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Two more states rush toward lockdown

Mat Staver

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This has been a bad week for your freedom. Governors and even a judge are joining together to target churches and issue more oppressive edicts in the midst of widespread protests that are allowed and even encouraged.

Some governors have even been so bold as to target house churches in their far-reaching bans. Now is the time to stand for freedom. Make your voice heard to those who should be safeguarding our freedoms but instead are quickly destroying them. Fax these governors and national leaders to demand they stop infringing on religious freedom. - Mat

This week a U.S. district judge in New Mexico ruled that the state health department can issue a blanket shutdown against churches. Judge James O. Browning's radical opinion completely ignored the ongoing protests when he ruled New Mexico can do what it pleases against houses of worship.

As his opinion now stands, churches in his district have been stripped of their constitutionally protected freedom to assemble and worship.

This judge claims that "the public health orders are neutral with respect to religion." But such claims ring hollow when faced with the ongoing protests allowed in this same area.

He rubber stamped viewpoint discrimination against churches, in direct opposition to our Constitution, and without any expiration date. Furthermore, Browning said the public health orders "are unrelated to the suppression of speech or religion," when that is exactly what they are designed to do.

This is not our case, but we are working with several thousand pastors and churches throughout the country. Unfortunately, it's rulings like this that will empower radicals to restrict more freedom. They want to turn re-openings back into lockdowns. And the only ones standing in their way are freedom-loving patriots who will stand their ground.

It is urgent to stand and fight for our God-given freedoms our Founding Fathers sought to protect. Get involved by sending a new fax to the decision makers in these radical states and demand that they follow our nation's highest law.

"No mask, no service"

New Mexico isn't the only one targeting your freedom. The day after that radical ruling was announced, the Virginia governor took the stage and threatened business owners.

Gov. Ralph Northam claimed that he will be sending unannounced inspectors (i.e. undercover government agents) to see if businesses are enforcing his mask order. He threatened that if a business allows people in without masks, they risk losing their license and being permanently closed by the state.

"If you own a restaurant or business and you're not following the regulations, your license will be on the line, and we will not hesitate to take action," said Northam. "Patrons who refuse to abide by the rules are trespassing and businesses can choose to call the police," the Daily Press reported Northam saying.

Did you catch that? The governor is telling business owners to call the police on people not wearing a mask, or risk the state shutting down their entire business operation.

In case you are holding out hope that this is just temporary, the governor said, "I want to be clear, this is not the end of the actions we may take, but the beginning … Until we have a vaccination, it will impact everything that we plan."

This Governor is taking spying on Americans to a whole new level. He is threatening to destroy businesses that dare to serve an unmasked person. He is sending unannounced government agency spies to twist the arms of private citizens to enforce his edicts on wearing masks. And he publicly announced his intentions to continue until Virginians have taken his vaccine.

Are you willing to bow to that?

If not, make your voice heard in the offices of these leaders today with your fax message.

Sadly, this is not just happening in radical Democrat states. Even the Republican governor of Texas issued a mandatory mask requirement. In addition, sounding more in line with Communist China, one radical coastline governor has attempted to target and eliminate house-churches. California Gov. Gavin Newsom has banned all worship in 30 counties, which also includes home Bible studies and fellowship groups.

This is all in spite of the more mainstream media now being forced to admit that the case numbers in Florida, Arizona, and all across the country are wrong. In fact, they are so badly wrong that President Trump just removed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from the reporting database yesterday.

In Florida, many of the testing centers were reported as having 90 to 100 percent positive tests. Orlando Health was reported as 98 percent of the people testing positive, but when in reality it was only 9.4 percent. The Orlando Veterans Medical Center was reported as 76 percent, but when contacted, a hospital official said the actual number was 6 percent!

Now the President is establishing a new database for reported cases. Our nation needs to straighten out these jumbled numbers between who is currently contagious and who is immune, as well as one person taking multiple tests and showing up in the system as multiple "new cases" of COVID-19.

The few governors and national leaders who have taken a stand for freedom have been attacked, publicly mocked, called murderers, and more. While those that are systematically shattering your freedoms are praised and lifted up by radicals seeking to cripple our nation.

We need to hold these mini-tyrants accountable. Today you can be a part of this accountability by sending your fax to these state and national leaders to demand freedom.

On Capitol Hill, our staff has been fighting against this and many other threats. We are working behind the scenes to create a strategy on legislation that I know is dear to your heart. Please pray today that our efforts will be effective. And be ready to get involved if our strategy opens a door for legislation that was previously shut tight.

Our partnership with you to successfully stop threats to your freedom is only possible because of your support of our ministry. I shudder to think what would happen on Capitol Hill if the voices of freedom-loving patriots were silenced in the halls of Congress. Our liberty is too valuable to leave lobbyists and radicals to decide the fate of our freedom.

Join with Liberty Counsel Action today to keep us in the midst of these critical battles.

I pray that the hand of our Lord will be upon you today, lighting your path and breaking down the gates standing in your way.


Mat Staver



P.S. Our mission is to stand as a watchman on the wall and alert you to serious threats to our liberty and to our nation. If you can support Liberty Counsel Action with a donation of any size today, we would deeply appreciate your partnership with us.

If you cannot send a fax today, please sign our petition to leaders and to the White House urging them to provide national leadership to protect these freedoms.

Right now, we need to stop the lockdowns that are raising their ugly heads again. Send a fax demanding that state and national leaders stop infringing on our religious and personal liberties here in America.

Please know that I am so grateful for you and everything you have done for our nation in the past, now, and in the future. God bless you.

Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt non-profit organization. Donations are not tax-deductible.

This message can be viewed on our homepage.

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©1986-present Liberty Counsel Action. Founded in 1986, Liberty Counsel Action is a law and policy education, training and advocacy organization. From offices in Washington, DC and Orlando, Florida, LCA advances religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, the family, responsible government, national security, and support for Israel at the federal, state, and local levels. Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Donations are not tax deductible.

Liberty Counsel Action

PO Box 540629

Orlando, FL 32854
