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S.A. Nickerson, Newsmax Health

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Aug. 17, 2012

Newsmax Health Investigates the Healthcare Industry . . .

Why They Want You to Take

Prescription Drugs

It's Your Choice. You Don't Have to Be Sick.

I'm sure you've noticed our so-called healthcare system is a real political hot potato lately. But it's so much more than that — it's a racket…

With "a pill for every ill," the half-trillion-dollar-per-year pharmaceutical industry knows there's no money in health. In fact, for the drug companies, the perfect pill doesn't cure anything; it just requires you to take it for a long, long time.

Sometimes, the only way to win is to stop playing the game…

That's why Newsmax Health recently conducted a special investigation into new health solutions that can help get you out of the sickness "game."

And when you view the results on this free video documentary, you'll discover how you can thumb your nose at the whole "sickness industry" that wants to get and keep you sick — and then sell you expensive pills for everything under the sun.

In this information-packed free video, you'll hear from nine leading health experts who show you how and why you need to stop playing the game once and for all.

You'll see how you can break free of the medical establishment, which is really designed to get you sick and keep you sick. As one of these experts will tell you, "good health makes a lot of sense, but it doesn't make a lot of dollars."

Plus, taking control of your own safety is critical. You not only have to contend with fighting disease — modern medicine itself causes 225,000 American deaths per year:

  • 39,000 dead each year due to hospital errors and unnecessary surgery
  • 80,000 dead each year due to hospital infections
  • 106,000 dead each year due to adverse drug reactions

Isn't it time to stop this madness? On this free Newsmax Health video documentary, you'll discover safer, cheaper, and more effective answers to our healthcare crisis — a true breath of fresh air.

Watch Newsmax Health's Special Investigation

Uncovering the Healthcare Industry

Play Here
A Quarter of What You Eat Keeps You Alive,


Three-Quarters of What You Eat Makes Your Doctor Rich.

So please don't delay watching this presentation. I'm not sure how long it will be available online; I'm just being honest when I tell you some people (and industries) will not like the facts revealed on this video.

Editor's Note: The first 2 minutes alone of this video are so powerful, I wouldn't want you to miss them. Click here to see this free video now.