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Can IRS levy 2014 tax liens in wake of failed Obamacare enrollment site?

S. D. Wells

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Dec. 12, 2013

(NaturalNews) What if you're getting cancer treatments now, and they are covered by your insurance, but then Obamacare cancels your insurance, will you have massive collections that eat up any tax refund you would have received? Will there be a lien on your taxes as early as April 2014? Can the IRS collect at your front door, armed to the teeth with DHS agents, making sure you don't avoid your debt to the Government of the United States of America? If you fall and break your arm next week and go to the emergency room, will that $10,000 bill, which most likely will not be covered by Obamacare, will that lien be on your taxes within a few months? Many people overpay on taxes, claiming less exemptions so they won't have to pay taxes, and many people get refunds because they just don't make that much money and they have kids. Will all that tax money stay in the hands of the Feds who are imposing liens not only for failure to sign up for the Healthcare law and coverage but for failure to pay for most care that WILL NOT be covered under the new labyrinth of red tape and bureaucratic mess that has been created by the abomination of this "Obama-nation"?


Stay healthy and the plan works fine?

Obamacare depends on young, healthy people believing they need coverage for chemotherapy and radiation, and then going on the dysfunctional site and securing that plan. You can be a part of this insanity by entering all of your personal information on the NSA/FEMA busted site. Your information is not secure, according to John Boehner, so make sure you tune into the fake news on TV for more "secure and functional" talk from the White House.

Just remember, like Obama said on November 14th - "if you stay healthy, the plan works fine!" So the key then, under Obamacare, is to never get sick, so you won't run into "rude" surprises and you won't have huge medical bills that you can't pay that become IRS tax liens over the next three years.

Draconian healthcare is underway

Just this past October, a man who attempted to sign up for Obamacare online was told that a fine of over $4,000 dollars a year for refusing to take out mandatory health insurance could be taken directly from his bank account, and that his drivers license would be suspended and a federal tax lien placed against his home. If you don't believe it, just check it out. The IRS has hired over 16,000 new agents to enforce healthcare fines for not signing up on a website that doesn't even work. Will your checking, savings and 401k be "frozen" in the arctic "wasteland" of the abomination nation?


Healthcare rates are skyrocketing for millions of Americans, which is just the opposite of what Obama promised. Should you punch your personal information into the NSA and Healthcare.gullible, hacker's haven website? Will your identity be stolen? Will you have tax liens and medical bills that you did not even incur yourself? How will you prove that they're not yours when someone else is using your social security number? As you consider this right now, millions of Americans' private information which they punched into the Obamacare "exchange" website is being exchanged, but not just with state, federal and government agencies, instead, professional hackers are attesting to the fact that this info hub is easy to hack, and people's social security numbers and personal income info is floating around cyberspace and could be cases of identity theft in the works right now.

If you want to avoid medical tax liens and identity theft, stay tuned to the natural news, and be sure to get your natural remedies from a reliable source, so you don't have to ever visit an allopathic doctor again. Immunity starts with not being gullible. Saving money starts with not incurring unnecessary medical debt. Good luck!

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