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Three things the government doesn't want you to know about Obamacare

J.D. Heyes

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NOv. 26, 2014

(NaturalNews) Just when you think that you have heard all that you can possibly hear about what is wrong with the Affordable Care Act -- from broken promises, underperforming enrollment goals and higher costs to millions who still lack health insurance coverage -- there is more to report. Spoiler alert: You're probably not going to like this, either.

You may have recently heard comments by Obamacare architect MIT Prof. Jonathan Gruber, in which he detailed to several panels how the law was purposely written to deceive voters and federal bean counters so they wouldn't learn how much it was really going to cost taxpayers; that Americans were too "stupid" to really understand how the law was going to work, so they had to be lied to in order to get it passed; and how the law was crafted so as to be anything but transparent (remember then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's comment, "We have to pass it to find out what's in it"?).

You may have heard White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest's recent comments blaming Republicans for failing to "be clear" about how they wanted to "change the law," implying that the GOP was being deceptive about Obamacare, though a) not a single Republican voted for the law; and b) President Obama was the one who deceived the nation by lying about everything the law was supposed to do (cheaper rates, cheaper coverage, keep your doctor, keep your plan, yada, yada).

"The arrogance and condescension that has too often characterized the Obama administration's policies have put the American public in the unfortunate position of having to learn about the health care changes the hard way, on their own," Dr. Marc Siegel, M.D., recently wrote for

Well, he notes, there is more bad news on the way -- and three additional things in particular that the president "clearly didn't want you to know about," he says:

-- Not taxpayer friendly: Yes, unlike the president said -- that the law would pay for itself -- the fact is, it won't. But it's not for lack of trying. As Siegel notes, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, which "scores" legislation for costs, reported recently that the latest Obamacare cost projections over the next decade will be just over $1.4 trillion; in 2009, Obama promised that the law would cost less than $1 trillion over 10 years. But no matter, the law adds more than 20 new taxes costing the nation $500 billion.

-- More departments, more agencies, more federal control: The Obamacare law builds massive new bureaucracy -- 159 new boards and agencies whose job it will be to essentially restrict your healthcare choices and govern how you get healthcare. Feeling better now?

-- Not done yet: There will be even more bureaucracy in the future. Siegel wrote: "Dysfunctional state exchanges with high deductible policies, narrow doctor networks, including federally-run exchanges in 36 states which may not be allowable under the law (SCOTUS currently considering this case)."

But wait, as the commercials go, there's more. There are three additional things coming next year that Siegel points out are going to draw the ire of consumers:

-- Penalties, er, taxes: This year, people who do not have now-mandatory health insurance face a penalty (tax) of $95 per person, or 1 percent of their income. Next year, that penalty-tax more than triples, to $325 per person, or 2 percent of their income -- whichever is higher (because, really, your money belongs to Uncle Sam anyway).

-- Pay more for less: Major rate hikes are on the way -- count on it -- and it's not because of "greedy insurance companies." Fact is, according to Investor's Business Daily, the coming rate hikes for the lowest-cost Bronze plan will rise by an average of 7 percent, the lowest Silver plan by 9 percent and the lowest-prices catastrophic policy by 18 percent. As Obamacare architect and MIT Prof. Jonathan Gruber has admitted in a series of recently released videos, in which he explained how the administration duped the American people into accepting Obamacare, insurance companies are going to be heavily taxed, so rates must go up to compensate.

-- Employer mandate: The long-delayed employer mandate will finally take effect in 2015, and it will result in less full-time employment, as businesses with more than 50 workers (in 2016) and 100 workers (2015) will be required to provide health insurance coverage or face penalties of $2,000-$3,000 per employee.
