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The Coronary Bypass Surgery Scam! Safe, Natural alternatives Provided in this book

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

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Revealed: The Bypass Surgery SCAM! Don't be tricke d into unnecessary surgery., low-cost natural solutions revealed in this important book: "Bypassing Bypass Surgery"...

Dear readers,

Have you been diagnosed with blocked arteries? Don't even think about submitting to coronary bypass surgery until you read this book. Bypassing Bypass Surgery by Dr. Elmer M. Cranton reveals the scientific facts behind chelation therapy and how it can reverse arteriosclerosis, restore circulation and eliminate the need for bypass surgery.

Get the book yourself here: 

I love this book. It was one of the first books that revealed the whole story behind chelation therapy, and it has since been updated with the latest scientific facts and studies showing how chelation therapy eliminates the need for surgery and saves lives.

Not surprisingly, since chelation therapy eliminates the need for bypass surgery, it has been viciously attacked by the conventional medical community, including pill-pushing doctors and heart surgeons. They would much rather see patients remain sick and in need of their bypass surgery services than watch them overcome arteriosclerosis and return home, never to need surgery. So EDTA chelation therapy remains under constant attack by the conventional medical profession for the simple reason that it denies them profits.

The truth is that most bypass surgeries are medically unnecessary, and even when patients survive bypass surgery, many are left with oxygen-deprived brains that quickly deteriorate, causing rapid loss of cognitive function over the next few years. But chelation therapy eliminates the blocks in the arteries, restoring blood flow to the brain, maintaining normal, healthy brain function for a lifetime!

Considering bypass surgery for yourself or a loved one? Don't decide until you get all the facts about chelation therapy. Understand that you have non-surgical options that work better than surgery, without all the risks of surgery!

Get Bypassing Bypass Surgery today. You'll learn a wealth of information that could literally save your life.

To your health and wellness,

- Mike Adams, the Health Ranger