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Urgent: The Single Payer Moment Is NOW, If Only We Will Speak Out

The Pen

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----- Original Message -----
From: "The Pen" <>
Sent: Friday, July 24, 2009 6:30 AM
Subject: Urgent: The Single Payer Moment Is NOW, If Only We Will Speak Out
We have a new "Single Payer Health Care" cap to mobilize the final  push for real health care reform. But first ...

Last night at his prime time health care news conference, President  Obama finally admitted what we have known all along.

"I want to cover everybody. Now, the truth is that unless you have a  -- what's called a single-payer system, in which everybody's  automatically covered, then you're probably not going to reach every  single individual."

There it is folks. Only single payer can fix the ills with our health  care system. He also talked about the critical importance of  "eliminating waste". Only single payer effectively does that, by

cutting out the massive overhead waste (31%) by paper churning  insurance industry bureaucrats, who line their own pockets to provide  LESS health care with the available resources.

Single Payer Action Page:

This is the single payer moment. We have enough Democrats alone to  pass it. So why hasn't it been signed into law yet?

Why not a single payer system? Because the big insurance and drug  companies don't want that? Oh, really?? What about what we the people  want? What about what would be best for America? We need to tell our  members of Congress what we want, keep telling them, and remind them  that we told them.

So please submit the action page above. And when do you will have an  opportunity from the return page to get one of the NEW "Single Payer  Health Care" caps, touting the concept with the PEOPLE's talking  points, that it is the "economical and efficient" way to go.

It is time for us to seize control of the media marketing of  political policy. And with this new cap you can spread the meme that  single payer is not a "risky experiment" or "socialized medicine" or

"rationing care" or any of the other cheap shot smears that the right  wing has tried to pass off lately as a policy debate. No, the words  that need to come out of our mouth are "economical and efficient" and  then all will know what single payer is REALLY about.

You can request the new single payer cap, or another activist gift,  directly from this page

Progressive Activist Gift Page:

And yes, you can also respond to this action through the new Twitter  gateway. Just send the following Twitter reply, and add any personal  comment you like.

@cxs #p998

And if you want a step by step explanation of how to set up the  Twitter thing here is the link for that.

Twitter Activism Step-By-Step:

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed  to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible.