Bishop Jim Humble
Bishop Jim Humble
“In August of 2009, a news article appeared in the Vanuatu Daily Post and on cruising & health related websites discussing MMS. It related a story of the sudden death of a visiting yachtswoman in Vanuatu, after she reportedly ingested two drops of a solution called MMS (Master Mineral Solution). A number of yachts people had reported positive health benefits after ingesting from 1 to 15 drops of the (properly activated) solution themselves. Their reports had raised this cruiser's interest to try the product herself. She was violently ill and died unexplainably 12 hours after she ingested that very small MMS dose. An autopsy was performed by an Australian Pathologist on August 22, 2009, and tissue/fluids samples were taken for analysis in Australia. Everyone involved wanted to know to exact causes of death.
Until a proper investigation would be conducted, only suppositions could be raised. But, before the autopsy report was in, more news articles appeared in Port Vila, Sydney, and on health related websites discussing MMS. These articles inferred that MMS was a deadly poison and was responsible for that death, and insinuated that the fellow yachtsmen from whom she asked her bottle of MMS, were trafficking in unauthorized deadly substances in Vanuatu. Questions were raised as to the inordinately long amount of time for the authorities to finish the autopsy and release it to the husband. Questions were also raised as to the competency of the Australian Federal Police, the Vanuatu Police, the Australian pathologist, the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine, and the Vanuatu Prosecutor's Office. Ultimately the husband of the deceased filed a complaint with the Office of the Ombudsman in Port Vila against the Vanuatu Police Force (VPF).
The yachtsmen involved in the events gave testimonials at one time or another to the police, prosecutor office and Ombudsman. After a lengthy investigation and the complete autopsy report, the case had been closed. The Public Prosecutor made a determination on the file and decided not to prosecute any person in connection with that death. That decision was based on the following:
- At the time the bottle of MMS was supplied on 3 August 2009, no reasonable person could conclude that anyone intended to cause death or serious injury to any person.
- Based on the evidence of the pathologist, the cause of death did not show that death was due to MMS.
- MMS is not considered a dangerous drug under the Dangerous Drug Act.
Our personal comments are the following :
"We are gratified that reason has prevailed in this matter, and now that the case is closed, we officially know that the autopsy did not establish that the cause of death was due to MMS. We can finally speak freely without premature speculation (unlike some others have done.)
Sylvia's death was an accidental, unforeseeable tragedy that was very shocking and upsetting to us, especially as we have always tried to help and aid other people. We are cruising since 1992, and are known for our contribution of information and service to other people on yachts. To be accused of purposefully wanting to inflict harm or death on someone was very saddening to us.
Tragic accidental death can happen anywhere to anyone. A person can die from eating peanuts, or an ordinary sandwich (café coronary (food lodged in windpipe)). It doesn't mean these foods are poisons. People die from allergic reactions, side effects, or long-term cumulative toxic effects of properly prescribed and taken medications everyday. It's even one of the leading causes of death in the US today.
Use of MMS has been correlated with saving many thousands of lives. Even if it had been shown to cause this death, it still cannot be labeled as a poison. We personally know people using MMS who feel that they avoided having dangerous surgery or removal of infected teeth, and we know people who recovered from infections or that had skin growths dry up and disappear. In all our searching for information so far, no death has ever been attributed to using MMS. Only one kidney failure occurred when the person accidentally drank half a bottle of pure MMS. One health care professional feels his life was saved from a fatal antibiotic resistant MRSA/Staph infection (contracted in the hospital) after he requested his colleagues to try an IV of MMS. We do not make any claims of cures. We only urge everyone to do ones own thorough research on MMS, and come to ones own conclusion.
To those people who helped us with the CPR and the rescue effort to save Sylvia, we thank you for unselfishly responding to an emergency distress call, and for all your help during and after the emergency.
To those who saw reason, and said, "Wait for all the facts to be in", we thank you for your clear-headedness, and for your listening to all sides of the story before making judgments.
To those who immediately saw only black or white, victim or villain, we say: of course it's natural to empathize with someone who has suffered a great loss in such a sudden and tragic way, but sometimes fate can steal loved ones from us without rhyme or reason, and can deal a cruel, shocking blow to innocent people who only thought they were helping a friend… leaving no villains, only victims, wondering why.
To the journalists who seized the opportunity to sensationalize and scandalize a tragic situation and concoct a Victim (the husband) vs Villains (us, and "uncooperative" authorities) scenario, and who went through the motions to ask our comments, but declined to thoroughly tell our side of the story, we say only, "Shame on you."
We will continue to help and inform our fellow human beings, but will be much more circumspect, and sadly, much more cautious in the way that we help them from now on."
Luc & Jackie
P.S. We hope that the FDA leaves you in peace and that you can continue your great work!
Thanks again for your past discretion.
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As always with love,
Bishop Jim
- My next MMS Seminar are Feb. 14th - Feb. 24th, March 28th – April, 6th (Dominican Republic). For more info., please contact us at mmsforhispaniola@gmail.com
- Please check out the Genesis II Church membership cards at g2church777@gmail.com
- (For more info. about joining the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing, contact us at g2church777@gmail.com)
- Take the MMS Video course taught by me personally now at home and become a “Health Minister”. (For more info about MMS Home Video Course, contact us at genesis2mission@gmail.com)