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Honor Killing Or Barbaric Crime? Video
Kawther Salam
The horrific “honor” killing of Aya Al-Baradeih, the university student from Surif near Hebron at the hands of a gang affiliated to the Hamas and led by her uncle, is not the first crime of its kind in Palestine. 23 Palestinian women were killed for “honor” since the beginnings of 2011, among them were 9 women from Hebron.
On May 6 2011, the body of Ayah Al-Baradeih, a 20-year-old Palestinian woman, English literature student in the third year at Hebron University, a noble-minded and liberated woman, and an activist in the field of democracy, was found dropped in a well on the top of a hill of Surif town. The well is located just three kilometers from Al-Baradeih’s house. Surif is a beautiful town that extends on the slopes of the hills of the mountains to the northwest of Hebron city. Ayah was disappeared on April 20 2010. Her family informed the police three hours after she did not return home.
June 1, 2011