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Healthy News that Can Help You Prepare for the Future Stop Growing Older, Grow Younger!

J. CollinTowers

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(NaturalNews) A team of researchers from Boston University has determined that the healthier your heart is, the slower your brain ages. On the flip side, those with less-than-optimal heart health experience more rapid brain aging than those whose hearts have a more healthy blood flow.


Boost Your Brainpower

Research shows that nuts and seeds just might boost your brainpower and balance your moods. That's right, everything from the most common nuts -- such as walnuts, hazelnuts, cashews and almonds -- to the more exotic seeds and nuts can clear up that "brain fog" and enable you to think clearer and be happier than you ever imagined.

Both figuratively and literally speaking, walnuts are "brain food." As Rebecca Wood points out in her "New Foods Encyclopedia," the walnut looks remarkably like the human brain. 


Eat Your Greens

Green foods are unlike any other in their ability to nourish the body’s cells with bioavailable vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, phytonutrients, antioxidants, and fiber. Millions of people throughout history have experienced a life free of disease by consuming an abundance of green foods on a regular basis.


Poison Tap Water Exposed As Soft Kill Weapon

Water fluoridation has come to refer to the addition of over 40 chemicals into the water supply that synergistically come together to wreak havoc on the body and its processes. Water fluoridation really amounts to: disease. Scientists and doctors around the world are speaking out against water fluoridation, and its effects on the human body.

If water fluoridation truly is a killer, then why is it still being added to the water supply? The truth is that only about 5% of the world is current fluoridated. Of the 5% that is fluoridated, 50% of them reside in the United States. Other countries have rejected fluoridation due to a wide variety of health concerns, with one primary factor being thyroid damage.

In a famous study, neurotoxicologist and former Director of toxicology at Forsyth Dental Center in Boston, Dr. Phyllis Mullenix found that even moderate levels of fluoride exposure led to varying degrees of brain damage. The damage was caused due to fluoride building up in the brain.

What is more shocking is that even the offspring of the studied animals were affected. While the doses were relatively low, the animals experienced permanent effects to the brain that were similar to ADD symptoms. Other studies throughout the past 50 years have linked fluoride to osteoarthritis, inhibited thyroid function, decreased sperm count, cancer, decreased strength, and much more. One of the most recent studies found that fluoride may not help teeth at all.

Fluoride is not the only thing in your water. Cocaine was recently found in the drinking water, along with various hormones. Unfortunately, traces of cocaine may be the least of your worries. Other toxic pollutants are often found in the drinking water across the United States. Even if you do not drink tap water directly, it can also be in many products such as soda or beer. Foods absorb water as well, and your food may be absorbing these pollutants. One of the best options to prevent against exposure to these chemicals is to purchase a high quality water filter, or get your water from a pure source such as a spring. Other pollutants typically found in the drinking water:

    • Lead , which can enter the water supply through corrosive pipes or improper water treatment

    • Pathogens  that cause disease and are especially crippling to those with weakened immune systems

    • By-products of chlorine treatment such as  trihalomethanes  and  haloacetic acids , which have been linked to cancer and reproductive problems

    • Arsenic , which may cause cancer, serious skin problems, birth defects and reproductive problems

    • Radon , a carcinogen linked to lung cancer

It is important to remember that these pollutants can also be absorbed or inhaled by the body during showering. A high quality shower filter is a necessity for everyone who does not have a house-wide filtration system. Tell everyone you know about the toxic effects of water fluoridation, and allow them to research the facts for themselves.



Potassium is highly concentrated in your cells, whereas sodium (salt) is concentrated between your cells.  New science is showing that a lack of potassium is a primary reason why salt can cause high blood pressure and cardiovascular damage.  This is especially important in the summer when higher heat can aggravate a potassium deficiency.

Potassium is the most important positive ion (cation) within your cells.  Your cells have an ion pump that pumps 2 potassium ions into a cell while pumping 3 sodium ions out.  In this way the proper electrical charges of cells is maintained, which is essential for maintaining proper fluid and electrolyte balance in your body.  The normal concentration of potassium within cells is especially important to your nervous system and is needed for normal nerve transmission.

Potassium is high in foods such as bananas, oranges, cantaloupes, tomatoes, potatoes, legumes, and garlic.  Other good sources include most fruits and vegetables as well as meat and dairy. .



More than 2 million people suffer from age-related macular degeneration (AMD), and experts expect that number to double by 2020. Luckily there are some lifestyles and dietary changes you can make to help avoid this serious eye disorder. If you smoke, quit now... try to add more dark green vegetables into your diet... exercise and lose those unwanted pounds... and be sure to get regular eye exams. All these healthful tips can help you retain your vision well into your golden years.  Bob Livingston



If you’re wondering what to throw on the grill this summer, try salmon. A new study says astaxanthin, the pigment that gives salmon its pink color, protects your DNA.

The same researchers also found that astaxanthin lowers your C-reactive protein (CRP).

CRP measures inflammation in your body. Inflammation happens when your blood vessels are damaged because they’re not getting the nutrients they need. It’s the real cause of heart attacks and strokes.

Your DNA is damaged by free radical molecules. These form when you’re exposed to things like pollution, smoke, radiation and processed food.

Astaxanthin may just be the best antioxidants for DNA protection. It’s 6,000 times more effective than vitamin C, 800 times more than CoQ10 and 550 times more than vitamin E or green tea.3,4

Salmon is a great source. But buy wild salmon. It contains far more astaxanthin. Four ounces of farm raised Atlantic salmon contains about 0.5 to 1.1 mg of astaxanthin. But wild-caught sockeye salmon contains a whopping 4.5 mg.5

You can also find astaxanthin in pink-colored seafood like lobster, crab and shrimp. Take 4 to 8 mg a day.   Dr. Al Sears


 “Nutritional Odds N Ends from My Book”

More proven facts about water:                                                            page 196

  • Drink your water at room temperature when you can as your body will absorb it faster.     
  • Drink two glasses of water at least thirty minutes before eating. This will lubricate your gut wall and help release digestive enzymes.
  • Drink very little when eating as this will dilute your digestive enzymes.
  • It is better to drink water half an hour before your meal and half an hour after. This will allow for better absorption of nutrients from your food and also enhance your digestive power causing minimum strain to your intestines.
  • There is no scientific justification anywhere for drinking 64 ounces of water per day.




I just finished my new eBook – “STOP Foreclosure and Keep Your Home, or Just Walk Away.”  The website is now live. If you know of any homeowner that is behind on their house payment and maybe facing foreclosure – please tell them to visit this site. Thanks for your support in advance --




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J Collin Towers is a health crusader, freelance online editor, digital merchant, and author of Stop Growing Older, Grow Younger and Stop Foreclosure and Keep Your House or Just Walk Away. As a child in upstate New York, he enjoyed fresh raw vegetables out of the family garden, free-range eggs, and raw milk from his grandfather’s farm. After four years in the Navy, Towers went to school to learn commercial photography. With photo assignments all over the world, his work has been published in countless magazines and catalogs. While living in California, Towers became a vegan, completely cutting meat out of his diet. Called a “health-nut” by friends and family, he spent years researching and discovering ways to reverse the aging process. And, he has succeeded. Mr. Towers currently lives with his Australian blue heeler, Tazz, in Smyrna, GA. He spends 5 hours a day researching on the internet and works in his organic garden.