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Four Michigan Sheriffs Defy Governor’s Order – They Just Accused Her Of “Overstepping” Her Authority

Adam Casalino

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April 17, 2020




Many Americans are fed up with our overreaching government—especially in Michigan.

Their Governor Whitmer has taken extreme measures during this crisis. She’s even outlawed people visiting friends and family.

Not only are some citizens defying her, but sheriffs are starting to take a stand.

From Daily Wire:

Four sheriffs from northern Michigan counties released a statement saying they will not be enforcing some of the Democrat’s orders, calling it an “overstepping” of executive authority…

“While we understand her desire to protect the public, we question some restrictions that she has imposed as overstepping her executive authority,” the sheriffs continued.

Four sheriffs declared that they will not be enforcing the governor’s extreme orders. They called out her orders as overstepping her authority—plus many of her rules are vague and impossible to follow.’

We’ve seen states—especially liberal-run states—make unprecedented violations to our personal liberties.

They said all this was to “slow the spread” of the virus. But honestly, we’re beginning to question their right to do this.

Americans can stay safe and still live their lives. But Michigan’s governor seems to be on a power trip.

Who gave her the right to prevent a private citizen from leaving their private property, getting into their privately owned car, and visiting a friend or family member in their private home?

Or buying seeds to plant a garden? Is that really “non-essential?”

We know what we need to do to protect our families from the disease. Our entire lives have been upended, thanks to local and state leaders.

But this really seems too far for many citizens and even law enforcement. The fact that four sheriffs are standing up to Whitmer really tells you something.

During this crisis, we’ve seen Democrats take drastic steps. They have shut down gun stores, churches, and private businesses.

Maybe, we should be reconsidering who we elect to public office?