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BOMBSHELL: Wall Street Journal caught running a Monsanto-style FAKE SCIENCE scam with Stanford researchers to mislead America over coronavirus infections

Mike Adams

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) Before Bayer acquired Monsanto, the GMO giant had a reputation for faking the science and either bribing or threatening journalists to run stories touting its fake science, usually to claim GMOs were safe or that glyphosate was harmless.

Monsanto would fund its own slanted studies — often by bribing universities with grant money — then pay off scientists to slap their names on these ghostwritten science papers. Once the fake science got published, Monsanto would lean on journalists in and other publications to write up fake news glorifying their fake science.

Now, the Wall Street Journal is doing much the same thing with Stanford researchers, faking the science about covid-19 in order to deceive America, falsely claiming the coronavirus has already infected 55 times more people than currently believed, concluding that the case fatality rate is therefore very low.

We’ve tracked the authors of the WSJ articles and tied them to Stanford University and its pro-China “economic forum” activities that appear to be designed to destabilize the United States with communist-run disinformation attacks surrounding the coronavirus. Keep reading for the full details…