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Product review: Rejuvenate Berries and Herbs superfood is rich in RNA, plant proteins

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

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.com), Boku Superfood (, Delicious Greens (, Pure Synergy ( and X-Balance ( But recently I was handed a sample of a new superfood product made by Health Products Distributors Inc ( It's called Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs, and it really caught my attention as a truly remarkable new superfood product.

As you already know if you read frequently, I don't recommend superfood products made with soy protein, chemicals sweeteners or junk fillers of any kind. So right from the start you already know that Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs is a cut above the norm. It's actually much more than that: Formulated by Dr. Hank Liers, this Rejuvenate Berries & Herbs superfood is a high-RNA, high-protein superfood concentrate powder made with organic freeze-dried berries and herbs. I've included a complete ingredients list below so you can see what's in it for yourself.

The best part of this product, though, is the amazing taste! You know how high-density green superfoods often have a taste that just makes you cringe? Seriously: I've managed to swig down some fairly smagnamanious concoctions in my days (yes, I just made that word up, don't bother trying to Google it), but as I've gained more experience in the world of superfoods, I've come to realize a simple but powerful truth about my own habits: If it doesn't taste good, I avoid consuming it. Even when I know that certain superfoods are really, really good for me, I've found that if they taste terrible, I just don't drink them as often as I wish to. (Have you noticed the same habit about yourself?)

Taste matters. Superfood powders that taste great get consumed with much higher frequency in my kitchen. That's why I go through so much LivingFuel -- it's simply a great-tasting superfood product with an impressive nutritional profile to boot!

Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs tastes fantastic. So it automatically gets consumed with greater frequency in my household, and that feels good because I know just how impressive its nutritional profile is. It's made with sprouts protein, hemp protein, brown rice protein, blueberries and so much more (see the complete ingredients list below).

What really makes this product so remarkable is that it's a high-RNA formula made with nutrients that are specifically chosen for their RNA content such as Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF) and RNA extracts of nutritional yeast.

In terms of supplemental vitamins, it contains the coenzyme forms of essential B vitamins -- these are the bioavailable forms, not the cheap chemical forms of vitamins you typically find in common multivitamin products.

Beyond that, Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs contains a wide array of immune-supporting herbs and mushroom extracts, liver-supporting nutrients, ginger root, sea vegetables, turmeric, astragalus and much more. The depth of its ingredients is really impressive.

By the way, Rejuvenate is a 100% vegan product. No animal ingredients whatsoever.

How to use Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs

Do you remember drinking strawberry milk as a kid? I used to love that sick stuff. As a kid, I drank the Quik brand strawberry milk product, loaded with processed sugar and artificial flavors. (No wonder I had so many cavities growing up...)

Today, you can create your own nutritionally-potent "strawberry milk superfood" by combining this Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs with raw almond milk fresh-pressed right out of the Hurom Slow Juicer ( Add a little stevia sweetener and you've got a super nutritious, ridiculously delicious "strawberry milk" superfood beverage that's loaded with health-enhancing nutrients.

It only takes minutes to make with the Hurom Slow Juicer. Just soak raw almonds in water for a few hours, then pop them into the Hurom Slow Juicer. Out comes fresh almond milk! Blend it with this Rejuvenate product and you're in business!

You can also, of course, blend Rejuvenate with just about any fruit smoothie. Here in Ecuador where I have fresh tropical fruit readily available, I've blended this product with bananas, papayas, pineapples (really good), guavas, zapote fruit (strange), wild gooseberries (uvillas), and of course fresh garden juice too (parsley, cucumbers, celery, beets, bean sprouts).

But my favorite recipe with this product is the simplest one: Rejuvenate plus fresh almond milk pressed right on my kitchen countertop.

Where to get Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs

This remarkable superfood product is available straight from the manufacturer at a 10% discount off the retail price. Check that out here:

The same discounted price is also available through our NaturalNews Store:

30% off - For a very limited time, HPDI has supplied our NaturalNews Store with a quantity of this product with permission to offer it at a one-time "introductory discount" of 30% off when you buy three. This offer was only made possible with the permission of HPDI and it's a one-time offer that's good only while this inventory lasts.

Take advantage of the 30% off discount here by buying a three-pack of Rejuvenate:

A word about price

I fully realize there are less-expensive meal replacement "superfood" products on the market. But all the really good ones I've recommended over the years -- HealthForce Nutritionals, LivingFuel, Pure Synergy, and so on -- have all been on the higher end of the pricing scale. That's no coincidence.

I only recommend the very best in the industry. There are cheaper products on the market, and there are some really awful products made with 50% lecithin filler, soy protein and other less desirable ingredients. (You noticed I've never recommended the Spirutein product line, right?)

I don't claim to know all the best products in the world, as I'm sure there are others I have yet to discover and review, but of the products I am aware of, this Rejuvenate Berries & Herbs takes its place among the very best in the world. You won't find it in Whole Foods (not yet anyway) because if it were distributed through that retail channel, the price would probably have to be raised significantly higher. Getting it directly from HPDI or the NN Store helps keep the costs down vs. retail distribution.

Besides, if you compare ingredients to ingredients, and you really look at what goes into these superfood products, you'll agree that Rejuvenate Berries & Herbs is a serious contender for the "Best Superfood" award of 2010.

Quality ingredients cost money. But a little goes a long way. If you're on a tight budget, just using one tablespoon a day of this product can confer tremendous nutritional benefits that you might otherwise miss. Personally, I think it's better to use a little bit of a high potency superfood each day rather than a larger quantity of some cheap product made with lots of filler.

Speaking of filler, the most common filler to watch out for in the health products marketplace is soy protein. The second filler is usually soy lecithin. I don't mind some amount of lecithin in a product, but when it starts to approach 25% of the total recipe, that's when I know it's just cheap filler.

And of course, the really non-desirable products are sweetened with artificial chemical sweeteners like sucralose or aspartame. Don't even think about buying those.

Stick with the high-quality products and you'll be far happier with your results.

Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs comes with a satisfaction guarantee, by the way, when you get it from the Natural News Store. I think you'll really love this product! Pick up some right here:

The ingredients

Rice Protein, Vegetable Sprouts Protein (65% protein), Hemp Protein with fiber (37% protein), Flax Seed Flour (cold-milled), Rice Bran Solubles, D-Ribose, Blueberry powder (organic freeze dried), Cranberry powder (organic freeze dried), Strawberry powder (organic freeze dried), Raspberry powder (organic freeze dried), Nutritional Yeast (brewers yeast), Lecithin (High Phosphatide), Xylitol (organic hardwood), Mannitol, Inulin (chicory root), VitaBerry Plus, L-Lysine (USP grade), Vanilla Flavoring (Organic), Organic Mixed Berry Flavoring, RNA from yeast, Vitamin C (from Mg ascorbate), Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF), Burdock Root (Organic), Astragalus (Organic), Turmeric (Organic), Proprietary Enzyme Blend (Protease, Peptidase, Cellulase), Ginger Root (Organic), L-Malic Acid, Rhodiola rosea (root) (3% rosavins), Quercetin Chalcone®, N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine, Milk Thistle Standardized Extract (82% silymarin), Licorice (root) (Organic), Kelp (Organic), Dulse (Organic), Inositol, Green Tea Extract (95% polyphenols), Dandelion Root (Organic), Aloe vera (ActivAloe 200:1), Vitamin E (d-alpha tocopheryl succinate), Magnesium (from Mg malate), Stevia Leaf Extract, Lipoic Acid, Vitamin B3 (niacinamide), BioVin Grape Extract, Choline (from bitartrate). Immune-Assist (organic medicinal mushrooms), Pantothenic Acid, Vitamin E (high-gamma mixed tocopherols), Vitamin B5 Pantethine, Germanium Sesquioxide, TransResveratrol (Polygonum cuspidatum), Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxal-5'-phosphate), Vitamin B2 (riboflavin-5'-phosphate), Vitamin B1 (thiamin diphosphate), Magnesium (from Mg ascorbate), Biotin, Folinic Acid (from calcium folinate), Vitamin K1 (as phylloquinone), Vitamin B12 (as methylcobalamin), Selenium (from l-Selenomethionine), and Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol).

Information from the manufacturer - Background on the formulation

REJUVENATE! BERRIES & HERBS is designed to provide high levels of nucleic acids, including RNA, DNA, nucleotides, and nucleosides. Modern western diets can be deficient in nucleic acids, at least relative to many traditional diets. Food sources of nucleic acids include certain fish, organ meats, beans, yeast, and various food algae. In general, foods high in purines contain above average levels of nucleic acids. In comparison to most fish and organ meats, muscle meats (e.g., beef, chicken, pork, etc) are relatively deficient in nucleic acids. Moreover, while certain vegetables (beans, asparagus, spinach) and vegetable soups provide reasonably high levels of nucleic acids, most vegetables do not. Because modern western diets typically depend heavily on muscle meats, processed foods, and foods produced via industrial agriculture, nucleic acid intake generally is quite low (relative to traditional diets), and continues to decline, except when certain foods or supplements are added to the diet. For example, the Japanese consume higher amounts of spirulina and chlorella; the British consume a yeast extract known as “Marmite” and the Australians consume “Vegemite,” etc. Moreover, many fish-eating cultures are known for health and longevity. Many researchers have concluded that higher levels of health among fish-eating peoples not only relates to increased intake of essential fats, but also relates to higher intake of nucleic acids.

Nucleic acids are involved in many bodily processes, especially energy production and communication within cells (i.e., they enable cells to use energy effectively for greater health). In the cell nucleus, RNA carries out instructions coded in DNA instructions containing information critical for cell structure and function which are essential for the very lives of our cells, and thereby for our lives. When our cells receive proper directions and energy to carry them out, they keep us youthful.

In the 1960s and 1970s, the molecular biologist Dr. Benjamin S. Frank pioneered dietary nucleic acid therapy [through nutrition] using yeast extracts and fish, especially sardines. He wrote several books regarding his studies, including Dr. Frank's No-Aging Diet: Eat and Grow Younger (1976), a bestseller that popularized the so-called “fish diet.” Dr. Frank's experiments with high-RNA diets showed that increased dietary intake of nucleic acids produced marked improvements in health both in specific conditions, as well as in general health and vitality.

Dr. Frank's animal experiments, and his experience with human subjects, showed many beneficial effects, indicating that dietary nucleic acids (i.e., nucleic acid in the diet and through dietary supplementation) can be useful adjuncts in protocols for a wide variety of conditions. Among the beneficial effects Dr. Frank recorded were increased growth (especially muscle growth), greater endurance; positive effects on the cardiovascular system; greater lung capacity and easier breathing (i.e., better oxygen utilization); higher tolerance for temperature extremes (cold and hot); smoother skin and a more youthful appearance; greater vitality and longevity (in experimental animals compared to controls).

Dr. Frank's human subjects also showed many positive effects, including increased energy levels, greater endurance, improved muscle strength, easier breathing, lowered cholesterol levels, diminishment of angina pains and other beneficial cardiovascular effects, blood sugar stabilization, improved vision, and a more youthful appearance.

In his books, Dr. Frank addresses how nucleic acids can dramatically increase cellular energy. Nucleic acids boost energy levels in the body is by significantly increasing production of the "high-energy" molecule ATP (adenosine triphosphate). The body requires the energy from ATP for many purposes, including for repairing, healing, metabolism, digestion, building a strong immune system, and other processes.

The pioneering work of Dr. Frank has provided a scientific and clinical basis for pursuing development of nutritional formulas that leverage the power of dietary nucleic acids for greater health and well-being.

Feb. 24, 2010