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Homeopathic skeptics turn ardent supporters

Madeleine Innocent

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(NaturalNews) The history of homeopathy is littered with eminent medical doctors who, in their desire to debunk it, have become some of its most ardent supporters. To debunk it, first they had to study it. After an in depth study, they became homeopaths themselves, leaving medicine behind.

Because it is not possible to fit the concepts and philosophy of homeopathy into current, common ways of thinking (now or in the past), it is often seen as irrelevant.

However, this is not the fault of homeopathy, but rather that of the limited way of thinking of humanity. The thinking of humanity is a work in progress. New ideas are explored constantly. New knowledge comes to light all the time. Old ways are discarded as the truth is exposed.

Current medicine is based on Newtonian physics, which is only concerned with the physical. This currently dominates public opinion. But this idea can only ever see the effects of ill health.

Homeopathy is based on Quantum physics, which is concerned with the invisible (and so often ignored) energy behind every form of life. This means the cause of illness can be seen by observers open to this idea.

Our past is littered with forward thinkers who were spurned in their lifetime, their efforts only being recognised of value decades, even centuries after their death, when thought patterns had changed.

Constantine Hering was the father of homeopathy in America. He was born in Germany in 1800 and migrated to the US in the 1830s. He first approached homeopathy as a debunker, having been asked by his medical colleagues to write a paper condemning it. His research led him to become one of homeopathy`s most ardent supporters. His enthusiasm grew so much he became a fanatic. He went about the country, getting on tables to speak enthusiastically about homeopathy.

Another skeptic who later became one of the greatest homeopaths was James Compton Burnett. He was a British homeopath in the late 1800s, and he was among the first to notice that vaccines trigger chronic disease.

He ultimately wrote 24 books on homeopathy. He likened his own conversion experience to that of St Paul on the road to Damascus: "I instantly resolved to fight the good fight of homeopathy with all the power I possess. Were I to do less, I should be afraid to die."

About the author

Madeleine Innocent has been a full time professional homeopath since 2000, is a writer and homeopathic coach. She teaches homeopathy at local colleges, has her own on-line coaching and treats people and animals both in person and by telephone. Homeopaths always look for causes of ill health and diet is often the maintaining cause in both human and pet health problems.

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April 13, 2011