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Jack Metir

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April 23, 2020

In the United States last week, stimulus checks are going out and I know people who have received them, I have not so far. Those $1,200 checks account for almost $500 billion of the total package, so where did the $1.5 trillion dollars go? They sold this whole thing as something that would primarily ‘benefit the people’, but which people exactly are receiving the other 75% of that massive mountain of money? Here’s something for you to chew on, Jeff Bezos’ wealth increased by $24 billion dollars this week while you were so excited with your $1,200 distraction money.  First rule to apply when you need to figure out something that makes no sense is who stands to benefit the most? That’s rule number one.

Rule number three is understanding we are living in certified end times, and the New World Order must rise to the forefront. Now figure out what the first two rules are.

Here we are at roughly the one month mark since the Plannedemic lockdown here in America went into effect, other nations like Italy, Israel, the UK and others had already been locked down. So what does the view at this level look like? It looks like exactly what I thought it looked like a month ago, a real virus hijacked and weaponized, combined with a worldwide campaign of fear and disinformation designed to make us so afraid that in the ‘fog of war’ we wouldn’t see what the elites we actually doing. ‘Toilet paper shortage’ that’s really a psy-op. But we who have the Holy Spirit saw this coming from a mile away.

“Beware therefore, lest that come upon you, which is spoken of in the prophets; Behold, ye despisers, and wonder, and perish: for I work a work in your days, a work which ye shall in no wise believe, though a man declare it unto you.” Acts 13:40,41(KJB)

This presentation PROOVES WITHOUT DOUBT that America is in for a major fight that will put you and your family in the firing line, literally… So make sure you watch this presentation while it’s still online…

In the United States this week, stimulus checks are going out and I know people who have received them, I have not so far. Those $1,200 checks account for almost $500 billion of the total package, so where did the $1.5 trillion dollars go? They sold this whole thing as something that would primarily ‘benefit the people’, but which people exactly are receiving the other 75% of that massive mountain of money? Here’s something for you to chew on, Jeff Bezos’ wealth increased by $24 billion dollars this weekwhile you were so excited with your $1,200 distraction money

First rule to apply when you need to figure out something that makes no sense is who stands to benefit the most? That’s rule number one. Rule number two is who is in what position after the changes take place. Rule number three is understanding we are living in certified end times, and the New World Order must rise to the forefront. Any questions? From the very beginning we have been lied to by China, by the World Health Organization, by Bill Gates, by Anthony Fauci, by the CDC, by all of them. Time to rouse from slumber, Christian, there’s a war on.

New World Order elite Jeff Bezos Gains $24 Billion While World’s Rich Reap Bailout Rewards

FROM YAHOO NEWS: The world’s richest person is getting richer, even in a pandemic, and perhaps because of it. With consumers stuck at home, they’re relying on Jeff Bezos’s Inc. more than ever. The retailer’s stock climbed 5.3% to a record Tuesday, lifting the founder’s net worth to $138.5 billion.

The pandemic has brought the global economy to a near standstill and pushed almost 17 million Americans onto the unemployment rolls in the span of three weeks. JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Wells Fargo & Co. signaled Tuesday that loan losses fueled by the unprecedented job cuts — many of them in the retail sector that Amazon so efficiently disrupted — could rival those incurred after the 2008 financial crisis.

Yet Jeff Bezos and many of his wealthy peers have seen their fortunes recover in recent weeks, helped by the boost given to markets by unprecedented stimulus efforts by governments and central bankers. While the combined net worth of the world’s 500 richest people has dropped $553 billion this year, it has surged 20% from its low on March 23, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index

“The wealth gap, it’s only going to get wider with what’s going on now,” said Matt Maley, chief market strategist at Miller Tabak + Co. “The really wealthy people haven’t had to worry. Yes, they’re less wealthy, but you haven’t had to worry about putting food on the table or keeping a roof over your head.” READ MORE

A Nice Overview Of The Trail Of Lies Around The Coronavirus

The World Health Organization is Bill Gates favorite group of end times elites, to paraphrase the old 70’s commercial, he liked them so much he bought the company!