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What Could the US Do to Stop a North Korean ICBM Attack?

The Unhived Mind

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January 30, 2016theunhivedmind One comment

What Could the US Do to Stop a North Korean ICBM Attack? © AP Photo/ TPX IMAGES

01:52 30.01.2016(updated 06:26 30.01.2016) Get short URL

The United States could employ a multifaceted missile defense system to defeat an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) launched by North Korea, which is reported to be testing a long-range missile soon.

Citing an unnamed government official, Japan’s Kyodo news agency this week reported that satellite imagery appears to show North Korea preparing to launch a long-range missile from its Tongchang-ri test site.

North Korea could use the same technology to develop an ICBM capable of reaching major cities in the continental United States. Pyongyang has bragged that it already has the capability to miniaturize a nuclear weapon to fit atop an ICBM – an assessment with which some US military officials agree.

US Senator Cory Gardner, a Colorado Republican, told Sputnik News that the reported missile tests are an attempt by North Korea to prove that it has the ability to launch a missile across the Pacific at the United States.

If North Korea did launch an ICBM, the United States could turn to the Missile Defense Agency’s Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD). The system has the ability to destroy a limited number of incoming missiles in space. There are 30 interceptors currently in place between military bases in Alaska and California, with plans to add an additional 14.

The GMD was tested as recently as this month, but questions about its reliability persist.

The chief of US Pacific Command, Admiral Harry Harris, on Wednesday called for placing an Aegis Ashore system on the Hawaiian Islands.

“I’ve gone on record as talking about the Aegis Ashore facility in Hawaii. My point on that is it is something that we should consider,” Harris told an audience at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, DC.

He also said that the US Army should permanently base a terminal high altitude area defense (THAAD) battery in Guam in case of a North Korean attack. Such a weapon, which can intercept missiles inside and outside the Earth’s atmosphere, would also be useful against Chinese missiles. Eventually, a THAAD battery could also be stationed in South Korea.


January 30, 2016 at 9:33 am

Always remember my warnings which I’ve given for over a decade. I’ve warned you that North Korea may well be the excuse to bring about a military conscription. Most of the conscripted troops will be sent to the Middle East or Europe depending on the war theaters at the time. The herd will not be happy being conscripted for Middle East wars and similar. The herd may well be easily fooled into the Draft if North Korea is presented as the boogeyman. How will this be achieved? A provocation by the Department of Defense towards North Korea but more than likely a false-flag. How? The DOD will wait till a missile test firing date (for perfect cover) or even before then fire a missile towards Alaska and blame North Korea. I’ve said this many times and you must never forget my words because it may soon come true. Please be aware that North Korea is supposedly soon going to fire a long-distance missile, will it be a false flag on the U.S. or even Japan? Or will the DOD wait a while so they can condition you to believing NK can hit far targets, then as World War 3 gets even closer (May-Oct 2017?) they play out their twisted fantasy.


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