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July 11, 2012

The Repeal ObamaCare vote in the House just finished up, with the repeal measure passing by a vote of 244 -185.


Here is how your South Dakota Rep voted:


Rep. Noem




(See below for a link to the full Roll Call vote.)


+ + Bipartisan Support For Repeal


Despite the Left's efforts to marginalize and minimize this vote, it is important to note that the effort to Repeal ObamaCare had more bipartisan support than the original ObamaCare bill.


Our sources tell us many Democrats are running scared from ObamaCare. They fear the wrath of voters in November... and rightly so!


+ + Harry Reid's Do-Nothing Obstruction


The Repeal efforts now face a more difficult barrier -- Harry Reid and the Liberal controlled Senate. Reid's do-nothing Senate is already letting beltway insiders know that they will do everything in their power to stand in the way of an up-or-down vote on Repeal.


But especially after the outrageous Supreme Court decision and a crucial election just weeks away, every American deserves to know where their Senators stand on ObamaCare.


+ + Tell Your South Dakota Senators Where You Stand On ObamaCare Repeal


As I noted to you earlier today, the Leftist media continue to mock and ridicule the House for even holding this vote. They laugh at the idea of the Senate even holding a vote!


But I still believe that WE THE PEOPLE should and must have the final say!


That's why we're calling on every Grassfire team member to follow up this House vote with immediate and strong contacts to your Senators and other key members of the Senate.


+ + Fax Your Senators Now!


We have re-directed our FaxFire to focus on the Senate. The only way to break the Left's lies is to overwhelm our Senators with demands that they hold a vote.


GO HERE NOW TO SCHEDULE YOUR FAXES to your two South Dakota Senators and other key members of the Senate -- demanding that they hold an up-or-down vote on the Repeal of ObamaCare:


(As always, if you want to send your own faxes, we have provided all the information for you, including sample fax messages. Click the link above.)




Your South Dakota Senators work for YOU, not the liberal media or Harry Reid or Barack Obama. It's time they go on record and announce openly where they stand on ObamaCare, in the aftermath of all the devastating information we have learned since this abomination was passed.


Think of it...

We now know that ObamaCare is the largest tax increase in U.S. History....


We now know that the ObamaCare mandates will devastate the health care system.


We now know that death panels and other bureaucratic nightmares of ObamaCare will put our families and our health at risk.


We now know that most doctors oppose ObamaCare and many plan on leaving the medical profession for fear of what ObamaCare will do to them.


We now know that the law was passed on a total LIE. Obama, Reid and Pelosi used deception upon deception just to push the bill through.


Plus, they told us it was not a tax, but the only way the Supreme Court could make it allegedly constitutional was to deem it a tax. Now we have a law that is on its face unconstitutional because all revenue (tax) bills must originate in the House and ObamaCare originated in the Senate.

We must demand a Senate vote now!


Go here to send your faxes. And see below for several breaking news links from our Liberty News website.


Steve Elliott, Grassfire Nation



Texas Rejects ObamaCare

13,000 pages of ObamaCare Regs (more to come)

SHOCKING: 83% Of Docs May Quit Over ObamaCare

Exposing The Left's Anti Repeal Vote Strategy



+ + + + +

Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day.  Copyright 2012 Grassroots Action, Inc.