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Shocking discovery with 'cannibal' doctor

Joe Kovacs

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March 29, 2012

Nightmare of 'house of horrors' returns with stunning find

The horrific nightmare of a Kansas abortionist who is said to have eaten unborn children for lunch and kept fetuses in Styrofoam cups in his refrigerator is back, as 1,000 private medical records of his patients were discovered Saturday in an elementary-school dumpster.

Back in 2005, WND led news coverage of Krishna Rajanna, an abortion provider in Kansas City, who stunned law-enforcement agents investigating grisly accusations against him – including one employee’s contention the abortionist once microwaved a fetus and stirred it into his lunch.

“I thought I had heard and seen every vile, disgusting crime scene, but was in for a new shock when I started this investigation,” Detective William Howard of the Kansas City Police Department said at the time.

Now, the gruesome details of Rajanna’s case are making headlines once again after a woman in Overland Park, Kan., found in a recycling bin at Brookridge Elementary School stacks of private records of patients from the now-closed Affordable Medical and Surgical Services.

According to the Kansas City Star, the outraged woman who found the documents called Overland Park police. Officers failed to respond, so she then phoned her daughter, a 45-year-old nurse with more than 20 years’ experience, who called the newspaper.

“My head just about spun off my shoulders,” said the nurse, who preferred to remain anonymous. “No one should have these records.”

While some people are determined to slay babies, read the amazing and uplifting story of one man who has personally saved some 40,000 infants from being killed!

The records, mostly from 2001 and 2002, displayed women’s names, as well as birth dates, phone numbers, Social Security numbers and emergency family contacts. Also included were the patients’ health history, number of children, term of pregnancy and previous abortions, if any, along with fees paid for the procedures. Labels scrawled on some documents identified patients as “minor,” meaning the girls were under age. Some said patients had “changed mind” or were “too far” along in their pregnancies, the Star reported.

Krishna Rajanna

“I was under the impression that these would not be seen by anyone,” Rajanna, whose license was revoked in 2005, told the paper.

“I thought that these would be recycled away just like any other papers,” he added. “If you have them collected, I’ll just take them back and burn them or discard them in a different way. I could just incinerate them just as well, I suppose. But usually that means we are creating more smoke.”

Kansas law requires that all medical records be kept a minimum of 10 years, but hundreds of the discarded records were less than 10 years old, dated after March 2002.

However, the Associated Press reports Rajanna is not likely to face criminal charges for discarding the records.

“We don’t believe at this point, based on the information that we have, any criminal charges will be filed,” Johnson County District Attorney Steve Howe told AP.

He said his office will see if Rajanna’s actions violated state consumer-protection laws, which are enforced through civil lawsuits, and it may contact federal officials about potential violations of patient privacy laws.

Meanwhile, pro-life lawmakers are calling for the state legislature to probe the matter.

Several want to determine if Kansas law adequately protects privacy when patient records are discarded or adequately punishes providers who dispose of documents improperly.

“It definitely needs to be investigated,” House Majority Leader Arlen Siegfreid told AP.

Topping the list of horrors at Rajanna’s clinic was an employee’s account that she and others witnessed Rajanna microwave an aborted baby and eat it for lunch, Detective Howard testified.

Howard was originally called to the clinic to investigate a complaint of possible theft by one of the employees. During questioning, he discussed the disturbing allegations:

“In a statement to me one witness/suspect related how Dr. Rajanna was a filthy man who did not properly sterilize his equipment. The medical equipment was cleaned with Clorox and water then put in a ‘dishwasher.’ The aborted fetuses were placed inside Styrofoam cups and put in the refrigerator freezer next to TV dinners. The female witness went on to describe of how she and other girls actually witnessed Rajanna microwave one of the aborted fetuses and stir it into his lunch. I have heard that some Middle Easterners eat the placenta from birth and that they believe that this adds longevity to life.”

Rajanna denied the cannibalistic accusation.

The pro-life group Operation Rescue has posted some photographs of the bathroom and the refrigerator at Rajanna’s clinic on its website. (WARNING: Photos may be disturbing to some viewers.)