So, what mischief was our Supreme Court up to over the Christmas Holiday?
----- Original Message ----From: FTo:Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2009 4:46 PMSubject: So, what mischief was our Supreme Court up to over the Christmas Holiday?Hey folks. I hope you had a great Christmas. While you were shopping, opening presents and having a wonderful time with family and friends, would you care to know what your US Supreme Court was doing? The US Supreme Court, the highest court of justice and fairness and conscious in our land, made the following Court ruling regarding any person deemed an "enemy combatant": "torture is an ordinary and expected consequence of military detention." Basically, the US Supreme Court ruled that torture is perfectly fine by them.OK, so you may take the often-said "I don't care"or "it does not concern or impact me" approach as so many will take, but I ask you to consider the facts surrounding this ruling and the fact that indeed, chickens do eventually come home to roost. It was within the first couple months of taking office that the Department of Homeland Security chief Janet Nepolitano declared that everyone in the United States ranging from tax protestors to returning veterans, pro-life advocates to anti-illegal immigration advocates, from 2nd Amendment advocates to those who advocate states' rights and so many more, are now deemed terrorist suspects. They even said if you voted for a 3rd party candidate, you were on the list. I would venture that within the several classes of person's mentioned in the DHS memo, at least 80% of Americans fit into at least two of the above-referenced categories, or maybe more. So, how far of a leap is it really for a corrupt government to change your status - you, perhaps a person critical of the corruption - from terrorist suspect to enemy combatant by arresting you and holding you without trial as has been done numerous times already?
Of course, the government can conveniently deem you an enemy combatant, arrest you, and refuse to give you due process because now, enemy combatants are those who are entitled to zero writ of habeas corpus. In other words, that great principle that our forefathers fought and died for, the right to seek a court’s order for the release from jail if the government doesn’t act in a timely manner to accuse you of a specific crime and give fair process, so as to argue your case before a judge and jury, is no longer available. The writ of habeas corpus insures that you are not just being held in prison indefinitely and tortured because you are of a different political position, some politician or banker with friends does not like you, or that you are a person of freedom and justice and you openly opposes corrupt government. Needless to say, this principle has been at the very heart of our liberties from oppressive government since the time the constitution was drafted.So, what has history proven that corrupt governments do when their out of control corruption brings the risk of politicians and power brokers facing justice from their own people? They have used the military to oppress their people and often, foreign troops. Might you wonder why multitudes of UN troops are actively engaging in exercises on our own soil - martial law exercises on our own soil?Let us not forget, America just experienced the greatest levels of corruption by its’ government and Wall Street and the banks in recent history, than ever before, and it is very possible that we may be just about ready to feel the brunt of this unprecedented theft on our economy. Huge tax protests have been a result, massive discontent with the government is rampant in America, the economy is in disarray, politicians have become totally non-responsive to the will of the people, and perhaps most disconcerting, the derivatives bubble has yet to burst, namely, the impact of hundreds of trillions of dollars (the real number is likely well over one quadrillion) in counterfeits and bogus IOU’s may be on the verge of exploding onto the scene of our economy.Now ask yourself why our president just gave the UN Troops complete immunity (unconstitutional abuse of executive branch power) from criminal and civil prosecution for all acts done while working on our soil? Our own government officials do not even have such power and immunity, and American troops do not have it on other nations’ soil, why on earth would you give such status to Russian, Syrian, Chinese, British, Mexican, German, and other nations’ troops - people who care not and know not about our constitution and the protections it provides for we the people?Could you imagine what would have happened if George Washington would have both welcomed in and given the British forces immunity to do as they wished on our soil? UN Troops are not our pals, they consist of foreign troops, pledging loyalty to the UN, a body of political shills created and funded by whom? Yes, the international banking elites - the same ones who just robbed our nation of hundreds of trillions or more, and the lineage of the same bankers that our founding fathers fought against for independence over 200 years ago.Are you seeing anything suspicious yet folks? Are you going to continue to be a blind follower of one political party - right or left - or one particular politician or family of politicians, even though it is obvious they have all sold us down the river? Are you seeking the TRUTH and the survival of America instead of promoting your particular political position - a political position that from either the elitists-engineered right or left has proven itself to be a failure in this nation. Come on people, freedom is slipping away, like sand slipping away through our fingers. What to do? At the very least, start to really care and educate yourself about what is really going on - not just taking the liars on the media and in DC at face value. Do it for your own nation, and do it for your yourselves - even if to best protect your own family from what appears to be unavoidable future events.