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Nov. 9, 2009

On Saturday, November 7, 2009, 11:11 PM Eastern, 220 Congress persons (219 Democrats and one Republican) passed the H.R. bill 3962, (220 for, 215 opposed) a Federally-mandated universal healthcare plan for 96% of all Americans, which, if signed into law, would abolish our freedom to chose our own health care plans, etc. by penalty of massive fines and/or incarceration.   
The only good thing that happened regarding this bill, in my opinion, was that the Stupak Amendment to HR 3962, Rev 108, a Pro-Life amendment to remove abortion funding from the healthcare bill, passed with 240 votes for and 194 opposed.  The ironic twist to this is that H.R. 3962 would not have had the votes to pass had the "anti-abortion amendment" not passed.  Do those "Blue Dog" Democrats know how to pass a piece of crap through, or what? 
For those who oppose this bill, I suggest printing out the following list of those Congress persons who voted for the passage of this bill, put the list in a folder labeled CONGRESSIONAL ELECTION 2010, store it in a safe place until next year's Election, and vote your conscience.  If you don't see your Congress person on this list, he opposed this bill, and you want to thank him for his integrity in standing up for our Constitutional rights and freedoms.
The following is a reminder of the evil of voted-in abortion, (murder of the innocent, unborn, human being of God) a law which our nation continues to allow.

"In the Bible of the "so-called" Christians, this law is written simply as "Thou Shalt Not Kill" which leaves room for misun­derstanding of interpreta­tion.  What this law means is you shall not WISH death upon another human being of God in YOUR THOUGHTS as well as you shall not commit physical murder of another human.

...Oh yes, and for those of you who label yourselves "Feminists" and "Pro-Choice" which usually means PRO-MURDER of one of GOD’s children, re­member this: THERE ARE NO ACCI­DENTAL PREGNANCIES.  If you be­come pregnant, which is being the vehicle for one of God’s new creations, CHOOSING an abortion because of YOUR selfish and irre­sponsible sexual be­havior IS STILL MURDER any way you look at it.  Remem­ber you each are given, along with your "Free Will", PER­SONAL RESPONSIBILITY for all of your thoughts, words, deeds and actions.  There are definitely many possibly undesir­able "effects" to illicit and wanton, lustful sexual activity.  Pregnancy and Disease are two obvious results which do and have occurred more often than not.

Now, IF a woman is forcefully and violently RAPED against her will and becomes preg­nant, then SHE must commune with God within her as to whether or not HE will terminate the pregnancy.  So it will not be HER "altered" ego choice or will but THE FATHER’S WILL WITHIN HER WILL BE DONE.  This is usually what a miscarriage is, THE FA­THER’S WILL.  No ONE else will make this decision for HER, ONLY THE FATHER WITHIN HER!"


* * *


House Vote 887 - H.R.3962: On Passage Affordable Health Care for America Act

Nov 7, 2009 ... Keep track of congressional roll call votes and members' most recent positions on roll call votes.
  • Result: Passed by 5 votes
  • Date of Vote: November 7, 2009
  • Roll Call Number: 887

House Vote 887 - H.R.3962: On Passage Affordable Health Care for America Act.

Complete Roll Call

Yes Votes (220)

Member Party Dist.
Neil Abercrombie D HI-1
Gary L. Ackerman D NY-5
Robert E. Andrews D NJ-1
Michael Arcuri D NY-24
Xavier Becerra D CA-31
Howard L. Berman D CA-28
Marion Berry D AR-1
Sanford D. Bishop Jr. D GA-2
Earl Blumenauer D OR-3
Leonard L. Boswell D IA-3
Corrine Brown D FL-3
Robert A. Brady D PA-1
Tammy Baldwin D WI-2
Shelley Berkley D NV-1
Joe Baca D CA-43
Timothy H. Bishop D NY-1
G. K. Butterfield D NC-1
Melissa Bean D IL-8
Bruce Braley D IA-1
James E. Clyburn D SC-6
John Conyers Jr. D MI-14
Jim Cooper D TN-5
Jerry F. Costello D IL-12
Elijah E. Cummings D MD-7
Lois Capps D CA-23
Michael E. Capuano D MA-8
Joseph Crowley D NY-7
William Lacy Clay D MO-1
Dennis Cardoza D CA-18
Jim Costa D CA-20
Russ Carnahan D MO-3
Emanuel Cleaver II D MO-5
Henry Cuellar D TX-28
Christopher Carney D PA-10
Kathy Castor D FL-11
Yvette Clarke D NY-11
Steve Cohen D TN-9
Joe Courtney D CT-2
André Carson D IN-7
Gerald E. Connolly D VA-11
Anh Cao R LA-2
Judy Chu D CA-32
Danny K. Davis D IL-7
Peter A. DeFazio D OR-4
Diana DeGette D CO-1
Bill Delahunt D MA-10
Rosa DeLauro D CT-3
Norman D. Dicks D WA-6
John D. Dingell D MI-15
Lloyd Doggett D TX-25
Mike Doyle D PA-14
Susan A. Davis D CA-53
Joe Donnelly D IN-2
Kathy Dahlkemper D PA-3
Steve Driehaus D OH-1
Eliot L. Engel D NY-17
Anna G. Eshoo D CA-14
Bob Etheridge D NC-2
Keith Ellison D MN-5
Brad Ellsworth D IN-8
Donna Edwards D MD-4
Sam Farr D CA-17
Chaka Fattah D PA-2
Bob Filner D CA-51
Barney Frank D MA-4
Bill Foster D IL-14
Marcia L. Fudge D OH-11
Gene Green D TX-29
Luis V. Gutierrez D IL-4
Charlie Gonzalez D TX-20
Raúl M. Grijalva D AZ-7
Al Green D TX-9
Gabrielle Giffords D AZ-8
Alan Grayson D FL-8
John Garamendi D CA-10
Jane Harman D CA-36
Alcee L. Hastings D FL-23
Maurice D. Hinchey D NY-22
Rubén Hinojosa D TX-15
Steny H. Hoyer D MD-5
Baron P. Hill D IN-9
Rush Holt D NJ-12
Michael M. Honda D CA-15
Brian Higgins D NY-27
John Hall D NY-19
Phil Hare D IL-17
Mazie K. Hirono D HI-2
Paul W. Hodes D NH-2
Debbie Halvorson D IL-11
Martin Heinrich D NM-1
Jim Himes D CT-4
Jay Inslee D WA-1
Steve Israel D NY-2
Sheila Jackson-Lee D TX-18
Eddie Bernice Johnson D TX-30
Jesse L. Jackson Jr. D IL-2
Hank Johnson D GA-4
Paul E. Kanjorski D PA-11
Marcy Kaptur D OH-9
Patrick J. Kennedy D RI-1
Dale E. Kildee D MI-5
Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick D MI-13
Ron Kind D WI-3
Steve Kagen D WI-8
Ron Klein D FL-22
Ann Kirkpatrick D AZ-1
Mary Jo Kilroy D OH-15
Sander M. Levin D MI-12
John Lewis D GA-5
Zoe Lofgren D CA-16
Nita M. Lowey D NY-18
Barbara Lee D CA-9
John B. Larson D CT-1
Jim Langevin D RI-2
Rick Larsen D WA-2
Stephen F. Lynch D MA-9
Daniel Lipinski D IL-3
Dave Loebsack D IA-2
Ben Ray Lujan D NM-3
Carolyn B. Maloney D NY-14
Edward J. Markey D MA-7
Carolyn McCarthy D NY-4
Jim McGovern D MA-3
Jim McDermott D WA-7
George Miller D CA-7
Alan B. Mollohan D WV-1
James P. Moran D VA-8
John P. Murtha D PA-12
Gregory W. Meeks D NY-6
Dennis Moore D KS-3
Betty McCollum D MN-4
Kendrick B. Meek D FL-17
Michael H. Michaud D ME-2
Brad Miller D NC-13
Gwen Moore D WI-4
Doris Matsui D CA-5
Jerry McNerney D CA-11
Harry E. Mitchell D AZ-5
Patrick J. Murphy D PA-8
Christopher S. Murphy D CT-5
Dan Maffei D NY-25
Jerrold Nadler D NY-8
Richard E. Neal D MA-2
Grace F. Napolitano D CA-38
James L. Oberstar D MN-8
David R. Obey D WI-7
John W. Olver D MA-1
Solomon P. Ortiz D TX-27
Bill Owens D NY-23
Frank Pallone D NJ-6
Bill Pascrell Jr. D NJ-8
Ed Pastor D AZ-4
Donald M. Payne D NJ-10
Nancy Pelosi D CA-8
Earl Pomeroy D ND-1
David E. Price D NC-4
Ed Perlmutter D CO-7
Gary Peters D MI-9
Chellie Pingree D ME-1
Jared Polis D CO-2
Tom Perriello D VA-5
Mike Quigley D IL-5
Nick J. Rahall II D WV-3
Charles B. Rangel D NY-15
Silvestre Reyes D TX-16
Steven R. Rothman D NJ-9
Lucille Roybal-Allard D CA-34
Bobby L. Rush D IL-1
Ciro D. Rodriguez D TX-23
C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger D MD-2
Tim Ryan D OH-17
Laura Richardson D CA-37
Loretta Sanchez D CA-47
Robert C. Scott D VA-3
José E. Serrano D NY-16
Brad Sherman D CA-27
Louise M. Slaughter D NY-28
Adam Smith D WA-9
Vic Snyder D AR-2
John M. Spratt Jr. D SC-5
Pete Stark D CA-13
Bart Stupak D MI-1
Jan Schakowsky D IL-9
Adam B. Schiff D CA-29
Linda T. Sanchez D CA-39
David Scott D GA-13
John Salazar D CO-3
Allyson Y. Schwartz D PA-13
Albio Sires D NJ-13
John Sarbanes D MD-3
Joe Sestak D PA-7
Carol Shea-Porter D NH-1
Zack Space D OH-18
Betty Sutton D OH-13
Jackie Speier D CA-12
Mark Schauer D MI-7
Kurt Schrader D OR-5
Bennie Thompson D MS-2
John F. Tierney D MA-6
Edolphus Towns D NY-10
Mike Thompson D CA-1
Niki Tsongas D MA-5
Dina Titus D NV-3
Paul Tonko D NY-21
Nydia M. Velázquez D NY-12
Peter J. Visclosky D IN-1
Chris Van Hollen D MD-8
Maxine Waters D CA-35
Melvin Watt D NC-12
Henry A. Waxman D CA-30
Robert Wexler D FL-19
Lynn Woolsey D CA-6
Anthony Weiner D NY-9
David Wu D OR-1
Diane Watson D CA-33
Debbie Wasserman Schultz D FL-20
Tim Walz D MN-1
Peter Welch D VT-1
Charlie Wilson D OH-6
John Yarmuth D KY-3