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Use Discernment on the Message and then watch the VIDEO

From: LS

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I realize that the one who sent this out was messenger. In that message posted today a suggestion of....tag and release? anyone who does what is portrayed in the video below poses danger to the likes of those they have already abused.... I'm just the messenger. I would say a 'tag and release' program is designed by those who only wish to have their hands slapped. It makes me wonder if this suggestion was posted by the Wednesday guy who wears the green beanie hat with the propeller on it. LS "We have reached the end of our journey. There are so many arrests that are going on behind the scenes that you can't see. Frankly, I was personally involved one of the first "Take Downs" that netted 60,000 pedophiles and Cabal scum all over the planet. Since then there have been several operations, each one coming closer and closer to the public take downs. It is the "Public Take Downs" that I was talking about that you would see on TV. When you see that, "The Big Distraction" you will know it is all over. Like it or not, most of them will be released back into society after they sign certain documents and agree under VERY strict penalty, to NEVER harm Humanity in any way for the rest of their lives. It is sort of a "Tag and Release" of Cabal minions since they really pose no danger since the heads of the Cabal snakes are being removed from the Planet or incarcerated in deep isolation."