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U.S. government launches pharmaceutical division

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

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l them for a profit. It's yet another clear case where the government is taking over the health care (sick care) industry and funneling profits into the hands of pharmaceutical corporations.

This is all happening because drug companies say they're scaling back their research funding to find new drugs. This terrifies the U.S. government, apparently, which doesn't recognize that scaling back drug company R&D is actually a good thing for America given how much economic damage and personal health damage is caused each year by Big Pharma's dangerous drugs. So instead of letting the failing pharmaceutical market contract on its own, Big Government wants to artificially prop it up with taxpayer dollars in much the same way that the feds bailed out Wall Street's rich banksters with trillions of dollars over the last two years.

The new government drug research center will operate under the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and be called the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences. Dr. Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health, says he hopes Congress will increase funding of the center to at least $1 billion annually.

The NIH, of course, is a revolving door for Big Pharma executives. Dr William Potter, for example, was formerly a researcher at the National Institute of Mental Health, after which he became the vice president of translational neuroscience at Merck. And the government money that goes into these so-called drug "discoveries" will only end up boosting the profits of drug companies rather than fundamentally improving the health of the American people. (More drugs does not equal better health. If anything it's an inverse correlation: More drugs = more degenerative disease!)

The myth of drug research

Of course, the bigger issue here concerns the mythology of drug development. The idea that every disease can be treated with a patented synthetic chemical is increasingly being revealed as absurd from the outset. The highly corrupt cancer industry has been promising a "cure" for cancer since the 1960's... if only they could have another few billion dollars in funding. And yet, year after year, their promises turn out to be yet another fundraising hoax. The whole scheme has now devolved into grotesque absurdity with pink products flooding store shelves backed by the ludicrous idea that "we can all cure cancer by going shopping."

At the same time, the chemical "discoveries" made by the drug companies are so dangerous that they must be approved by the FDA with advisory panels stacked with on-the-take "experts" who are paid by the drug companies, then marketed to the public through extremely manipulative and scientifically dishonest drug advertisements that downplay risks and exaggerate drug benefits. Even the clinical trials conducted in an attempt to prove the safety of drugs are riddled with lies (, fraud ( and outright corruption (

If Big Pharma's drugs actually worked well, they wouldn't need to rely on such dishonest tactics to convince doctors and patients to use them, it would seem.

The truth is that even Big Pharma's "blockbuster" drugs are outright failures from a human health perspective. Statin drugs, for example, have been overhyped to such an extreme that doctors are actually recommending they be dripped into the water supply. Yet a rational look at the drugs reveals that they cause extremely dangerous and even deadly side effects such as kidney failure, liver dysfunction, extreme muscle weakness (among other disastrous effects).

Instead of putting more money into "miracle" synthetic drug chemicals, the U.S. government would be far wiser to spend money researching and documenting the healing effects of medicinal plants and foods which are readily available without a prescription (and need no FDA approval).

But of course, the U.S. government isn't interests in supporting the health of the American people. If it was, it wouldn't continue to protect Big Pharma with an FDA monopoly that outlaws natural alternatives that work better, safer and more affordably to prevent and even cure degenerative disease.

So get ready for a government-run pharmaceutical company to enter the picture. I've always said that the U.S. government is merely the marketing branch of Big Pharma. Now it is the research arm, too.

Jan. 24, 2011