From: VJ
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2010 11:19 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10
May I interject another thought that healthcare is a misnomer. We do not have a healthcare system in America to be reformed. What is being called a healthcare system is system of belief and practice that man makes superior products to God and God\'s products are continually disparaged, ridiculed, made unlawful, and made criminal to claim that God\'s products i.e. herbs, vitamins, bio-flavinoids, enzymes, and phyto-chemicals can cure anything. In other words doctors who cure cancer, diabetes, heart disease can be put in prison for doing so.
The New Testament is written in koine Greek. The Greek Word meaning taking drugs for medicine is pharmikia. It is translated sorcery and witchcraft. According to the AMA, at least 1,000,000 people are killed each year with prescription drugs. This is mass-murder of a failed medical system. It is no more right to bail out the failed banks which brought about our financial collapse, than it is to bail out the failed medical system of sorcery and witchcraft supporting the sytem which makes us have more diseases every year and to be 70 on the list of nations healthwise. If we had a healthcare system, wouldn\'t it be proper to expect less cases of all diseases each year rather than more. It is interesting to note that China\'s physicians do not get paid unless people stay well. China has a healthcare system--AMERICA DOES NOT HAVE A HEALTHCARE SYSTEM AT ALL TO REFORM. Reforming our healthcare system (sic) is political rhetoric to take our attention off what is really ! being done by the WORLD CONTROLLERS--to use a man-made medical system system of man-made products which create other diseases so people will return their doctor to get more poisons (prescription drugs)so more diseases can be created to kill more people in a systematic plan for reducing the population of the world so there are less people to control.
Therefore, real HEALTHCARE REFORM would be to return to nature and nature\'s products, abolish American Medical Association and Pharmiceutical Companies, and have Naturpaths, Herbalists, and other doctors who only use natural products to build and maintain healthy bodies.
In love and light,
WELL SAID VJ. Perhaps 4-winds will post?? casper