health newsletter.After today, I will only be sending out my Inner Circle Report. I will includesome health news in the Inner Circle more" /> - Delivering Truth Around the World
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Healthy News that Can Help You Prepare for the Future Stop Growing Older, Grow Younger!

J. Collin Towers

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an style="font-family: 'Calibri','sans-serif'; font-size: 12pt;"> health newsletter. After today, I will only be sending out my Inner Circle Report.  I will include some health news in the Inner Circle Report along with other topics that are of interest to me. So, if you have not signed up for the Inner Circle Reports, then you might want to now, but only if you have an open mind and are willing to be confronted with alternative perspectives which I call the “truth”.


Asian spice can cure Alzheimer's disease

Turmeric root -- also known in its extract form as curcumin -- is one such powerful spice that appears to both prevent the onset of Alzheimer's disease and even cure it.

"People who develop Alzheimer's disease get a sticky plaque in the brain called amyloid beta," explained Kilham to Dr. Manny Alvarez. Such plaques either develop as a result of Alzheimer's, or they are the direct cause of it. But either way, they are directly related to the degenerative process.

However studies show that turmeric actually eliminates these plaques, both when they are first starting to form and even during the late stages of their advancement.


Turmeric becoming popular as a cleansing agent to rid one’s colon of parasites and yeast infections. Turmeric has been shown to exhibit antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antihepatotoxic effects. It relies on its volatile oil for its actions. It is noted for its ability to treat inflammations of the digestive system and the reproductive system. This makes it useful in folk remedies for hepatitis, flatulence and spasmodic dysmenorrhea. It increases the production of enzymes in the liver that metabolize toxins

I just ordered one pound of turmeric root power here --


Remembering the Future: The Physics of the Soul and Time Travel is NOW in print

Brooks Agnew began a two-year research program to see if there was a way physics and metaphysics could be applied in a manner that could help people unlock the secret of the Law of Attraction.  Sure enough, there was a method by which energy could be applied to make it build upon itself like a tidal wave.  There was a way to move mountains with nothing more than a mustard seed, applied at the right moment for the right period of time.  And, he put it to the test and accomplished whatever he could imagine.  You might like to know what he discovered by reading his latest book, Remembering the Future:  The Physics of the Soul and Time Travel. 

I just ordered the book.  I recommend that you do the same...


Vitamin D proven far better than vaccines at preventing influenza infections

New research reveals that vitamin D is 800% more effective at halting influenza symptoms than vaccines... and that's if you believe vaccines work at all.


Vitamin B Could Help Stop Mental Decline In Elderly A study conducted at the University of Oxford has found that taking high daily doses of vitamin B can help slow brain shrinkage in elderly people that can lead to cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease.

Researchers in the study analyzed the data of 168 volunteers with mild memory problems, some of whom were given high doses of B vitamins - including folic acid, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12 - that control the amino acid homocysteine in the blood, which is associated with an increased risk of Alzheimer's.


Aspartame is NOT a Dieters Best Friend

Artificial sweeteners such as aspartame tend to lead to weight gain. As I’ve often said, there’s more to weight gain or weigh loss than mere calorie intake.

One reason for aspartame’s potential to cause weight gain is because phenylalanine and aspartic acid – the two amino acids that make up 90 percent of aspartame -- are known to rapidly stimulate the release of insulin and leptin; two hormones that are intricately involved with satiety and fat storage. Insulin and leptin are also the primary hormones that regulate your metabolism.


Iodine Deficiency

The body produces no iodine, and there is no organ other than the thyroid that can store large quantities of iodine. In some areas of the US, including mountain regions, the Mississippi River Valley, the Ohio River Valley, and the Great Lakes regions, the soil has always had very low iodine content. But even in other areas of once iodine-rich soil, over farming has frequently depleted this iodine content. Hence, we no longer get adequate iodine via the plants we consume. To compensate for this, iodine was added to salt, bread, and milk. Today iodine is no longer added to bread or to milk, and the amount of iodine added to salt has steadily declined over the years. All of these factors contribute to the current prevalence of iodine deficiency in the United States.

Research work has shown that iodine deficiency in the thyroid presents as a thyroid goiter (enlargement of the thyroid). In those areas of the world where iodine deficiency is very high, such as in Switzerland and in certain areas of Asia and Africa, there are also higher incidents of thyroid cancer. Iodine is also concentrated by breast tissue, and a lack of iodine in the breasts manifests as fibrocystic breast disease (painful breasts with nodules and cysts and often more symptomatic prior to menstrual periods). 93% of American women have fibrocystic breast disease and the longer this disease exists, the higher the potential risk for development of breast cancer. 20% of all iodine in the human body is stored in the skin, specifically in the sweat glands. Lack of iodine in the sweat glands manifests as dry skin with a decreased ability to sweat.

Iodine can also be concentrated in the stomach tissue, and the lack of iodine in the stomach manifests as achlorhydria (lack of digestive acid production). Iodine is used by the stomach cells, also known as parietal cells, to concentrate chloride which is necessary to produce hydrochloric acid (digestive acid). With the prolonged presence of achlorhydria, there is a much higher incidence of stomach cancer.

From Martin Pytela of Life Enthusiast Co-op


Sleep in a darkened room to reduce your chances of cancer

You can reduce your chances of developing cancer by making sure your bedroom is completely dark at night - light pollution when you are trying to sleep has been linked to prostate and breast cancer.   Read the rest of the article here.


Here are some tips for those who may suffer from insomnia.

Follow them and see how much better you’ll feel each day as you get your eight hours:

·         Do not consume ANY sugar or caffeine after 6:00 p.m.

·         Stop working at least two hours before bedtime.

·         Turn off the computer and television at least one hour before bedtime.

·         Make sure your sleeping quarters are as dark and silent as possible. Studies have shown that those in darker and quieter spaces tend to sleep through the night more deeply than others.

·         Establish a sleep/wake schedule, and stick to it.

·         Make a set routine out of bedtime. Change into pajamas, brush your teeth, set out clothes for the morning, even jot down any last thoughts, but promise yourself to revisit them tomorrow. Then turn off the light… breathe deeply, relax and sleep tight.

·         If a racing mind is nagging, slow your breathing and focus on the sensation of air as it passes through your nose. This will derail those busy thoughts to help you drift off.


 “Nutritional Odds N Ends from My Book”

Page 208  (6) Dark Chocolate: The Mayans were one of the first to harvest cocoa beans and they believed chocolate had a euphoric impact on the body’s senses. It has only been in recent times scientists have unraveled chocolate’s psychotropic properties and the effects it has on us. Dark chocolate contains modest amounts of the stimulants caffeine and theobromine, an alkaloid which is very similar to caffeine. Chocolate also contains phenylethylamine. This is a strong chemical that triggers the feeling of “being in love.” 

     Phenylethylamine stimulates the release of dopamine into the pleasure centers commonly associated with an orgasm. Dark chocolate contains massive amounts of antioxidants, are great for your body in general. Chocolate is known to generate increased levels of serotonin, a chemical naturally produced by your brain, which is known to reduce anxiety.  It is the rush of endorphins produced by eating chocolates, particularly dark chocolates, which is most similar to the bliss associated with a healthy sexual relationship.

     Chocolate is definitely a great way to get your woman into the mood. 


FREE Stop Foreclosure eBook...

Download my FREE eBook on How to STOP foreclosure or Just Walk Away.

Are you interested in saving thousands of dollars? Then you need to read this FREE report.    Go to

and hit the FREE REPORT button.




The only way this country can come back is for people to buy from each other. Buy American!  Buy local!  Support your Community,

Support your Neighbor! Hug a Farmer! Buy Silver!

Get in shape, get healthy. Rip up that useless lawn and grow food.



INNER CIRCLE INVITATION:  I spend 6 hours a day surfing the Internet, reading countless newsletters, alternative websites, blogs and articles on HOT subjects like, alternative health, politics, the coming economic crisis, the coming depression, the crash of the dollar, world news, earth changes, silver and copper bullion info, the real truth,  UFO’s, Planet X and many more subjects that I find exciting and factual.  Facts and items that you will never read in your local newspapers or see on mainstream TV.    If you are of like mind then you should sign up to become part of my inner circle.  By becoming part of my inner circle you will get reports from me so you can further discover the truth on subjects that might interest you too, saving you many hours of surfing the Internet. This will save you time and money.  To be part of my inner circle and receive informative reports you must email me back and put “Inner Circle sign up” in the subject area.





Remember -- Nothing is Always What it Seems...





J Collin Towers is a health crusader, freelance online editor, digital merchant, and author of Stop Growing Older, Grow Younger and Stop Foreclosure and Keep Your House or Just Walk Away. As a child in upstate New York, he enjoyed fresh raw vegetables out of the family garden, free-range eggs, and raw milk from his grandfather’s farm. After four years in the Navy, Towers went to school to learn commercial photography. With photo assignments all over the world, his work has been published in countless magazines and catalogs. While living in California, Towers became a vegan, completely cutting meat out of his diet. Called a “health-nut” by friends and family, he spent years researching and discovering ways to reverse the aging process. And, he has succeeded. Mr. Towers currently lives with his Australian blue heeler, Tazz, in Smyrna, GA. He spends 5 hours a day researching on the internet and works in his organic garden.

Sept. 22, 2010