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Yet another Obamacare lie exposed: No, many people won't be able to keep their doctor

PF Louis

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Oct. 4, 2013

(NaturalNews) Obama once said upon the unfolding complexity of the Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act (Obamacare), "If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan." And later, "... nothing in this plan will require your or your employer to change the coverage of the doctor you have."

According to a recent online Daily Caller article, many folks in at least 10 states will lose their insurers and medical provider networks, which leads to losing their doctors, because of Obamacare.

Those states are California, Connecticut, Georgia, Iowa, Maryland, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, South Carolina and Wisconsin.

A few of the largest insurers in those states, such as Aetna and Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield among others, have pulled out of those states, because they didn't want to be part of the Obamacare insurance exchange, affecting thousands. (Daily Caller, source below)

One example of how it affects doctor choices was in Missouri, where 79,000 people who seek Obamacare benefits won't be able to use the state's largest hospital network, the BJC HealthCare system, which includes the St. Louis Children's hospital. (Kaiser Health News, source below)


A bigger Obama healthcare lie

While Obama campaigned in the 2008 Democratic primaries against Hillary Clinton for his first run at the presidency, he asserted that he would be against government mandates that would force individuals (and small businesses) to buy health insurance. Well, guess what we have now?

While many bicker over different aspects of Obamacare, there remains an essential truth: Almost everyone, including around 50 million folks with no coverage, will be coerced into buying health coverage from a network of insurance providers sanctioned by Obamacare.

Coerced is an adequate term, since the expanded IRS is in charge of ensuring compliance with the threat of monetary fines and tax penalties.

Obamacare labels of socialistic or communistic are misnomers. It's fascistic, as explained by the father of fascism, Benito Mussolini: A cooperation of big business and government. Or, from an unknown source: With communism (socialism), government runs big business; with fascism, big business runs government.

Add this to the healthcare-for-profit medical mafia's creation of the health insurance business, and you have a system that forces everyone to adhere to one system, medical care's most expensive and lethal - allopathy.

The big picture and bottom line

None of Obamacare covers alternative choices, which are much less expensive than allopathy's addiction to high-priced pharmaceuticals and expensive medical equipment with extensive administrative staffing.

Granted, extreme crisis emergency room (ER) interventions are necessary for serious injuries and wounds and sudden toxic overloads, such as thousands of ER visits for acetaminophen liver toxicity from over-the-counter Tylenol.

ER costs are so over the top that you become collection agency fodder for years after one visit if you're uninsured. As someone commented on one of this article's source items, medical and healthcare should not be a for-profit industry. But it is from top to bottom.

Even worse, private and government insurance plans cover only allopathic medical choices. As medical insurance costs rose over the last few decades, many individuals and small company employers simply couldn't afford to cover the premiums, leaving at least 50 million uninsured.

Well, it's easy to see why the health insurance industry is going along with Obamacare instead of campaigning against a government plan as they've done before. Adding 50 million or more paying customers motivates many to comment that Obamacare is an insurance company bailout.

Most or all of the money that many of us have to budget for healthcare shouldn't be forcibly taken by mandated insurance coverage for allopathic interventions only.

Depriving us of the wherewithal to choose more effective, safer and cheaper alternative approaches for medical treatments that aren't "covered" while we're taking responsibility for our health with better dietary and lifestyle choices leaves us with only their way or the highway.

That's worse than socialized medicine. It's medical tyranny.

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