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Scientists Unlock How Trans Fats Harm Your Arteries
Dr. Mercola
The findings of the study reinforce research that has linked the predominantly man-made fat with a range of health problems.
Food Navigator reports:
"Trans-fats are attractive for the food industry due to their extended shelf life and flavor stability, and have displaced natural solid fats and liquid oils in many areas of food processing.
But scientific reports that trans-fatty acids raise serum levels of LDL-cholesterol, reduce levels of HDL-cholesterol, can promote inflammation can cause endothelial dysfunction, and influence other risk factors for cardiovascular diseases (CVD), has led to a well-publicized bans in New York City restaurants, and other cities, like Chicago."
Dr. Mercola's Comments:
Nov. 16, 2010
Why Trans-fats Should Not be in Your Diet
Beware of Trans-fat Labels or You Will Be Fooled!!
Know How to Avoid This Similar Trans-fat Replacement
Have You Been Eating Trans-fats for Years?