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June 26, 2015

Rocky Montana I 6-26-2015

On June 25, 2015 Senator Ted Cruz spoke on the Senate floor concerning the Supreme Court decision and Obamacare.  Below are excerpts of his speech.


... For nakedly political reasons the Supreme Court willfully ignored the words that Congress wrote; instead, read into the law their preferred policy outcome.  These [6] judges have joined with President Obama in harming millions of Americans. Unelected judges have, again, become legislators, and bad ones at that.  They are lawless and hide their revivification in legalese.

... I have made repeal of this disastrous law [Obamacare] a top priority since the very first day I entered this body and I have made its repeal central to my tenure in office.  Republicans all across the country, including my friend, Mr. President in the presiding chair, campaigned on repealing this law and were elected in a historic title wave year; historic majorities in both chambers of this body and in state houses all across this country.  It's now up to us to keep our promises.

I believe 2016 will be a national referendum on repealing Obamacare.  This law is profoundly unpopular.  It's with Republicans, its unpopular with Independents, it's unpopular with Democrats, it's unpopular with young people, it's unpopular with Hispanics, it's unpopular with everybody it has hurt and there are millions being hurt by this law.

The court adopted and put its stamp of approval on the IRS's blatantly unlawful reading of the statute.  To make subsidies and taxes applicable to individuals on federal exchanges, when Congress explicitly provided the opposite.  Jonathan Gruber famously said that Obamacare was built on exploiting the stupidity of the American people.  Well, unfortunately, the Supreme Court is now complicit in that deception.  The Supreme Court has joined President Obama, whose statement: "If you like your health insurance plan you can keep your health insurance plan"., was rightfully noted as the LIE OF THE YEAR, as millions of Americans lost their doctors.  Now those rogue Justices are complicit in that lie, in setting aside their oath of office to lie to the American people.  After today's ruling, Obamacare will now be responsible for imposing illegal taxes on more than 11 million individuals and for burdening hundreds of thousands businesses with illegal penalties on their workers, killing jobs, and further slowing economic growth.

...  Mr. President, I remain fully committed to repealing every single word of Obamacare and mark my words: following the election in 2016, the referendum that we will have in 2017, this chamber will return and we will repeal every word of Obamacare.

We will bring back economic growth, we will brink back economic opportunity and then we will pass common-sense health care reform that makes health insurance personal and portable and affordable, that keeps government from getting between us and our doctors. We will recognize that this horrible experiment [Obamacare] has failed. ...


Thank you Senator for keeping your commitment to your constituents and to the American people in your dedication to repeal Obamacare, and for calling-out the six members of the Supreme Court who willfully violated their oath of office in rewriting this unlawful, socialist, freedom-usurping law forced upon the American people by our unConstitutional federal government.




Sen. Ted Cruz Gives Floor Speech on King v. Burwell SCOTUS Decision