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USDA caught suppressing science on pesticides that are killing bee pollinators; take action to stop the federal government's 'black box science'

Jennifer Lea Reynolds

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Feb. 24, 2016

(NaturalNews) Much of the way things operate in the world today is based on the notion that if you speak the truth, you'll receive some serious criticism. At the very least, people will look at you like a deer in the headlights, confused as to why you're not embracing what's really right. What's really right, of course, is the way others want you to think and act – "others" unfortunately being the likes of Big Pharma, greedy organizations and bully-like people.

One example of this "do-as-I-say" mentality comes from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), who is up in arms over the fact that its top scientist engaged in neonicotinoid pesticide (neonics) research about bees, which was ultimately widely-published and well-received. Surely, had the research suggested that neonics were A-okay for bees, the USDA wouldn't have taken issue with the findings. However, the scientist, Dr. Jonathan Lundgren, showed that not only are neonic coatings on corn and soy seeds troublesome for bees, but they don't provide a significant benefit to farmers either. It's for this reason that, according to Dr. Lundgren, the USDA started to harass him, attempted to keep him hush-hush on the topic, and even tried to disrupt his involvement with other projects. He was even given a two-week suspension.(1,2)

In response to the bizarre USDA reactions, he filed a whistleblower complaint, suggesting that the USDA brushes scientific evidence under the carpet for their own gain.


Once again, money speaks ... But you can sign a petition to make a difference to the plight of honeybees

Jeff Ruch, executive director of Public Employees For Environmental Responsibility (PEER), feels that the USDA's reactions stem from the fact that Dr. Lundgren's research wouldn't have sat well with stockholders. Therefore, his findings set the USDA in panic mode, causing them to treat the scientist, who worked at the USDA Agriculture Research Service in South Dakota for 11 years, unfairly.

"We think the USDA is reflecting complaints from corporate stakeholders," says Ruch. "This research is drawing consternation, which flows down the USDA chain of command to the researchers doing the work."(2)

Also coming to the defense of Dr. Lundgren is the Pesticide Action Network (PAN). They urge citizens like you to do your part when it comes to the harms of pesticide use. They have a petition that encourages you to support the scientist, while also allowing you to take a stand against the many wrongdoings involving the pesticide/bee issue. Enough with trying to stifle the truth. Enough with caring more about stakeholders than the importance of pollination. The petition involving Dr. Lundgren states the following:

"Intimidation and harassment of USDA ARS scientists doing critical research on pesticides, genetically engineered crops, and our food and farming system cannot be tolerated. USDA must stop the censoring of USDA scientists' research. The agency should immediately revise its Scientific Integrity Policy to put an end to this suppression."(1)

What's it going to take? Even the EPA came out with study mentioning that pesticides harm honeybees

For crying out loud, even the EPA – not quite an organization thought to have people's best interests at heart – has come forward with its first scientific risk assessment study involving neonicotinoids and bees. Guess what? It mentions a "significant effect" between neonicotinoids and a diminishing honeybee population.(3)

Time and again, it's been proven that the honeybee population must be preserved, not harmed through the use of pesticides. Honeybees are a vital part of the environment; raw, unfiltered, organic honey boosts intestinal tract health, fills your body with antioxidants, and helps ease allergies, to name just a few healing health benefits.(3)

Won't you join the fight against pesticides by signing the PAN petition? Making your opinion known is important, since every single signature matters. The more you make your voice heard, the less likely it is that other voices will be squashed, as they attempt to save the planet's pollinators.

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