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Rates Rise for Obamacare Recipients

Michael Reagan

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Oct. 17, 2013

The women and children sailing on the Titanic were lucky there were no members of Congress or congressional staff on board the doomed liner. If there had been, mere civilians would not have stood a chance for survival as the politicians shoved their way to the front of the lifeboat line.

Earlier this month I wrote about the dishonest and despicable exemption from Obamacare that Congress awarded itself. You can find that here. Now we know why they were in such a hurry to leave a sinking USS Obamacare.

The Heritage Foundation reports that "Insurance costs are going up. For many, not just going up — skyrocketing." Amy Payne found two families — one in Florida, the other in Alabama — who just had the equivalent of a car payment added to their insurance bill.

The Florida father discovered his health insurance bill will explode by $525 per month or $6,300 per year, while the Alabama dad receives a punishing increase on his wife's employer-provided policy. What formerly cost $79/month under the bad old Wild West insurance regime we had before Obamacare will now cost $311.82 each month, which represents an additional $233 bite out of the family paycheck.

No wonder members of Congress were trampling citizens to flee from this monster.

What's more, it seems that as far as Obamacare supporters are concerned the complexity and sluggishness of the sign-up website wasn't a bug, it was part of its features! One of the complaints about the design of the website is it requires buyers (and that means everyone, thanks to Justice John Roberts) to enter all their personal financial information before they can see insurance plan options.

This is the equivalent of Amazon requiring customers to enter their address and credit card information before Amazon will let you start looking for what you want to order.

This cart-before-the-horse design is intentional. The goal of the leftists who forced this monstrosity down America's throat is to first see if the potential buyer qualifies for a subsidy BEFORE they can see the price of the healthcare policy.

This is why you read about how pleased some of the handful of buyers that have been able to sign up are about the price of their policy.

The price they see is the cost to them AFTER the government subsidy (your tax dollars) has been subtracted. In other words, the "Affordable Care Act" is only affordable if someone else is footing the bill.

Michael Reagan is the son of former President Ronald