created tight shafts of energy

that passed through the Indian cyclone to strike the sea with

great power.) The crew adjusted their Particle Beam weapon to

de-focus the beam to a prescribed amount, then at approximately

10:00 A.M. they aimed their weapon at a spot in the sea about 50

miles off the South Carolina coast and fired. The air itself

over the ocean east of South Carolina was made to explode with

the force of a hundred tons of TNT. Along the South Carolina

coast thousands of people heard the tremendous rumble from the

blast at sea, dishes rattled, and some windows broke. At the

Lamont-Doherty Geological Laboratory north of New York City,

acoustic monitoring instruments jumped off scale. Everyone who

heard it wondered what had happened. About 3:45 that afternoon,

the crew of Platform No. 1 were ready for a second test shot.

The target area this time was the sea off the New Jersey

coast--650 miles to the north-northeast of Platform No. 1. The

Particle Beam weapon had been re-adjusted to compensate for the

greater distance involved, and then it was fired. At points

along the coast from Cape May, New Jersey, to Connecticut,

thousands heard the powerful blast as more dishes rattled and

more windows broke. Again acoustic monitors were driven off

scale. On December 15, Platform No. 1 began firing again. At

least five blasts were fired into the air over the Atlantic that

day. On December 20, just two days ago, still more blasts took

place; but the major news media had begun to treat the whole

matter as if it were a joke. Most Americans do not live on the

east coast, of course, and have not heard these explosions for

themselves. But listen to these words that a housewife in

Manhattan used to describe one of the explosions to me: "It was

a bright sunny day and my older kids were in school. I was at

home when suddenly there was a tremendous, tremendous boom. It

sounded like it could have been next door, or it could have been

a million miles away--you just couldn't tell. It was a low,

thundering, deep, all-encompassing noise. It sounded like a

bomb, but I thought it might be an earthquake. I grabbed the

kids, my younger kids who were at home, and ran to the wall. I

glanced at the clock and it was just after 1:00 o'clock. I

waited to see what else would happen, but nothing did. I turned

on the radio to find out what had happened, but there was nothing

on the radio, nothing about what had happened. The kids in

school were all scared. The teacher said: 'It's Con-Edison.'

But of course if it had been Con-Edison, the whole neighborhood

would have blown up. It just sounded as if something had hit the

bottom of the earth."

Soviet acts of intimidation are becoming more frequent and

more vicious. Only last night around 7:00 P.M. another series of

so-called mystery explosions were heard off the east coast, and

only today two grain elevators--one in Louisiana, the other in

Mississippi--exploded within hours of one another. The first

explosion took place this morning, December 22, at the huge

Continental Grain Company elevator on the west bank of the

Mississippi River, a few miles upstream from downtown New

Orleans. Eye witnesses said: "It went up like an H-bomb." The

ground shook for several seconds as though in an earthquake, a

huge mushroom cloud stretched perhaps a mile into the air, and

debris from the structure kept falling like feathers into the

river. The entire facility, storing $100,000,000 worth of grain,

was ruined and there were scores injured, perhaps two dozen

killed. The portion of the elevator nearest the river was

completely blown off.

My friends, when I resumed recording my Audioletter last

August with issue No. 25, I warned that there were 158 Soviet

nuclear mines--that is, small H-bombs--buried under water along

the Mississippi River. The destruction of the grain elevator

near New Orleans this morning resulted from the detonation of the

first of these bombs, which was located in the River near the

south end of the loading dock. Other Soviet nuclear mines are

still waiting to be exploded within a few miles of that location.

One is just across the river from the site of today's explosion

in an area known as Carrolton Bend. Another is about a mile in

the upstream direction from the ruined grain elevator under the

southeast end of the Huey P. Long Bridge. Looking downstream,

another Soviet nuclear mine is lurking in the water beneath the

Greater New Orleans bridge. Further down stream there is one at

the entrance to Chalmette Ship Wharf No. 2. There are two in the

inner harbor navigation canal--one just north of the lock, and

another about three-quarters of a mile north of that. And not

only is the River mined--for example, there is a nuclear mine in

Lake Pontchartrain near the south end of the Pontchartrain

causeway. It has now been four months since I revealed the

situation in the Mississippi River. Since that time I have never

been contacted by a single official having jurisdiction of any

kind along the Mississippi River to find out more about the

situation. No one has made the slightest effort to take action,

and now many have lost their lives and many more are injured.

About two hours later, the second grain elevator suddenly

exploded in Tupelo, Mississippi. Like the first, it was

destroyed by a Soviet nuclear mine; but Tupelo is not on a river,

and the mine was buried in the ground nearby.

Having first sabotaged America's water resources, then

important governmental and military sites, the Soviet agents are

still criss-crossing our land unhampered and far advanced in

sabotaging our food-warehousing facilities. Major grain

elevators throughout the Midwest, the Great Plains, and other

grain-producing areas, have been mined already like the one that

exploded today at Tupelo, Miss.

My friends, how long will we continue to just wait and see?

How many will die before the rest of us open our eyes to the

truth as it really is? Will it go on this way until the day

destitute survivors of Nuclear War One are picking their way

through the smoking ruins of America with 160,000,000 dead?

Topic #2--Last May in Audioletter No. 24 I quoted at length from

the warnings of General George Keegan, who retired at the

beginning of this year as the Chief of Air Force Intelligence.

Gen. Keegan is as great a patriot as he is an intelligence

analyst, and it was he who first warned America that Russia was

developing the awesome Particle Beam weapon. Earlier this month,

on December 14, General Keegan was interviewed on the Bob Snyder

radio show, Station WDCL in Clearwater, Florida. General Keegan

described the bleak military picture we now confront in graphic

terms. As his final question to General Keegan, Bob Snyder asked

General Keegan: "You already said that the Russians could

possibly capture Europe in 36 hours. If war broke out between

the United States and Russia, I said 'if'--who would win?"

General Keegan's answer was: "There is no question in my mind

that the Soviet Union would win." (For more information about

General Keegan's comments, I strongly suggest that you write to

Mr. Snyder directly. He publishes a very timely and informative

newsletter, and you can write to him at:

The Bob Snyder Newsletter, Box 15,

Safety Harbor, Florida, zip 33572)

For those who are willing to open their eyes and see, more and

more bits of the truth are surfacing here and there that point to

our true situation; but so far only one major newspaper, the

CHICAGO TRIBUNE, has seen fit to do an in-depth job of alerting

its readers to the possible magnitude of the silent war that is

already going on. When I revealed the Soviet underwater missile

crisis of 1976 during July and August of that year, I alerted you

to the major emphasis that the Soviet Union now puts on its navy.

And in a Sunday edition earlier this month, the CHICAGO TRIBUNE

ran a series of articles in the special report section (Note:

Section 2 "Perspective/Business") entitled "UNDERSEA WARFARE."

Originally the articles were to have run over a period of days

beginning on December 7, the anniversary of Pearl Harbor; but

rather than run the risk of being pressured to halt the series

after it began, the TRIBUNE had the courage to run them all at

once on Sunday, December 4, 1977. I strongly recommend that you

go to your library and read the CHICAGO TRIBUNE articles on

"Undersea Warfare" in their entirety, and read them closely, my


To give you some idea of what you will find, I'll now quote

some passages from the various articles including both the

special report section and the lead article, which appeared on

page 1:

"The cold, dark war underseas is an expensive and essential

element of allied military planning at all levels. Occasionally

its muffled sounds have reached the ears of the public, but not

often. The underseas war is rigged for silent running." "The

reason the ASW (Anti Submarine Warfare) programs are cloaked in

so much secrecy, officials said, is that defending the sea has

become the weakest link in the chain of American preparation for

both conventional and nuclear war." Two paragraphs later: "The

high stakes involved have also produced a continuing mini-war on

and below the high seas as ships, submarines, and planes of the

United States and its allies fence with Soviet forces testing

each other's systems. One arena for these so-far bloodless

encounters is the North Atlantic, where the U.S. has positioned

its most effective ASW forces and equipment." Later in the same

article: "But it was learned that the system is far from

completely effective. Frequently, U.S. hunters lose Soviet

submarines after tracking them for a while. As a result, the

U.S. command is confident it knows how many Soviet submarines are

at sea, but little confidence about their whereabouts."

I might mention, my friends, that 2-1/2 years ago, in May

1975, Admiral Gorshkoff, the head of the Soviet navy, declared

that the Soviet Union has solved the problem of tracking and

neutralizing our submarines. In September 1976 I revealed that a

Soviet missile-planting mini-submarine had become trapped in

Chesapeake Bay due to a mechanical malfunction. I urged that it

be captured by the United States Navy and the incident used to

expose to the whole world the Soviet preparations for surprise

nuclear attack. But as I reported the following month in

Audioletter No. 17, President Gerald Ford knuckled under to

Soviet demands in the Red Friday Agreement of October 1, 1976,

and the Soviet Navy was allowed to enter Chesapeake Bay under

cover of night to retrieve the mini-sub, whose crew had died by

then. The very idea that a Soviet submarine could penetrate so

deeply into American territorial waters, struck some of my

listeners as incredible at the time; and the idea that we would

let them get away with it, may have seemed even more far-fetched

to those who do not understand what is really going on behind the


But listen now to quotations from the CHICAGO TRIBUNE page 1

lead story about undersea warfare by Jim Coates and Jack Fuller.

The headline is: "U.S., Soviet subs prowling dangerous waters."

"United States spy submarines have been penetrating Soviet

territorial waters for the last 30 months despite a widespread

belief inside the government that the controversial maneuvers had

stopped, sources have told the TRIBUNE." Two paragraphs later,

after assigning "Holystone" as the code name for the program: "On

one occasion before the 1975 disclosures, the TRIBUNE learned, a

U.S. spy submarine was temporarily grounded beneath the busy port

of Vladivostok. Holystone critics attempted to demonstrate the

seriousness of the penetrations by speculating what American

reaction would be if a Soviet submarine were discovered aground

in San Diego Harbor. While few details were available about the

Vladivostok incident, sources said it apparently occurred when

the vessel was running on low power to avoid detection and struck

the harbor bottom." Further on: "Intelligence insiders said that

the Russians have known about the U.S. missions for years even

when they were carried out under tight security. Because the

Soviets have never publicly complained about the U.S. undersea

forays, some analysts have suggested that a similar Russian

probing of American sea space is under way." And one more

quotation: "Several former government officials agreed to shed

light on the silent battles under the seas. Some said they were

willing to speak in an effort to illustrate the dangers of the

current situation."

My friends, the undersea bombs and missiles I've told you

about now for well over a year multiply these dangers many times

over. So do their close relatives, the underwater mines that are

now planted all around the United States as well as in other

countries. But what makes them most deadly is the failure to

take counteractive measures. It's now been proven that undersea

missiles and bombs as well as underwater nuclear mines planted

near our dams can be located and removed, given the proper

equipment and the will to use it. Last month I warned that the

Kensico Reservoir, Tarrytown Reservoir, and Pocantico Lake north

of New York City all contain Soviet nuclear mines, as did the

Hudson River near the east end of the Tappan Zee Bridge. On

December 7, I received an important call from an official of

Westchester County. It was only the first call, but for once

someone was taking the threat seriously. Within days, action was

quietly being taken to find and remove the bombs in the three

bodies of water, and by late last week I received word that all

three had been successfully located and removed. Meanwhile, the

so-called Federal Dam Inspection Program has suddenly shifted

into high gear, providing a perfect opportunity for the Army

Corps of Engineers to find and remove many more nuclear mines

nationwide. So far I can only confirm that Westchester County,

the home of the Rockefellers, has benefitted from such quick


As for the undersea cobalt bombs that now dot the ocean floor

worldwide, the Union of South Africa has become the first nation

to take action. In late September, I informed the government

through intermediaries of the locations of 10 Soviet cobalt bombs

planted off the South African coast. They were planted along the

coast from a point about 200 miles northwest of Cape Town, around

the Cape of Good Hope, and around to the east to a point about

160 miles east-northeast of Durban. I also relayed the locations

of two bombs within South Africa--one near Johannesburg, the

other close to Kimberley. The South African government is taking

measures to remove these bombs, and so far four bombs from Cape

Town to Port Elizabeth have been found and removed. That's the

good news, my friends; but the bad news is that nowhere is the

public being let in on what is happening. As a result, it's only

a matter of time until Soviet agents secretly replace the bombs

that have been secretly removed from the two reservoirs and the

lake in Westchester County--just as the Soviet Navy has always

replaced undersea missiles wherever they were picked up. By the

same token, bombs secretly removed by South Africa will

eventually be replaced.

The end of all this secret jockeying is demonstrated by the

current plight of the United States, and now Great Britain as

well. Over a year ago the United States Navy was forced to cease

and desist from removing each round of Soviet undersea missiles

from our territorial waters as they were planted. Now over 200

short-range Soviet nuclear missiles infest our territorial

waters, including over 50 in the Great Lakes. Great Britain held

out for a full year longer than the United States, but she too

has finally succumbed. For a year and more the Royal Navy kept

locating and extracting Soviet undersea missiles from her own

waters, but this fact unfortunately was never made public

officially. America's disastrous loss of the Space Battle of the

Harvest Moon in late September rendered the situation untenable,

and in early October British Foreign Minister David Owen went to

Moscow to capitulate; and now as a result, the British Isles are

surrounded by no fewer than 60 Soviet underwater missiles--52

around England, Wales, and Scotland, and 8 around Ireland. As in

August 1976, Great Britain is once again more densely targeted by

Soviet undersea missiles than any other spot on earth; and

Britain, the only other power to join the United States and the

Soviet Union in the so-called SALT talks, is now joining the

United States in the process of surrender through disarmament.

The badly weakened NATO Alliance is now in the process of being

neutralized and dismantled completely. For years the growing

might of the Warsaw Pact nations has been tipping the military

balance in Europe ever more heavily against NATO, but the process

that is now splitting and destroying NATO is not the Warsaw Pact

threat. The coup de grace is being delivered by the controlled

Carter administration. Obediently doing as it is told by the

Soviet Union, the Carter administration is abandoning NATO, and

the Europeans know it.

Very much the same process had been planned anyway under the

Rockefeller grand design that I've detailed for you in the past.

But now, since the Rockefeller plans unraveled in late September,

the Soviet Union is in control; and like a judo throw that

enables a person to use his opponent's strength to defeat him,

the Soviet Union is now using the Rockefeller brothers' own

machinations against them. NATO badly needs the ground-launched

Cruise Missile in order to offset the sheer numerical superiority

of Warsaw Pact forces. Originally, the Cruise Missile was

intended to be what is called a theater weapon, whether used in

the air, on the ground, or at sea. For that purpose the Cruise

Missile would be very useful; but in order to provide an excuse

for the scrapping of the B-1 Bomber, a true strategic weapon

system, the image of the Cruise Missile was upgraded to that of a

fearsome new strategic weapon, which it is not. And now, the

range of the Cruise Missile is being restricted in the SALT talks

so as to cripple its effectiveness. Our NATO allies are watching

helplessly as the Carter administration bargains away their

dwindling hopes for continued survival. The same is true of the

Neutron Bomb which has been given an image that makes it very

hard for European politicians to defend to its public. Yet NATO

military planners see it as the only effective way to erase the

ability of the Warsaw Pact to roll over their countries and

conquer them in a blitzkrieg. The massive armored might of the

Warsaw Pact forces would be neutralized by the Neutron Bomb

because the radiation it produces would penetrate the armor plate

and incapacitate or kill the crews inside, and they would not lay

waste their own countries in the process of defending them if the

Neutron Bombs were used. But Radio Moscow hammers away every day

against the Neutron Bomb, and the Carter administration is now

throwing away the right to give NATO the Neutron Bomb in the SALT

talks. Meanwhile the security of western Europe grows more

precarious by the day. Certain forces within the CIA have

already lit the fuse that is intended to make the Middle East

explode into war by programming President Sadat of Egypt to seek

a separate peace with Israel. At the same time, reports have

reached the West of a rare conference in Moscow of the Soviet

Union's top military leaders in Europe, the Far East, and around

the Soviet frontiers. The entire purpose of the conference was

to alert all Soviet forces to be on continuous alert to go to war

at a moment's notice.

Events are moving steadily forward to the stage of the

horrendous act of terrorism which I warned last March which will

throw all three major religions into turmoil while triggering a

war. Consider these words of Israeli Prime Minister Begin on

Sunday, December 18, just a few days ago. Appearing on the CBS

program "Face the Nation" Begin said, "If we reach an agreement,

as I hope we shall, then I would suggest that President Carter

invites both President Sadat and myself to come to Washington and

then we shall be, let me say, a cycle of friendship and faith--a

Christian President, a Moslem leader, and the Jewish Prime

Minister--and announce to the world 'Peace unto you.'"

When war comes in the Middle East, the Soviet Union now plans

to pick up all the pieces yet leave the United States to receive

the blame of world opinion for helping bring about the war. The

Carter administration is not master of its own house, and has now

been drawn into position of being a party to the separate peace

negotiations that are leading to war. Radio Moscow, meanwhile,

is speaking out continually against the treachery that has

divided the Arab world as never before. When the Middle East war

comes, it will cripple the heart of Europe which depends on the

Middle East for most of its oil. It will be the final straw for

western Europe, which will fall into Russia's hands like a ripe

plum, either by military invasion or by going the way of Finland

and tacitly joining the Soviet sphere of influence. Southern

Africa will be dealt a mortal blow as well, cut off from European

supplies and support and 90% of its oil from Iran. And the

Middle East itself, thanks to the unceasing Soviet denunciations

of what is happening now, will slip back under more complete

Soviet domination than ever before. It will be another Vietnam

for the United States, only far worse. NATO will be no more; and

after expending American lives and losing billions of military

hardware, America's only reward will be the fruits of a cut-off

of oil from the Middle East. Manipulation of the resulting

shortages will make them seem far worse than they really are, and

emergency economic controls will be imposed by our outlaw

government to grind us all down under ever more complete control.

My friends, the situation is grave. The only significant

reservoir of patriotism and loyalty to America that still exists

at the top levels of our government is in the ranks of the

military. In the Soviet underwater missile crisis of 1976, it

was the Joint Chiefs of Staff--not Congress and not the

President--who were responsible for preventing a nuclear Pearl

Harbor attack on America. General George S. Brown, the Chairman

of the Joint Chiefs, took action only within the constraints of

law, but it was he who argued mightily and successfully for

President Ford to overrule Henry Kissinger and give the order for

the Soviet missiles to be removed. The Kremlin can smell the

scent of victory and does not intend to be tripped up again, so

the Carter administration has been ordered by Russia to dismantle

the Joint Chiefs of Staff by making drastic changes that will

destroy its effectiveness. Preparations to do this are now

underway, and already articles critical of the Joint Chiefs are

appearing in order to prepare the public to accept any such

change without giving it a second thought. If anything at all is

to be done to arrest the headlong tumble of our country into

disaster, it will have to include superb strategy and expert

coordination of our weakened military forces. Once the Joint

Chiefs of Staff structure is gone, that chance will be gone with

it. But unless the "Wait and See" attitude of many Americans

changes very quickly, the Joint Chiefs of Staff are finished.


My friends, recently I have challenged the four Rockefeller

brothers, now that their grand plan has been upset by the Soviet

Union, to turn over a new leaf. I have urged them to cast their

lot with us, the people of the United States of America, and to

begin using their wealth and resources for the good of us all.

Even at this late date a sincere new beginning might enable their

names to go down in history with honor instead of with a curse;

but I must tell you now, my friends, that we have their answer.

I have told you in the past about the role of the Rockefeller

empire in helping to finance the Bolshevik Revolution to take

over Russia in 1917, and I have told you about the

Rockefeller-Soviet alliance that grew out of that, and since the

spring of 1976 I have been chronicling for you the collapse of

this alliance in mutual double-cross. What an earlier

Rockefeller generation spawned has gotten out of control of the

third generation. But having learned nothing from this, the four

Rockefeller brothers are now preparing to attempt a repeat

performance--that is, a new Bolshevik Revolution right here in

the United States of America.

Last month I let you in on the secret of understanding the

Kremlin today. The Kremlin is now run, not by the atheistic

Communists known as Bolsheviks but self-proclaimed Spiritual

Communists. Unlike the old Bolsheviks, who were always

internationally minded and cooperated with the Rockefeller

empire, the Spiritual Communists are strong nationalists who want

Soviet Russia to rule the world. As the alliance between the

Rockefellers and the Soviets has been disintegrating, so too has

the internal alliance between the old Bolsheviks and Spiritual

Communists in Russia. More and more the old Bolsheviks are being

expelled from Russia, only to be welcomed into the United States

with open arms; and the key federal regulatory agencies which

govern Americans' lives and commerce are rapidly being packed

with hundreds and hundreds of these arrivals from the Soviet

Union. Just as outsiders sealed Russia's fate in 1917, the stage

is being set here and now in the United States for a new

Bolshevik Revolution. The old Bolsheviks flooding into our

country from the Soviet Union are bitter enemies of the current

regime in Russia. The positions of power and control which they

once enjoyed there have been lost. The Rockefeller brothers too

are now the Kremlin's bitter enemies, so the alliance between

them is a natural one, continuing in fact, an alliance that used

to link Washington and Moscow. The Rockefellers believe that the

flood of Bolsheviks into our government is the fastest way they

have of rooting out the large number of Soviet agents whom they

placed in our government in the first place and who still take

their orders from Moscow. But, my friends, this unholy alliance

within our own land, while it is directed against Russia, is also

directed against you and me. The freedom we love, our

Constitution, our entire way of life is to be destroyed and

replaced by the Bolshevik system of total control over our lives.

My friends, this is hardly the kind of message that I enjoy

recording just three days before celebrating the birth of our

Lord, Jesus the Christ, but it is He who said, " shall know

the truth, and the truth shall make you free." (John 8:32) And

my Christmas wish for you and your loved ones is FREEDOM, now and

in the future. Without truth, freedom is impossible, but it is

easy to be free once you know the Truth.

Until next month, God willing, this is Dr. Beter. Thank you,

and may God bless and protect each and every one of you.

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