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Body Electrician
Wil Spencer
I am working with a large number of people in the Gulf of Mexico region to decontaminate their bodies from the chemical poisoning taking place. I held an on line class to share and help educate people down there about what I am doing, here is that archived link on my web site- http://bodyelectrician.com/media.html
I am working with a few bee keepers and looking to get some information out on what my methods are and how I am helping, my web site for this is www.beeassistpro.com, I have a couple of new testimonies that are amazing.
I am also working with some people in the autistic and morgellons communities with amazing results.
If you would like to have a conversation please feel free to email or just ring my office at 610-417-7248
Thank you,
Wil Spencer
Feb. 15, 2011