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Medical societies maintain secret financial ties to drug companies

PF Louis

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(Natural News) There are many interlocking financial conflicts of interest between Big Pharma and medical institutions. Many members of major medical groups, universities, and medical journals also have financial ties with pharmaceutical companies.

These Big Pharma connections push dangerous drugs into the collective consciousness while keeping safe and inexpensive non-drug health solutions out of public awareness.

Medical Journals and Big Pharma

Dr. Marcia Angell, author of The Truth About the Drug Companies: How They Deceive Us and What to Do About It, issued this statement after her tenure with The New England Journal of Medicineas Editor in Chief: "It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published."

Pharmaceutical companies even hire ghost writers to concoct favorable product reports. Then those companies pay corrupt doctors or researchers to sign those biased reports that are then published in medical journals.

There have been occasions of medical journal reports claiming successful medical drug trials, but no one tried the drugs! These were totally faked trial reports. Yet they were published in medical journals and quoted by medical practitioners who prescribed them.

This sort of dishonesty was part of selling Vioxx, the heart medicine that killed more than it cured for a few years before finally being withdrawn from the market.

Funding Medical Societies

The AMA (American Medical Society) is not the only medical society. It's the largest and most encompassing one. But there are as many medical societies as medical specialists. Medical equipment and drug manufacturers infiltrate those specific specialty groups to sell their wares.

An interesting recent expose on one such group, The Heart Rhythm Society with its 5000 plus mostly cardiologist membership, received half of last year's $16 million budget from companies that make drugs and devices to treat arrhythmia.

Adding to this influence, those same companies had 12 of the 18 Heart Rythm society's board members on their payroll as consultants and lecturers. Do you see the revolving doors and dual membership conflicts of interest?

They are not rare. They are business as usual and common with Big Pharma and government agencies as well.

The Cancer and Vaccine Industries

According to Reshma Jagsi, M.D., D.Phil., assistant professor of radiation oncology at the University of Michigan Medical School, almost one-third of cancer research reports surveyed in the major medical journals had obvious conflicts of interests. Learn more:

The vaccine industry may be the most corrupt and influential aspect of Big Pharma yet. Health Ranger Mike Adams recently revealed a network involving the vaccine industry, the military, and the IOM (Institute of Medicine), a strange alliance at first glance.

But the more one knows of the dark side of vaccinations, the more it makes sense for those demanding covert depopulation efforts under the cover of humanitarian aid.

The IOM is as influential as it gets. Whatever they say goes with the mainstream media and authority figures in all levels of government. If the IOM says a vaccine is safe and effective, there is no further discussion. Read more at:

Money Talks Way Too Much

We all need to make a living. But when money pervasively trumps truth and disregards health, there is no protection from the harm it causes.

Sincere health practitioners and MDs who step out the Big Pharma box are persecuted and prosecuted for healing without harm. Their lives are often ruined. The liars who falsely promote dangerous drugs make plea bargains or pay affordable fines, if caught, after many are harmed.

Sources for more information:

Jon Rappoport quotes Dr. Marcia Angell and elaborates

Medical societies maintain secret financial ties to drug companies

Big Pharma medical journal ghost writers write and doctors sign

Sept. 15, 2011