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Health Disease Coronavirus

Authoritarianism Pandemic is the Real Threat, Ron Paul

Missouri’s attorney general sues school districts for trying to force students to wear masks

SOTN: Dr. Anne McCloskey Speaks Out Hospitals Full Of People That Got The Vax! (Video)

SOTN: “People, it’s time to shut down the Covid juggernaut…”

Israel now has more covid infections per capita than any country in the world, even as “booster shots” are being widely administered there

PFIZER COLLUSION: Fauci says deadly spike protein injections should be mandatory for all children under age 12

SOTN: If you really think the Chicoms launched OPERATION COVID-19, then read this about the real Plandemic prime mover.

These people are the most vulnerable . .

Most covid deaths now occurring in “fully vaccinated” people

States Can’t Block Federal Funds for School Districts That Mandate Masks: Ed Sec

Mayor Bill de Blasio sued by business owners over New York City’s vaccine mandate

BEYOND STUPID: Australia orders citizens to keep masks on while drinking alcohol outdoors

Texas school district defies Gov. Abbott’s ban on mask mandates, adds masks to dress code

Texas Supreme Court just ruled that mask mandates are ILLEGAL statewide

SOTN: American Parents Declare War (Video)

Bombshell: FDA knew there would be many COVID cases among the fully vaccinated

SOTN: It’s Really a “Pandemic of Fear” Caused by a Fastidiously Fabricated Fear Virus

Texas Supreme Court Sides With Gov. Abbott’s Local Mask Mandate Ban By Zscout370 at English Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0,

MUST SEE: Dr. Fleming Warns COVID-19 is an Engineered Bioweapon Colonizing the Body with Spike Protein

SOTN: WOW! Even Arnold Schwarzenegger is mocking anti-maskers.