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Health Crime Discrimination
SORCHA FAAL: Russia Slams “Men In Black” For Rigging Biden Election While Trump Comically Trolls Them
2 men, 2 different results . . .
SORHCA FAAL: West Forgets Trump Withstood The Most Insidious Organized Slur In Modern Memory
Anti-Russia? Then arrest the Clintons
So it begins: FBI raids home of mom who protested school board
8-year-old with 38 mask-related suspensions gets roaring applause after confronting school board
Los Angeles is now a two-tiered society, and you aren’t allowed to participate unless you’re jabbed with the deadly spike protein
Dem Governor Signs Executive Order to Turn Away Unvaccinated from Hospitals and Prioritize Treatment to Vaccinated Patients
Marketing Executive ‘Fired For Being White’ Wins $10 Million Discrimination Suit
Victoria, Australia, to become a “vaccinated economy” with endless boosters – no unvaccinated allowed to function in society
SORCHA FAAL: Beloved Leader Drops Dead After Covid Jab While 72% Of Blacks Are Banned From Restaurants
Shocking and Dehumanizing Discrimination Against the Unvaccinated Is About to Make Life VERY Difficult
A Bill Has Been Introduced In Congress That Would Ban Tens Of Millions Of Americans From Flying
The Atlantic calls for all unvaccinated people to be added to federal no-fly list, just like terrorists
Tyrannical left working to create vaccine “caste system” in America by punishing the unvaccinated and excluding them from society
SOTN: Manhattan DA & SDNY Have Been Totally Weaponized Against Patriots Especially the Trumps
Amazing New Website Confirms YouTube Is Suppressing Dislikes on Joe Biden Videos by as Much as 600%
Southwest Airlines removes masked toddler with disabilities from flight citing Biden mandate
US Officials Target the Man Who Uncovered Their Corruption
Trump impeachment lawyer Michael van der Veen's home vandalized
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