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Proposed "Peoples" Health Insurance Law Provisions via Price Controls


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Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 2009 4:54 PM
Subject:  Proposed "Peoples" Health Insurance Law Provisions via Price Controls


The primary reason or purpose that this Nation is in dire need for an "affordable" Health Care Bill in this Nation is to prevent price gouging  in relation to Health Insurance premium costs that has increased 400% prior to January 2009 and has continued to this very day--in anticipation of the Federal Government attempt to pass a National Health Care Reform Bill that would provide "affordable" insurance and health care for the vast majority of our American People.  It is therefore inconceivable that the only way that this can be accomplished is through insurance market competition or in regard to mandated price controls that is now required to protect the financial interests of our American People in regard to a Health Industry that has created a financial hardship and business monopoly on the majority of our American Citizen's that can no longer be tolerated.
Over the past nine months our U.S. Government has attempted to pass health care legislation that would be supported by a majority of our American People.  The American People in the strongest terms possible, has urged our elected officials since day one to pass legislation in the form of a Single Payer Health Care Bill, and when this was rejected by our elected officials, the people proposed a Government Run Public Option Plan by utilizing the present Medicare System as a tool to bring additional completion and cost containment to the market place.  In addition, the Medicare Health System was also in place and ready to expand it's operations should the private insurance firms not reduce their costs.  Both the Single Payer and the Medicare for All public option plans was supported by 61% of the American People, but recently both plans by the American People were rejected by our politicians in the U.S. Senate by a pre-selected group of ten Senators who were designated to be the "scapegoats or spoilers" within the Senate to make sure that the American People's choice of plans would not be accepted.                                                                                                                                          
Yesterday December 8, 2009 Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid announced that the Senate "might" consider permitting American Citizens who may be fifty years or older to enroll in the present Medicare System.  What is not clear in regard to this proposal is this:  If a fifty year old citizen is permitted to enroll in this present medicare system what would be the policy if this person has a spouse or some other dependent who may be "younger" than the 50 year old proposed requirement?  In addition, I also do not comprehend how a Medicare "For All" Health Plan could be implemented successfully with certain "age limitation" requirements.  In addition, this 50 plus AGE plan would not be open to the public until the year of 2011 that would leave a "doughnut hole" of one year or more for the Corporate Health Insurance Firms to increase their monthly premium prices at their discretion. The same  holds true in regard to the remaining segments of the Senate Health Bill that will provide a THREE  YEAR "Doughnut Hole" for price increases since the remaining segments of this bill would not go into effect until the year of 2013 that is also right after the November 2012 Presidential Election.  It is therefore apparent that since the U.S. Senate has shelved the People's public option plans, it is therefore inconceivable that the only alternative to insure competitive Health Insurance Rates over the next three year period must be in the form of "Temporary" Mandated Price Controls that will provide the American People with "guaranteed" price protection over this "non-competitive" THREE YEAR  period of time until the Government Health Care Plan is fully in place and functioning Nationwide.      
( 1 )  AUTHORITY: On October 29, 2009 President Obama declared he would use of his "emergency powers" in relation to the H1N1 Virus plague situation.  However, if you will read the news article web link that is provided to you below, these identical "emergency powers" also provides the President to act with authority in regard to economic matters that could also be applied in regard to the Health Care pricing abuse that has been implemented by the Health Insurance Industry at a time during a National depression, and this price gouging is now continuing to this very day do to a pending Senate Health bill that would deter price gouging that has caused severe financial loses on the American People.  As a result of this illegal form of  business practice by the Health Insurance firms many of our American People had no choice but to drop their health insurance coverage that previously protected themselves from bodily harm.  In addition, this greedy policy bye the insurance business firms has also contributed to the "unjustified" death of approximately 40,000 of our American People each year because they were denied access to proper health care.  This is therefore not only a business lust for greed, but it is also a criminal act that resulted in the deaths of our American People that some may consider to be an act of murder. 
( 2 ), PROCLAMATION:  Under the "emergency powers" of the President or any U.S. legislative body, it shall be ordered that all Health Insurance Firms within the territory of the United States shall immediately return to their retail or wholesale Health Insurance prices in regard to--health insurance premiums, co-payments, or insurance deductible amounts--that were in effect at the retail sector on January 1, during the present year of 2009 and shall remain at those pricing levels until the approaching year of January 2014 or until such time that the 2009 Health Reform Bill Law provisions that are now pending in the U. S  Congress have been fully implemented and in full operation by the year of 2014. Failure to comply to this directive order shall result in  severe monetary fines or possible mandated prison penalties in regard to any violator depending on the circumstances and the number of violations that may have occurred after being issued a citation in regard to the first offense.       
( 3 )  PENALTY:  Failure to comply to this order within thirty days AFTER this order has been issued to any business firm shall result in a monetary fine by forfeiting 30% of the 2010 TOTAL INCOME PROFITS that the business firm had reported to the IRS over this identical taxation period of time. This penalty provision shall also include all retail business locations that is presently owned or operated by the Health Insurance Firm Nationwide or to any insurance retail business locations that may be franchised by any Health Insurance business firm. Depending on the circumstances, failure to obey this order in it's entirety could also result in a "mandated" prison sentence for a period of six years with no provisions for parole during this period in regard to any violator.  In addition, no legal expenses of any form can be charged to the U.S. Government in relation to any person violator.  In addition, any business firm who may be a repeat violator of this order can also lose their retail license to sell insurance to the public for a period of three years or more depending on the circumstances involving the merit of the violation. 
( 4 ) ENFORCEMENT:  The provisions of this order shall be monitored by State, City, or County insurance commissioners that are located within each of our fifty States, and it will be their responsibility to report any violations of this order to the State Attorney General who in turn shall notify the Justice Department in Washington D.C.  If any State should not have any insurance commissioners within any given area, then the violation should be directed to the nearest U. S. Attorney's office within any City of any State or if necessary should be brought to the attention of the Sate Attorney General. 
                                                         Submitted by   LEON
                                                SENIOR CITIZEN, VET, & ACTIVIST