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Vitamins Get Rid of Dark Circles under the Eyes

Dianna Dill, citizen journalist

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rid of dark circles

The Mayo Clinic recommends getting rid of your dark circles by applying a vitamin-rich cream. A 2004 clinical study conducted by researchers at Tokyo's Nippon Medical School showed that a topical gel treatment containing vitamins A, C, K and E had moderately effective results in reducing dark circles. The gel, which was applied twice a day, contained 2% vitamin K, 0.1% retinol (Vitamin A), 0.1% vitamin C and 0.1% vitamin E . Several over-the-counter creams contain these vitamins.

Tanushree Podder, in her book 1000 Plus Household Hints, recommends treating your dark circles with slices of pumpkin. What makes pumpkin effective? Pumpkin contains Vitamins A, C, and K, which help to reverse the effect of the dark circles. Place the pumpkin slices over your under-eye area for a few minutes each day.

Amparo Salvador and Alberto Chisvert report that dermatologists have recently discovered that Vitamin K is effective at getting rid of dark circles under the eyes. In their book, "Analysis of cosmetic products," they explain that this vitamin helps to minimize the appearance of under-eye circles that may result from poor blood flow beneath the eyes

In her book, "Your Health Is in Your Kitchen," Gwenyfar notes that dark circles are among the more visible symptoms of a Vitamin K deficiency. She writes that you can reverse this deficiency by adding foods rich in vitamin K to your diet. These include brown rice, eggs, oatmeal, wheat, alfalfa, cornmeal, sweet potatoes, liver, soybeans, and milk.

B vitamins help to reduce water retention, explains Lisa Drayer in The Beauty Diet: Looking Great Has Never Been So Delicious. Water retention often causes puffy eyes, which result in dark circles under the eyes. The different B vitamins work together, so you should ensure that you take all of them. Foods rich in the various vitamins are walnuts (Vitamins B1 and B7), yogurt (B2 and B5), wild salmon (B3), spinach (B9), and oysters (B12). Walnuts, salmon, and spinach also contain Vitamin B6.

Roshni Dayal, author of the book "Natural Beauty Secrets from India," recommends applying a few drops of Vitamin E oil around the eyes before going to sleep to help get rid of dark circles. Vitamin E also helps the body to make better use of Vitamin K, reports the University of Maryland Medical Center.

In the book in Nutrition Almanac, John D. Kirschmann explains that just a small Vitamin A deficiency may lead to dry eyelids, easy tiring of the eyes, and sensitivity to light variations, which contribute to dark circles. Taking Vitamin A will help keep the eyes in good health and alleviate these symptoms, which in turn will get rid of dark circles.


1. The Mayo Clinic: Dark Circles Under Eyes: Causes

2. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology : The effects of topical application of phytonadione, retinol and vitamins C and E on infraorbital dark circles and wrinkles of the lower eyelids

3. "1000 Plus Household Hints," Tanushree Podder

"Analysis of cosmetic products," Amparo Salvador, Alberto Chisvert

4. "Your Health Is in Your Kitchen: Why Momma Made Chicken Soup," Gwenyfar R0hler

5. "The Beauty Diet: Looking Great Has Never Been S0 Delicious," Lisa Drayer

6. University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC): Vitamin K Source

7. "Natural Beauty Secrets from India," Roshni Dayal.

8. "Nutrition Almanac," John D. Kirschmann, Nutrition Search, Inc

About the author

The Armchair Herbalist is a copywriter, turned insurance agent, turned freelance writer and published author. She has written numerous health- and business-related articles and eBooks for Demand Studios, Suite101, Bright Hub and LovetoKnow.

She is a self-professed armchair herbalist, and authored the book: 101 Herbal Tea Remedies: Healing Infusions and Decoctions from Nature's Own Pharmacy.

Aug. 1 2010