Healthy News that Can Help You Prepare for the Future Stop Growing Older, Grow Younger!
J. Collin Towers
Let me start this newsletter with this: (please follow and teach this to your family)
The only way this country can come back is for people to buy from each other. Buy American! Buy local! Support your Community, Support your Neighbor! Hug a Farmer! Buy Silver! Get in shape, get healthy.
As Gerald Celente says “Rip up your useless lawn and grow food”.
Mobile phones cause tinnitus
While everyone has been worried about the possibility that mobile (cell) phones cause cancer, few realize that the devices are a major cause of tinnitus, the distressing hearing problem. Even using a mobile phone for 10 minutes increases the risk by 71%, researchers have discovered, although the risk doubles for those who have used a mobile phone for more than four years. The overall risk for any use is 37&.
Vitamin D helps keep colds away
If you can't get a dose of sunshine then a daily vitamin D supplement could help ward off colds during winter, according to a Finnish study.
The body naturally synthesizes vitamin D when the skin is exposed to sunlight. Researcher Dr. Ilkka Laaksi of the University of Tampere in Finland said some past studies found people with relatively lower vitamin D levels in their blood tended to have higher rates of respiratory infections than those with higher levels of the vitamin.
Chili Pepper Ingredient Have Blood Pressure-Lowering Effects
Hypertensive individuals who are looking for a natural way to lower their blood pressure may want to consider eating chili peppers on a regular basis—if they can handle the heat.
The Leading Cause of Premature Aging and Premature Death
Increased insulin and leptin receptor sensitivity has clearly become the leading candidate for premature death. This results from two primary conditions: too much sugar and processed foods, combined with insufficient exercise.
Interestingly, controlling these two factors could likely eliminate more than 90 percent of: High blood pressure - Obesity - Diabetes - High cholesterol
Of all the molecules capable of inflicting damage in your body, probably the most damaging of all are sugar molecules. Fructose in particular is an extremely potent pro-inflammatory agent that speeds up the aging process.
This is mostly an artifact of the postindustrial agricultural revolution that we live in as over thirty years ago scientists learned how to cheaply produce sugar from corn and now it is loaded in nearly all processed foods and has become the number one source of calories in most all developed countries.
Fructose is a major contributor to:
- Insulin resistance and obesity
- Elevated blood pressure
- Elevated triglycerides and elevated LDL
- Cardiovascular disease, liver disease, cancer, arthritis and even gout
Fructose adversely affects your body in a number of ways, but one of the mechanisms that causes significant damage is glycation; a process in which the sugar bonds with proteins and form so-called advanced glycation end products, or AGEs. It's a fitting acronym because – along with oxidation – it's one of the major molecular mechanisms whereby damage accrues in your body, which leads to disease, aging, and eventually, death.
From Jenny Thompson
In a 2008 review of about 600 cases in which cancer patients died within 30 days of receiving chemo, 40% experienced "significant poisoning" from their treatment, and about one-in-four deaths were accelerated or actually caused by the treatment.
Every cancer patient and their family needs to be aware of this chemo con. If a doctor prescribes chemo — especially in the very late stages — it's time to start asking as many questions as possible to make sure the con isn't on.
Astaxanthin protects your DNA
Astaxanthin lowers your C-reactive protein (CRP). CRP measures inflammation in your body. Inflammation happens when your blood vessels are damaged because they’re not getting the nutrients they need. It’s the real cause of heart attacks and strokes.
Your DNA is damaged by free radical molecules. These form when you’re exposed to things like pollution, smoke, radiation and processed food.
Astaxanthin may just be the best antioxidants for DNA protection. It’s 6,000 times more effective than vitamin C, 800 times more than CoQ10 and 550 times more than vitamin E or green tea. Dr. Al Sears
Open Your Windows
Are you a fan of those sweet-smelling candles, air fresheners or scented plug-ins? You could unknowingly be releasing millions of toxic particles into your home. This could lead to allergies, migraines or nausea. Instead of masking unpleasant indoor odors with synthetic chemicals, open your windows or doors during nice weather and invite in a fresh breeze. For a natural way to purify your air, go green by placing a peace lily, Gerbera daisy, bamboo palm, potted mum or English ivy in your home. Bob Livingston
“Nutritional Odds N Ends from My Book”
From page 156
- If you can eat raw vegetables, such as peppers and tomatoes, then so much the better. The lack of cooking means more nutrients are retained.
- Fiber rich foods such as beans, peas, broccoli, prunes, figs, whole grains and other commonly available plants, organically grown to ensure the highest nutrient levels, aid in digestion by carrying waste and toxic products through your body, so it can pass them quickly without absorbing too much.
- According to the experts at Johns Hopkins, three out of four adults in the US will be obese by the year 2015.
Must watch video of a 3 year old describing the Star Wars movie --
1 ½ minutes – priceless
over 15 million views.
I just finished my new eBook – “STOP Foreclosure and Keep Your Home, or Just Walk Away.” The website is now live. If you know of any homeowner that is behind on their house payment and maybe facing foreclosure – please tell them to visit this site. Thanks for your support.
Check out my new blog:
We are now in the early stages of the complete and total breakdown of the US economic system. The federal government, state governments, local governments have collectively piled up debt that is equivalent to approximately 360% of the GDP. At no other time in our history have we ever come close to such a figure. We have the biggest mountain of debt the world has ever seen, and soon that gigantic debt bubble is going to pop. This house of cards will soon come crashing down, and the economic pain is going to become unimaginable.
Already, things are really bad out there. Unemployment is at shockingly high levels. Foreclosures and personal bankruptcies continue to set new all-time records (read my new eBook for more up-to-date facts and figures). Businesses are being shut down at a staggering rate, more than 42 million Americans are on food stamps, and the government continues to pile up debt at blinding speed. It is not looking good for the home team.
The US economy is collapsing. Are you getting prepared?
INVITATION: I spend 5 to 6 hours a day surfing the Internet, reading countless newsletters, alternative websites, blogs and articles on HOT subjects like, alternative health, politics, the coming economic crisis, the coming depression, the crash of the dollar, world news, 2012 Fact or Fiction, earth changes, silver and copper bullion info, the real truth, aliens, UFO’s, Billy Meier, Planet X and many more subjects that I find exciting and factual. Facts and items that you will never read in your local newspapers or see on mainstream TV. If you are of like mind then you should sign up to become part of my inner circle. By becoming part of my inner circle you will get reports from me so you can further discover the truth on subjects that might interest you too, saving you many hours of surfing the Internet. This will save you time and money.
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Please share Healthy News with friends, family
and colleagues. That's how we grow. Thanks. J
Your comments are always welcomed!
The only way this country can come back is for people to buy from each other. Buy American! Buy local! Support your Community,
Support your Neighbor! Hug a Farmer! Buy Silver!
Get in shape, get healthy. Rip up that useless lawn and grow food.
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J Collin Towers is a health crusader, freelance online editor, digital merchant, and author of Stop Growing Older, Grow Younger and Stop Foreclosure and Keep Your House or Just Walk Away. As a child in upstate New York, he enjoyed fresh raw vegetables out of the family garden, free-range eggs, and raw milk from his grandfather’s farm. After four years in the Navy, Towers went to school to learn commercial photography. With photo assignments all over the world, his work has been published in countless magazines and catalogs. While living in California, Towers became a vegan, completely cutting meat out of his diet. Called a “health-nut” by friends and family, he spent years researching and discovering ways to reverse the aging process. And, he has succeeded. Mr. Towers currently lives with his Australian blue heeler, Tazz, in Smyrna, GA. He spends 5 hours a day researching on the internet and works in his organic garden.