FDA seeks to limit liquid IV vitamin C production for mega dose therapy
Paul Fassa, citizen journalist
The Incident
Alan Smith`s recovery occurred despite the local hospital`s intent to pull his life support plug a year ago. His family`s insistence on using mega-dose IV vitamin C therapy, with some added pressure from nearby Orthomolecular therapists, resulted in Alan`s walking away days after being in a coma from Swine Flu complications. (Natural News source below)
Those complications may have been due to his leukemia, which was also eliminated by the mega-dose IV vitamin C therapy. The Australian/New Zealand mainstream media jumped all over the story and it went viral over the internet. The follow up check for his leukemia occurred several months after his release from the hospital. So that aspect of his recovery was not covered by the media in the original story.
Orthomolecular Medicine
The mega-dose use of only vitamin and mineral supplements for curing has been around for only a few decades. Originally pioneered by the late Linus Pauling, a few MDs throughout the world have continued applying and researching vitamin/mineral supplement use for both the physical and mental healing arts. Suicides, killing sprees, or deathly overdoses are not common among Orthomolecular mental patients. The "incurable" are cured without side effects.
Dr. Hugh Riordon, established the Riordon clinic in Wichita, Kansas. The range of maladies cured with mega-dose vitamin C and other supplements is wide, and that spectrum includes cancer. A veterinarian on the West Coast has success curing canine distemper, considered incurable conventionally, with mega-dose IV vitamin C.
An independent Canadian study has seen success with IV vitamin C for curing sepsis, another disease difficult to cure conventionally. However, the National Health Institute (NIH) in the USA refuses to fund any such studies.
FDA Motives
According to the Orthomolecular.org website, there has not been even one death recorded in the USA from vitamin use. Yet, FDA approved pharmaceutical drugs cause 100,000 or more deaths annually from correctly prescribed drugs! There are more from incorrectly prescribed drugs as well. Mismanaging vitamin supplements is not healthy, but it`s not lethal.
So danger from mega-dose vitamin C is not the issue. The Orthomolecular practitioners have been keeping a low profile. They`re considered quacks by the Medical Mafia. The Alan Smith notoriety did put a small media spotlight on them. The FDA`s client is Big Pharma, and it`s being protected. Not us. There`s not enough profit with vitamin C. It can't be patented. And since it cures without side effects, it minimizes repeat business.
So public awareness of the amazing cures with less expense and no serious side effects using IV mega-dose supplements needs to be plugged before more information leaks out. The ANH (Alliance for Natural Health) people fear restricting pharmaceutical grade liquid vitamin C could be the beginning of the end for vitamin C mega-dose IV therapy.
You can't use any type of C for IV applications. It has to be pharmaceutical grade liquid vitamin C. Without it, already existing applications are crippled and it`s impossible to do further independent studies. The ANH has arranged for an easy click petition to the FDA for allowing IV liquid C production here: https://secure3.convio.net/aahf/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=648
Sources for More Information Include:
Alliance for Natural Health http://www.anh-usa.org/action-alert...
Actual FDA warning letter to one of the liquid IV C companies http://www.fda.gov/ICECI/Enforcemen...
Natural News article featuring Alan Smith`s story http://www.naturalnews.com/030599_v...
Riordon Clinic http://www.riordanclinic.org/index....
Orthomolecular Website http://orthomolecular.org/index.shtml
About the author
Paul Fassa has managed to survive the Standard American Diet (SAD) and his youthful folly by deprogramming gradually from mainstream health ideology and studying holistic health matters informally with his wife while incorporating them into his lifestyle as a vegetarian.
He also practices Chi-Lel Chi Gong, and he is trained as a polarity therapy practitioner. He is dedicated to warning others about the current corruption of food and medicine and guiding others toward a better direction for health. You can visit his blog at http://healthmaven.blogspot.com
Feb. 1, 2011