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How to save yourself from deadly pharmaceuticals and heal over 100 diseases and disorders using healing foods, herbs and natural medicine

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

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What if you could get your hands on a universe of eye-opening information about health and healing that the drug companies and health care profiteers never wanted you to discover?

Although you might find it difficult to believe at first, the "sick care" industry actually depends on the continuation of degenerative disease and the expansion of new disease definitions to sell their patented chemicals to more and more people. But underneath the hype, the television ads, the FDA and the drug reps, there's a dirty little secret about modern medicine that informed people are now uncovering...

Drugs-and-surgery medicine is a grand hoax.

(We'll prove it to you. Keep reading.)

Popping pills and cutting open patients may work for acute, emergency medical situations (such as saving the life of a person in an automobile collision), but conventional medicine has proven itself useless in preventing the degenerative diseases that dominate health care today.

Consider the big ones: cancer, diabetes, heart disease, depression, osteoporosis, obesity, migraines, kidney stones and others. Has the drugs-and-surgery approach to medicine made any improvement whatsoever in reducing the rates of these diseases over the last three decades? None. In fact, disease rates continue to rise every year. Diabetes is skyrocketing in children, cancer survival rates have barely budged in thirty years, and depression is now spreading like an epidemic across the population. And on top of that, infertility rates have spiked, forty percent of the population is now taking pharmaceuticals daily, and tens of millions of our children have been labeled "sick" with a diagnosis of a fictitious disorder called "ADHD" that's being treated with prescription amphetamines that used to be called "speed" when they were sold as street drugs.

What's going on here? How could Americans be paying the most for health care of any nation in the world, yet display the worst health of any modern nation in the world?

The answers may shock you. In fact, what you're about to read here may rock your world so completely that you'll never look at doctors and pharmaceuticals the same way again.

"Mike Adams is leading the charge to protect your rights to have control over your body. Natural Health Solutions is a must read for anyone who wants to maintain their health and their health freedom."

Gregory Kunin, Co-Founder of Ola Loa

Health freedom activist Mike Adams blows the lid off the medical hoax called "conventional medicine"

Author Mike Adams is widely regarded as one of the top natural health writers living today. He's written more than twelve books and guides and nearly 2,000 articles on medicine and health, documenting the corruption of the FDA, the scientific fraud of drug companies, the bribery of doctors and the rampant conflicts of interest that characterize medicine today. (Literally millions of people have read Adams' articles and reports, and readers report astonishing health improvements from doing so.)

At the same time, he's become a true master of personal health transformation by studying and applying natural healing secrets that can help virtually anyone prevent or even reverse the most devastating diseases known to modern medicine, from breast cancer and prostate cancer to diabetes, depression, heart disease, migraine headaches and much more.

His latest book, Natural Health Solutions and the Conspiracy to Keep You From Knowing About Them is a shocking tell-all book that reveals both the worst of conventional medicine and the incredible success of natural medicine through the use of foods, herbs and free, natural therapies that really work to halt and reverse serious disease.

Inside Natural Health Solutions, you'll:

  • Discover healing foods and herbs that really work for over 100 common health conditions.
  • Find out which superfoods and supplements you should be taking right now that can save your life, stave off disease and save you a fortune in health care costs.
  • See the documented proof of how drug companies control the media and run the FDA with a profiteering agenda that exploits the health of human beings to generate corporate profits.
  • Learn the horrifying truth of armed FDA raids on vitamin shops and health clinics, revealing the terrifying tactics used by federal regulators to eradicate natural medicine.
  • Learn safe, natural and effective alternatives to dangerous prescription drugs. These are the natural health solutions the FDA wants to ban and Big Pharma hopes you never discover.
  • Uncover the "cycle of disease" in modern health care that guarantees future profits for doctors and drug companies by keeping patients diseased and dependant on overpriced medications.
  • Realize how modern medicine is a grand hoax that only traps patients in a system of medicine that will leave them dead and broke. But there's a way out, and it's revealed in Natural Health Solutions.

"Mike Adams is the best health and natural products writer on the scene today."

Ronnie Cummins, founder, Organic Consumers Association

Mike Adams beat degenerative disease, and he's shown millions how to reverse disease and maximize their health without using a single pharmaceutical

Like many people today, Mike Adams used to suffer from degenerative disease. Raised on a diet of unhealthy processed foods, Adams was nearly obese and diabetic by the age of thirty. He suffered from chronic back pain and depression, and found himself fed up with doctors that seemed to offer no real solutions to his health concerns.

Determined to reverse diabetes, eliminate his body fat and regain his former mental acuity, Adams became a student of nutrition and natural therapies. He attended healing schools, taught himself nutritional theory and completed more than 600 books on healing modalities, nutritional therapies and food toxicology. As he applied what he learned in his own life, his health began to transform.

Adams gave up all chemicals -- pharmaceuticals, over-the-counter drugs, caffeine -- and pursued a natural foods diet with regular exercise and plenty of sunshine (using no sunscreen, which contains its own cancer-causing chemicals). Soon after, he dropped 50 pounds of body fat, his diabetes symptoms vanished, and his cholesterol dropped to LDL of 67 and HDL of 62. His resting pulse dropped to 48 beats per minute, his blood pressure reached 105/60 and he was pronounced by his naturopathic doctor as achieving a state of "perfect health."

And this is from a person who was previously headed down the path of degenerative disease!

Adams was so shocked by this rapid health transformation that he felt compelled to share this information with others. He began writing and teaching, attracting an audience of millions of readers, and today is regarded as one of the most influential natural health writers in the world. His work has helped literally millions of people get off prescription drugs, end their addictions to junk foods and sodas, and easily adopt healthy lifestyle choices that make severe degenerative diseases simply vanish.

Natural Health Solutions is the culmination of this nutritional knowledge, experience and research. It tells you everything you need to know to escape the predatory system of conventional medicine and take charge of your health from this day forward.

Inside, you'll discover:

  • How the marketing and promotion of drugs is based almost entirely on scientific fraud, hype and exaggeration.
  • Why America is the only country in the world that allows direct-to-consumer advertising by pharmaceutical companies, even when the practice makes no scientific sense whatsoever.
  • The truth about how the FDA is actually paid by pharmaceutical companies to approve their drugs as "safe."
  • The jaw-dropping truth about the medical monopoly enforced by the American Medical Association and the FDA, including monopolistic price controls, border raids and intimidation campaigns to eliminate competition.
  • How one FDA-approved prescription drug has actually killed more Americans than the entire Vietnam War... and this is according to one of the FDA's own senior drug safety researchers!
  • Why most non-profit disease organizations that have "diabetes" or "cancer" in their names are actually Big Pharma front groups that have no real interest in curing disease.
  • How pharmaceutical companies control the U.S. government and bilk taxpayers out of billions of dollars through Medicare and Medicaid programs.
  • The truth about why 29 states are suing the pharmaceutical giants for fraud.
  • The truth about "disease mongering" and how the pharmaceutical companies actually invent disease, package it, and sell it to the public in order to convince healthy people that they're sick and need "treatment."
  • Why a leading blood thinner medication is actually made from a known rat poison.
  • The fraud of the breast cancer industry and how it uses "free screening" as a recruitment tool to trap women in a system of treatment that actually harms 10 women for every 1 that it helps.
  • Shocking details, pictures and documents revealing the little-known tie between the pharmaceutical companies and the masterminds of human medical experimentation in Nazi Germany.
  • How dangerous drugs such as heroine and cocaine were actually pioneered by some of the top pharmaceutical companies and sold as "medicine."
  • Why modern medicine itself has become the top leading cause of death in America. It's true! Medical treatment now kills more Americans than cancer.