BREAKING: White Women in Britain ‘no longer safe’ as Asian Sex Gangs Run Amok
from a number of newspaper reports
“White women are no longer safe in our Western homelands. They are living in the shadow of terror. Our countries are being invaded…”
convicted of rape, inciting prostitution, and supplying drugs
to underage white girls in Newcastle, England
“All white women are good for one thing, for men like me to FUCK and use as trash, that is all women like you are worth.” — Badrul Hussain, age 37, top row, third from left. (Click to expand)
Left to right, row by row, starting top left: Abdul Sabe, Habibur Rahim, Badrul Hussain, Abdul Hamid Minoyee, Jahanger Zaman, Monjur Choudhury, Taherul Alon, Mohammed Ali, Nadeem Aslam, Mohammed Azram, Yassar Hussain, Saiful Islam, Eisa Mousavi, Prabhat Nelli, Mohibur Rahman, Nashir Uddin, Redwan Siddquee, Carolann Gallon.
The Newcastle sex abuse ring were a gang of seventeen men and a woman who sexually abused adolescent girls and young women from 2010-2014 in Newcastle upon Tyne after plying them with alcohol and drugs. Most of the men were of Pakistani, Indian, or Bangla Deshi origin and belonged to the Muslim community. All of them were born and raised in Britain, giving rise to angry comments, seldom reported, about the long-term failure of assimilation and the need to stem the flood of bogus “refugees” from Third World countries who are contributing to this new epidemic of sex crime.
“There has been no political correctness here,” a police spokesman said. “These are criminals and there has been no hesitation in arresting them and targeting them using all the means at our disposal.”
In a shocking case reminiscent of the Rotherham child sex abuse ring, British police say they have made 461 arrests and have identified at least 278 victims of a massive sex, prostitution, and drug ring. Of those arrested, authorities have tried 26 defendants.
The BBC reports that most of those convicted so far of serious charges are “Asian,” the British term for those from the Middle East, Pakistan and India.
As a result of a massive ongoing investigation the police have named “Operation Sanctuary,” one British woman and a total of 17 men have been convicted of rape, conspiracy to incite prostitution, and illegally supplying drugs. The men, BBC notes, were from the “Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Indian, Iraqi, Iranian and Turkish communities and mainly British-born, with most living in the West End of Newcastle.”
The convictions came after four trials involving 26 defendants facing over 100 charges for actions against 22 young female victims — some as young as 14 — and whom the prosecution described as “vulnerable” and “at-risk.” A total of 20 of the victims gave evidence. The heinous series of crimes were committed between 2011 and 2014.
Of the 26, three people have been jailed. The rest will be sentenced next month.
BBC describes how the shocking sex and drug trafficking ring operated:
The victims were at first flattered by the attention of the men who apparently befriended them, but were then lured to parties, known as “sessions”, by the promise of alcohol and drugs — often mephedrone (or M-Kat), Newcastle Crown Court heard.
Bags of M-Kat were left on coffee tables for the girls to help themselves. The prosecution said they became the “vulnerable victims of an organised, cynical, systematic organisation in which they were passed between their abusers.”
The victims described being lured into sex “sessions” through drugs and alcohol. Some of the victims became addicted to the drugs, for which they were coerced to perform sex acts to receive them from the men. At times, one said, they would be “too intoxicated” to resist being raped. One girl described meeting a frightened woman whom she believed to be a sex slave and another described being locked into a room and forced to have sex in order to leave.
The Daily Mail notes that at least one of the men convicted appeared to have been partly motivated by anti-white racism:
The court heard that one of the men convicted, 37-year-old Badrul Hussain, was heard telling a ticket collector on the Tyne and Wear Metro: “All white women are good for one thing, for men like me to FUCK and use as trash, that is all women like you are worth.”
says all white women are “trash”,
good for only one thing — “for men like me to FUCK!”
“These were vile crimes committed by evil men,” said Council leader Nick Forbes. “The victims have been brave beyond belief.”
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The vulnerable victims, some as young as 14, were exploited by a “cynical organisation”, the court was told. Over the course of four trials, 20 young women gave evidence covering a period from 2011 to 2014. These trials involved 26 defendants facing a total of more than 100 charges and 22 victims.
Of the 26, three people have been jailed. The rest will be sentenced next month. It also emerged during the court process that police paid a convicted child rapist £10,000 as an informant.
The victims were at first flattered by the attention of the men who apparently “befriended” them, but were then lured to parties, known as “sessions”, by the promise of alcohol and drugs – often mephedrone (or M-Kat), Newcastle Crown Court heard.
Bags of M-Kat were left on coffee tables for the girls to help themselves. The prosecution said they became the “vulnerable victims of an organised, cynical, systematic organisation in which they were passed between their abusers.” Some spoke of being “too intoxicated” to defend themselves, while others became addicted and had to commit sexual acts in return for drugs.
One victim said she had attended about 60 parties and another told of going to an address where there were two older men and a woman, who seemed “frightened and scared, like a slave”. She added: “They told us what she would do for them for money and drugs or she’d get battered.”
Another victim said: “I knew that if we wanted drugs or alcohol we would have to do something.
The girls were usually too drunk to resist their attackers. They were often locked in rooms without food or water and told that the only way they would be let out was by offering sex — not just to one man but to as many as wished to “fuck” her.
Already hooked on hard drugs with which they had been hopelessly enslaved, and suffering acute withdrawal symptoms, the underage white girls, some as young as 14, knew that the only way to survive was to open their legs to an endless queue of Asian rapists lining up to take their pleasure.
The investigation is ongoing and to date has resulted in 461 arrests. Police have spoken to 703 potential complainants and 278 victims have been identified.
Sarah (not her real name) was 19, extremely vulnerable and unable to look after herself. Along with other at-risk teenagers she was regularly abused by older men. In the new year of 2014, Sarah told the police she had been raped by Abdul Minoyee. A police officer took Sarah on a tour of the West End to try identify Minoyee’s house and car and other places where these “parties” had taken place. (Mugshot of Abdul Minoyee).
Sarah’s information was a red flag — the abuse was on a much bigger scale.
The detective in charge of Sarah’s case told his bosses that what she had said signalled something much bigger. Days later the officer’s hunch was given added weight when two girls in care reported that they had been repeatedly raped by a group of older Asian men. The girls were aged 14 and 15.
They described being driven into Newcastle where they were plied with alcohol and cocaine before being raped and beaten by several men. They were given money before being returned home.
Chief Constable Steve Ashman said: “We will not stop.”
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Today public hand-wringing was much in evidence as one former Crown Prosecution Service chief admitted authorities looked the other way for fear of looking racist.
Shadow women and equalities secretary Sarah Champion claimed Asian grooming gangs were allowed to thrive because people are “more afraid to be called a ‘racist’ than they are afraid to be wrong about calling out child abuse”.
The Labour MP for Rotherham said it was time to acknowledge that the “majority of perpetrators have been British-Pakistani” in the towns where such grooming cases have occurred.
Grisly and heartbreaking details of how the 17 men routinely abused white girls emerged from the court case. The jury heard that one girl was taken from her home and repeatedly raped by men as if they were in a “relay race”.
The girl told the court how she would regularly be supplied with cash, cigarettes and drugs in exchange for sex. She spoke of how she would be picked up in a Mercedes from the children’s home where she was living and taken to flats in Newcastle to be used by anyone who wanted her.
John Elvedge QC, prosecuting, told the court how during one attack she was high on cocaine while men took turns to have sex with her under a Kurdish flag.
The older Asian men, often married and with children of their own, preyed on immature white teenagers who were plied with cocaine, cannabis, alcohol or mephedrone. The girls and women were then raped or persuaded into having sexual activity. Those prosecuted were from the Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Indian, Iraqi, Iranian and Turkish communities and mainly British-born.
The sex ring was exposed when two women spoke to the authorities in 2013 and within weeks police had made 27 arrests under an investigation which became known as Operation Shelter.
There was no suggestion the victims were working as prostitutes or were paid. John Elvidge QC, who prosecuted the cases, said girls were exploited ruthlessly.
Summing up the final trial, he said: “This was a section of young women who were tricked into believing they were in the company of friends. They were groomed and lulled into trusting those who would ultimately abuse them.”
One girl described how a victim was demeaned in a flat in Newcastle’s West End. She told the jury: “She seemed scared. She came into the room where I was and the men were treating her like a slave. They were dropping things on the floor on purpose to make her pick them up.”
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Mephedrone, the drug on which the underage girls were deliberately hooked by this Asian gang, is a stimulant of the amphetamine class. Slang names include drone, M-CAT, White Magic, and meow meow. It comes in the form of tablets or a powder, which users can swallow, snort or inject, producing similar effects to MDMA (ecstasy) or cocaine, i.e., euphoria combined with powerful sexual stimulation, making it the ideal aphrodisiac for sex slaves.
Curiously enough, mephedrone produces another remarkable side effect in its victims. The most commonly reported one, apart from euphoria and sexual mania, is teeth grinding. This combination of side effects is too bizarre to imagine, but this is what one seems to end up with: an underage “nymphomaniac” in her early teens, forced to have sex with an endless queue of Asiatic abusers — and grinding her teeth while being raped.
White women are no longer safe in our Western homelands. They are living in the shadow of terror. Our countries are being invaded by the hordes of the Third World, sealing our doom.
As Nero fiddled while Rome burned, our politicians sit on their hands and do nothing to save us from this unspeakable calamity.