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Exclusive NaturalNews interview: Dr. Jonathan Wright's Censored Health Secrets

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In this exclusive NaturalNews interview, Mike Adams talks with Dr. Jonathan Wright, M.D., a true pioneer in nutrition, disease prevention and health freedom. Dr. Wright's clinic was raided by the FDA -- an event that played a pivotal role in the 1994 DSHEA act that protected nutritional supplements from FDA censorship. He's the writer and publisher of the Nutrition & Healing newsletter, and has helped millions of readers around the world fight for their health freedoms, prevent disease and greatly improve the quality of their lives through pioneering nutritional secrets.

In this NaturalNews interview, Dr. Wright openly discusses many censored health secrets and reveals details on why conventional medicine has utterly failed to offer meaningful solutions to health. He also reveals:

Why a conventional medical education leaves doctors nutritionally illiterate.

  • How doctors and health authorities try to shut down "alternative" health practitioners by driving them out of business.
  • The fascinating history of health freedom and how U.S. lawmakers tried to outlaw all nutritional supplements without a prescription.
  • How Codex and the WTO threaten health freedoms of consumers around the world.
  • The true story of red yeast rice, and how drug companies stole a molecule from nature, patented it as a cholesterol drug, then tried to outlaw the plant that produced the molecule.
  • Why the FDA is the enemy of freedom, and how it gets away with blatant suppression of the First Amendment.
  • How peer pressure keeps conventional medical doctors in line with Big Pharma influence, making sure they don't promote alternative therapies.
  • Cutting-edge breakthroughs in nutritional medicine that can treat viral pandemics, cancer and more.
  • Nutritional therapies for reversing osteoporosis (and the little-known trace minerals that boosts bone density).

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