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Virginia is Moving to Put a Stake Through the Heart of ObamaCare - Gun Owners of America E-Mail Alert

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Remember, Obama's health care bill will allow the ATF to troll a health/gun database in order to take away firearms from tens of millions of Americans.  Not only that, the federal bill is jam-packed with billions of dollars of bribes paid to buy the votes of sleazy senators and will impose a host of new taxes on you and your family.

Make no mistake about it.  For the moment -- following Scott Brown's election in socialistic Massachusetts that sent shock waves through the liberal Democratic establishment -- ObamaCare's "unstoppable" march has been, well, stopped.

But a football team doesn't leave the field and go home at half time, even if it has a healthy lead. 

And Nancy Pelosi hasn't given up her efforts to socialize America's health care system and bring your private medical matters under strict government control. 

Pelosi has said that, if the gate to ObamaCare is locked, she will climb over the fence -- or pole-vault over the wall -- or parachute to a liberal socialist victory. 

So we are continuing the fight to take the "undead" ObamaCare bill and drive a stake through its heart, cut its head off at a midnight crossroads, shoot it with a silver bullet, put garlic around its neck, and bury it in a lead casket with a crucifix on the top.  And, given the damage which ObamaCare would do to America, this is hardly too much overkill.

The Virginia legislation is Senate Bill 283 -- and it would exempt the citizens of the Commonwealth from any requirement to purchase government-mandated insurance, and would protect them against any liability. 

S.B. 283 would nullify a requirement that, if ObamaCare were passed, you could be required to spend $10,000, $20,000, or even $25,000 of your family's hard-earned money to purchase politically correct insurance to pay for other people's health costs. 

And, S.B. 283 would nullify all of ObamaCare's dangerous attacks on your gun rights!

ACTION:  Write your state delegate.  Ask him or her to support S.B. 283, which would nullify the unconstitutional ObamaCare individual mandate.

To identify and contact your delegate, go to and enter your address in the form provided.  When the results display, clicking on the "More about" link will lead you to your delegate's e-mail address.  Note: using the "Send a message" link on the results page is not recommended, as that will automatically send the message to both your delegate and senator.

A pre-written letter is provided below so that you can copy-and-paste it into the e-mail message you send your delegate.

----- Pre-written letter -----

Dear Delegate:

Nancy Pelosi hasn't given up her efforts to socialize America's health care system and bring me and my private medical matters under strict government control.  She has said that, if the gate to ObamaCare is locked, she will climb over the fence -- or pole-vault over the wall -- or parachute to a liberal socialist victory. 

So it is important to continue to fight to take the "undead" ObamaCare bill and drive a stake through its heart.  And, given the damage which the anti-gun ObamaCare legislation would do to America, this is hardly too much caution.

Among other things, the socialized health care bill will allow the ATF to troll a health/gun database in order to take away firearms from tens of millions of Americans.

In Virginia, the state Senate has passed S.B. 283 by a vote of 23 to 17.  This bill would exempt the citizens of the Commonwealth from any requirement to purchase government-mandated insurance, and would protect them against any liability. 

S.B. 283 would nullify a requirement that, if ObamaCare were passed, I could be required to spend $10,000, $20,000, or even $25,000 of my family's hard-earned money to purchase politically correct insurance to pay for other people's health costs.

Once again, Virginia is a trailblazer which could set an example for the rest of the country.  Please support S.B. 283 and do everything you can to ensure its passage.



Gun Owners of America E-Mail Alert

8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151

Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408