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June 14, 2014

June 14, 2104











[I was trained in psychoanalysis to reverse this trend

And was based on total privacy confidentiality of Dr/Patient relationship

Drug free and there were really no drugs at that time in the industry.

ArdenGifford, MD]




[Ed Note: As a fully trained board certified MD Psychiatrist with subspecialty in Addiction Psychiatry, I was a Major in the United States Air Force and ran the world wide Drug and Alcohol program in 150 bed hospital for that purpose. My central duties were administration of the Medical Board to separate people for mental illness service connection and or return them to duty. During Viet Nam the people were 24 hours from the front lines in country and virtually all were psychotic. It was a dual or triple Diagnosis of stress, schizophrenia, and multiple street and medical psychiatric drugs. They  were eventually detoxed and presented that they were largely a fresh group of drafted people right out of high school in the drug free family oriented  middle class middle west mentality of the 50’s and 60’s and put in a environment in which heroin was the drug of choice readily available and death was the order of the day on ongoing basis, separated from all social and family and other support systems they grew up with.


My position as the Chief Human Reliability Officer of the unit was to oversee the medical/psychiatric/political health of the Pilots and Co Pilots of B-52 bombers which were carrying live delivery of atomic devices.  As with nuclear submarines I was the “political officer” who was allowed a hand gun and would be in continual constant communication with Secretary of State Dean Rusk [CC] and Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara [CC] , the Commanders, and line officers and Generals that were directing the operations from their specific locations.


Robert McNamara [CC] would on occasion be on the phone to the pilots of the bombing raids and direct what was and was not a target for bombing.


As my uncle Tom Braden was the Director of Foreign Intelligence of the Central Intelligence agency and a founding and CIA funding agent for Bilderbergers in Ditchley Castle and a member of the Bilderbergers, lieutenants of the Central Committee of 300[CC] that own or control 2/3 of capital assets of world his view was determinative in my early family life.  As  Tom was a personal college buddy of Nelson Rockefeller [CC],  at Dartmouth founded with Yale, Harvard, and Princeton by Central Committee support, I was raised was then and am now totally devoted and loyal to the delivery of all necessary service and material to support and facilitate the practice, policy  and custom of the United States Government.


In Parkland Hospital in November 22, 1963 I was one of the Dallas Doctors in Trauma 1 ER when JFK came in at 12 noon and was treated. I saw up close and personal what happened medically and the 13 chiefs of service testimony for the media at 3 PM who described it, and compared that to the destruction of all the media records of doctor testimony and subsequent MSM delivery of the CC answer for what happened.


As an accident of my circumstance above I saw both sides of the events in history and my goal as a doctor was to see and evaluate both sides objectively and scientifically for PREDICTABILITY of events medically or socio-politically without bias.


In private practice I was working with the District Attorney and US Attorney jointly to screen with psychological tests 150 drug related detention admissions to the Detention Center ranging from DUI to premeditated homicide to place in joint management with rehab programs in the area for maximizing clinical benefit drug free and minimizing breaking community support of job, family and friends.


People kill people, crazy people kill people, crazy people on Psych Drugs kill people, some drugs during WWII were developed on both sides solely for the purpose of killing people, e.g. Alexander Shulgin PIHKALand TIHKAL (standing for Phenethylamines and Tryptamines I Have Known And Loved),






From this background I have also seen the transformation of Psychiatry in the decades that I have been associated with it and the eleven videos provided at the top of this document will give you a historical and PREDICTABLEgeneral view of the agenda of psychiatry for the 21st century and how it developed from both perspectives.


Modern Psychiatry originally was based on the humane treatment of serious clearly psychotic illness into include now in 2013 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Vevery aspect of human behavior entirely that can be labeled without due process to a person permanently through life and now digitized in the NSA to justify all payment to the doctor,  any length voluntary/involuntary incarceration, denial of medical treatment, to death and the ultimate administrative supervision of the FEMAconcentration camps in the neo-cons ‘CONTINUITY OF GOVERNMENTplan implemented by Oliver North and Adm. Poindexter.


The fabricated DSM Vlabels are purchased by the drug companies up to $ 1 million to American Psychiatric Association [APA] , to have a person labeled and coded to bill insurance for matching their new drug label approved FDA for similar expense, and label to codify for life a permanent digital electronic tattoo school children k-12 without any parental knowledge or consent and lead to 35%of them being labeled Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder[ADHD] and drugged with “speed” every day of their education leading to the cocaine and meth epidemics we now see in epidemic form. From the DSM Vin 2013 we now have the Obedient Defiant Disorder [ODD]when if incorrigible and chronic can result in indefinite confinement in FEMA camps and possible termination with prejudicein interest of national security.


ArdenGifford MD

American Board of Psychiatry

Addiction Psychiatry

Former USAF Major Psychiatry




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