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Mercola's Request to Reform the FDA with Comments by Patrick McGean

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From: patrick mcgean
To: Joe Mercola
Cc: patrick bellringer
Sent: Friday, February 06, 2009 11:19 AM
Subject: :SPAM: Mercola's request to reform the FDA

Here’s Your Chance to Change the FDA - I Need Your Help on This One

Dr. Joe Mercola, with comments by Patrick McGean

In November 2007, a 60-page report titled “FDA Science and Mission at Risk” was released by the FDA. In this report, the agency admitted that it lacks the competency and capacity to keep up with scientific advances.

The scientific revolution gave us a way to communicate in writing to avoid the making same mistakes, the FDA needs not only to read but speak with researchers as fellow scientists not “Cops.”

The FDA now admits that Americans are suffering and dying because the FDA does not have the scientific ability to ascertain if new drugs are safe or effective or to evaluate scientific claims.

We Americans are suffering because the FDA, the medical and the pharmaceutical industries have ignored the causes of our declining epidemiology in favor or treating the symptoms, over and over again, a prescribed addition.

These failures affect the health of all Americans. Good drugs are not approved or approved after interminable delays. Even after new drugs are shown to be safe, doctors cannot use them with terminally ill patients whose cases are otherwise hopeless. Bad drugs are approved -- often on the basis of a recommendation by panels whose members include drug company consultants.

The cause, there is always a cause.  The laws of thermodynamics give evidence that every thing we do as a result.  No chemicals ( incomplete chemical concoctions ) for use in a miraculous organism designed to function with the stuff

we were made of and nothing more.

The record with the food supply is almost as bad as with drugs. When fresh food turns out to be contaminated, the only solution the Agency can come up with is to "nuke" it with radiation. What does this do to food? The FDA certainly does not know.

This is the simple part but it requires dedication to our future generations or there won’t be any future generation because there won’t be any breathable air on the entire planet.   Rather than nuke our food killing many of the micro organisms necessary for life we could grow “healthy” organic food locally so that nuclear warfare on our food will not be necessary.


No chemicals added to anything.  No to our soil, our water. our food, and especially our air.  Now is the time to end our burning of any fossil fuels.  We are at a critical point where the high altitude emissions of our burning will block the solar energy of which all other energy is derived.  The result will be just like “nuclear winter.”

The FDA pushes forward, approving faulty and dangerous drugs and medical devices by the thousands and approving toxic chemicals for use in baby formula, baby bottles, and prescription drugs. Meanwhile, the FDA pursues what can only be described as a harassment campaign against those who want to rely on wholesome foods, dietary supplements, and lifestyle changes to achieve natural good health.


Joe, we spend the money, we have the power, boycott is not a racial idiom.  We are what we eat, breathe and drink.  If we would drink in the knowledge of the basics of life we would not “buy” any food that had been altered or “improved.”

A veritable revolution is taking place in the science of food, food extracts, and food supplements. Food producers would like to tell the American public about it. Millions of lives could be saved as a result. But the FDA will not permit it. The Agency ignores first amendment protections and censors the communication of valid scientific information.


The revolution of knowledge cannot be twisted due to the greed of industry.  The Medical Pharmaceutical complex is much more insidious than the Military Industrial complex President Eisenhower

warned us as he left office.  First do no harm, has been replaced with don’t do anything without an insurance code.  Treatment of symptoms is not addressing the cause of disease and reversing the process.

We are what we eat.

The epidemics currently plaguing this country -- cancer, obesity, diabetes, asthma and allergies, and many other debilitating disorders -- are linked to manmade products and processes that the FDA has approved and promoted. These failures have resulted in the sickest generation in the history of this country. The agency seems to have lost sight of its mandate to protect the public and has instead come to see itself as the guardian of corporate interests. It is time to end the many conflicts of interest linking the FDA to the pharmaceutical and chemical industries, conflicts of interest that betray the public and harm so many American consumers.


For the last ten years our Study has been adding sulfur in the diets of our Study members.

80% of our Study members are no longer taking the drugs advertised on the Tube once their mineral deficiency was addressed.  

We believe that 90% of the worlds population is sulfur deficient thanks to the chemical fertilizers approved by the same FDA before they were mandated in 1954.

It is time to reform the FDA!  It is time to radically change the agency which told us cigarette smoke was not harmful, that Vioox was safe, and all of the other sound bites fed to them by the researchers paid by the drug and tobacco companies. 


End the madness, a poison is a any thing taken which results in death.  Chemicals synthetically engineered which are not bio available and become waste within our bodies and plug up the works, whether vascular, cellular or lymphatic we are all about plumbing, plug up you “air ducts” and see how well you breathe.

Patrick McGean


Live Blood and Cellular Matrix Study ( established 1999 )

Body Human Project


To persuade Congress to address the comprehensive failure of the FDA, the American Association for Health Freedom has drafted a petition to reform the FDA.

Simply go to and add your signature.