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More people skipping flu shot this year

Jonathan Benson, staff writer

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concerns about its safety and effectiveness, while 30 percent said they definitely will not be getting the shot.

Statistics Canada recently released a report indicating that 60 percent of Canadians and 80 percent of Americans refused the H1N1 vaccine last year, even though media and government campaigns pushed people for months to get it ( And this year, despite endless prodding, most people are still opposed to getting any sort of flu shot.

According to the results of the survey, 44 percent of those opposed to the flu shot cited concerns about negative side effects. And these concerns are valid, considering that flu vaccines are known to cause severe neurological problems ( Forty-one percent expressed concerns about the overall safety of flu shots, while 45 percent said that last year's swine flu pandemic was overblown and that the flu shot is likely unnecessary.

In another survey conducted by drug retailer CVS, two-thirds of respondents said that even though the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) now recommends that everyone over six months old get a flu shot, this advise plays no role in their decision-making process. Most people are simply ignoring authorities' recommendations, in other words.

There really is no good reason to get a flu shot. No legitimate evidence exists proving that they even work at all. But they do contain a variety of toxic additives that can cause severe health problems. So instead, it is better to maintain healthy vitamin D levels and take immune-boosting supplements and superfoods., which will do far more to improve health and prevent influenza.

Sources for this story include:

Nov. 1, 2010