TERRY FOX DAY, CANADA - CANCER AND ITS CURE ! (Updated Sept. 25, 2010)
Michael White
This morning is also my birthday. The first question from my wife today, is what do you want to do today? My answer was to write the following (also attached). I hope you can find it worthy to post on Fourwinds10.com, as I believe it may help people uncover the dark lies about cancer. I hope Ann is doing well after her heart surgery. Keep up the good work. I feel we are getting closer to announcements and Truth reveled. Projecting love and light, Mike.
Here is what I wrote this morning:
Today, Sept. 19 2010, is a day in which millions of Canadians will honor Terry Fox, and his dream to find a cure for cancer. For those who don't know about Terry Fox or his incredible but short life, please take the time now to search Google.
Millions of Canadians will take part in walks and runs today, to help raise money for “cancer research”, and to help families with loved ones who are being “treated” with chemotherapy, radiation, surgery; or are being given “palliative” care in their final days of their “terminal” illness. I am one Canadian who will not, cannot, honor Terry in this way. I am a unshakable believer in God and the Creation, that the Creation lies within each of us, and that a fragment of Creation, “the soul”, continues after physical 'death'. So I know that Terry still has his awareness, his will, and his love for all of us. And Terry can absolutely 'observe' what is happening on this special day. Truth, I have known for some years now, can ONLY be discerned, ultimately, by consulting the “spirit”, or God within me – the Creation within each of us. Getting caught up with the semantics of a human ego based 'debate', where there may not even be grounds for a debate, is a path toward darkness – even when the intent is for goodness. All Canadians taking part in raising money in Terry's honor, are doing so out of love and good intent. All should be honored for projecting love. But if the Truth about “cancer” were known, and discerned by each well meaning person, there would be no need to raise money for cancer research at all.
What is the Truth about this condition known as “cancer”? I know the Truth, not because I am brighter or more clever than anyone else, but because I was able to discern it from all the “first hand” information that is available. My seven years of university study in biology, were mostly an impediment to allowing the Truth to be revealed to me. When you read what follows, various feelings coming from 'anger' and 'fear' may challenge the Truth. Some will not be able to continue reading, as the dark emotions remain in control of you. And what a battle it is! I, like almost everyone reading this, has lost a loved one, friend, or co-worker to “cancer”. So for me, the emerging Truth that there was no need of these death, and that no “cancer” is terminal, was not easy to “take”. It is perhaps the ultimate challenge to beliefs; more of war than a battle, because once the Truth about cancer is known, other Truths will follow rapidly. Freedom from evil is a well earned reward.
Here is the Truth about cancer. I need not debate it, and need not defend it. The Truth needs no defense. It just IS. Cancer is a condition in which cells or groups of cells (tissues) have lost the ability to obtain the oxygen required for normal cell function. When cells are faced with such a challenge, they either die, or find another way to continue to stay 'alive'. When cells cannot continue to obtain energy through normal cellular respiration (utilizing oxygen), they will revert to a more primitive way of producing energy known as “fermentation”. These fermenting cells will do everything they can to survive, as it is their instinct to do so. The problem is that fermenting cells do not function the way the remaining body cells do, and that conflict can lead to death of the whole body or organism. Of course with 100's of specialized cells and tissues, there are many different “behaviors” when cells ferment. These are the 100's of different 'cancers' that we observe. While the primary cause of cancer is always a low oxygen problem, there can be 100's of 'secondary' reasons that CAUSE the low oxygen conditions. Examples include exposure to toxic chemicals or radiation that damages the enzymes that carry out oxygen-based respiration, or even genetic predisposition to problems with oxygen 'uptake' and utilization. A life filled with fear and apprehension can even manifest in problems with oxygenation of cells. Whatever the secondary cause, fermenting tissues (cancer) can almost always be restored to normal oxygen-based respiration. I say almost always, because sometimes the fermenting tissues and neighboring 'healthy' tissues are so badly damaged by radiation and chemotherapy, that they are beyond repair. And while it is always possible to treat the primary cause of cancer (low oxygen), whatever the secondary cause of the cancer, it too needs to be addressed in order to make sure 'cancer' does not occur again. So, for example, if internal radioactive Uranium caused certain tissues to ferment, oxygen based solutions can restore normal cell function short term ('curing' the primary cause of the 'cancer'), but those cells need to be cleansed of the lingering Uranium in order for long term normal function.
It is extremely important to note at this time, than not all “oxygen” is the same. Molecular oxygen (two tightly bound oxygen atoms), or the stuff we breathe, is a “low energy” form of oxygen, meaning it is NOT very reactive in this molecular form. In fact, the body expends some of its energy (remember ATP from high school biology?) in order to BREAK the bond between those oxygen atoms, to create single oxygen atoms (known as “active” oxygen). It is oxygen in THIS form, that drives all healthy cellular activity. The body would much prefer to have “active” oxygen delivered right from the start, rather than go through the complex and energy consuming process of breaking molecular oxygen. But not all “active” oxygen is alike. The “active” oxygen resulting from cellular respiration (after breaking the molecular oxygen in two), is at a relatively “low” energy state, but just good enough to keep you “alive”. The body sometimes needs a “higher energy” form of single oxygen to to do other critical tasks, such as killing bacteria, oxidizing virus particles, and destroying (or fixing where possible) those cells that have started fermenting (cancer cells). The body has the means to make its own “high energy” oxygen, in the form of hydrogen peroxide. Were you not taught that mothers milk is very high in hydrogen peroxide? You should have been, because it is that hydrogen peroxide that keeps the baby germ free in the critical first weeks of life (or were you taught it was only antibodies that did this?). Did you know that “mainstream” western science literature is rich with studies that show high does of intravenous Vitamin C help the body to make its own hydrogen peroxide (active oxygen)? Vitamin C is a great way to make active oxygen, but why not skip right to the meat and potatoes, and deliver hydrogen peroxide, or better yet the “most” active form of oxygen known as Ozone, directly to the fermenting (cancerous) tissues? If you made it this far, you owe it to yourselves and your loved ones to pick up a copy of Ed McCabe's best selling book “Flood Your Body With Oxygen” (local library, or order online, it is easy to get), and read at least the introductory chapters. There are even more advanced ways to restore proper oxygen balance, using electromagnetic frequencies. Royal Raymond Rife had that figured out back in the 1930's.
If you still cannot believe that the ENTIRE cancer 'research' and 'treatment' industry is a complete and total FRAUD, then try this for size. This is a real life situation that 1000's of families face everyday, especially now that people are awakening to Truth. Imagine your father in the hospital with a “terminal” lung failure problem, compounded by leukemia that cannot be “treated” because of the lung failure problem. The doctors (likely getting paid $500,000 or more a year) tell the family that the life support systems should be disconnected, because there is NO HOPE of recovery. The family, naturally not wanting to give up, requests that the hospital administer high doses of intravenous Vitamin C to their father, because after all, there is “nothing to lose”. The doctors DID SAY there is NO HOPE. So it shouldn't be a problem, right? What is there to lose? I mean, if the doctors really BELIEVE there is no hope, then why not let the family see for themselves that intravenous Vitamin C would be useless? But what if Vitamin C did bring life back to an otherwise “dead” man? What then?? Here is just ONE of many similar stories out there. This one made made mainstream TV, but the 1000's of other similar true stories are found only on the internet and in certain books:
I have talked with those who have 'oxygenated' themselves back from 'terminal cancer', and have even got rid of some of my own skin cancers with a $10 bottle of food grade hydrogen peroxide. It is great to know Truth, but experiencing it is even better! Here is a video called “Run from the Cure”, the story of Ricky Simpson from a rural community in Nova Scotia, Canada, who free of charge offered a fine 'oxygenation' cure to many people he knew. He is Canadian hero on the run from the authorities, because he put his knowledge of Truth into practice.
So on this Terry Fox day, honor Terry by NOT contributing to more cancer research. Honor Terry by sending some Truth out to your friends and relatives, and honor other great Canadians like Ricky Simpson, who are brave enough to send Truth to the world at their own peril. I have friends and relatives who still scoff at these words. They have not finished their battle between darkness and Truth, and they may never. It does not stop me from spreading the Truth around, because I cannot sit by idly and watch evil men and women shove death and lies down my or my loved ones throats. I used to collect for the Cancer Society, and regret it with all my soul. Yes, I fed the evil lies of 'cancer research' thinking I was doing “my part to help”. I did not know I was helping send good, loved filled people to their premature and unnecessary deaths. I was used for evil, by evil people. Now it is payback time. If these words and links help even one family escape the certain death that chemo or radiation will deliver, then evil has LOST a huge war for your soul. As God is in me and around me as my witness, I send these words to you as Truth. May your battle with the darkness and lie called 'cancer', be short and decisive! Let your light shine, and deal a blow to the evil that until now, has dominated this planet.
M White, Canada
Sept. 19, 2010
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