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We have located a supply of approximately 600 packages of Potassium Iodide (KI), with each package having a 14 day adult supply of this "Anti-Radiation" tablet. IOSAT (tm) is the brand name of this product and is manufactured by Anbex, Inc. (Current price is $15.00 plus s & h) (lowest price in US with any inventory)
The package of 14 will protect an adult for two weeks. Anyone remaining in a contaminated area more than two weeks should consider the use of additional IOSAT (tm) tablets as directed by Public Health Officials
New FDA guidelines call for the daily administration of one IOSAT tablet (130 mg. of potassium iodide (KI) for adults and children over 18 years old who weigh more than 150 pounds. Children from age 3 to 18 years old who weigh less than 150 pounds should take 1/2 tablet. Children from one month to 3 Shelf life of IOSAT (tm) is FDA approved for 7 years and should be stored unopened in a dry environment at room temperature. However, potassium iodate sealed in their original packaging have been tested, many years after it was manufactured and "expired", and found to be quite stable and maintaining full strength. Testing has been reported of analyzed samples that showed that after manufacture (11 years), and 8 years after their expiry date, the tablets assayed at 99.1% of the labeled content of potassium iodide. Additional information supports shelf-life of potassium iodide as indefinite", when kept dry and at room temperature or below..
A word of caution: Never take any medicine or drug without first consulting your personal physician! You could have alergies, or other medical conditions, or reactions to other medications you are taking, that could be very dangerous or life threatening! Ask your doctor now, before a nuclear emergency, and then you'll know if/when it's needed!
There are two web-sites that contain much additional informatiom. (several hundred pages)Those web-sites are:
This information is from American Family Network:
ADDED IMPORTANT NOTE: Our book "Disaster & Emergency Preparedness" is available - $19.95 includes shipping. It is 96 pages - 8 1/2" X 11" (Immediate shipping) Publisher will grant limited right to copy for each family purchase - limited to other family members - maximum five copies - You must have our written permission - E-mail:, or call Mr. Shangle at503-672-7502.