Tired of Drug Ads on TV?
Liz Foley
Dear -----,
It seems like every day there's another TV ad about a new (and usually expensive) drug for our most common complaints--
The ads work. Millions of people see an ad on TV, go to their doctor, and ask for a new drug. As these millions start to take the medication, new side effects often emerge.
Let's turn these drug ads from a problem to a solution.
Few who suffer side effects know where to report their problems, and fewer still know that the FDA needs this information to get dangerous medicines off the market.
There is a simple solution--but the drug companies don't like it. The FDA has a special toll-free number to report drug side effects, but few know about it. So, let's provide the FDA's 1-800 number in every TV drug ad. The toll free number is: 1-800-FDA-1088.
Sign our petition to do just that. We hope to send 50,000 signatures to the FDA at the end of the month.
When Congress passed landmark drug safety legislation last fall, it considered this idea, but ultimately lawmakers agreed to only publish the 1-800 number only in print ads.
The drug company lobbyists know that most people see drug ads on TV. And when they suffer a side effect, those TV ads can become the most effective way to let the FDA know there's a problem. So take a moment to sign our petition, and ask your friends and family to do the same.
A project of Consumers Union
101 Truman Ave.
Yonkers, NY 10703