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This Simple Drink Improved Stomach Acid in Just One Minute...
Dr. Mercola
A study shows that water may be more effective than acid-inhibiting drugs in its effect on gastric pH.
Study participants were given either a glass of water, antacid, ranitidine, omeprazole, esomeprazole, or rabeprazole. Their gastric pH was recorded for 6 hours after each drug intake. Water increased gastric pH by more than 4 after just one minute. In contrast, antacid took 2 minutes, and most of the other drugs took more than two hours.
According to the study in Digestive Diseases and Sciences:
“Water and antacid immediately increased gastric pH, while PPIs showed a delayed but prolonged effect compared to ranitidine.”
Dr. Mercola's Comments:
July 8, 2011
What's the REAL Cause of Acid Reflux?
Some Natural Remedies Work Better than Drugs—Including Water!
Your First Line of Treatment – Increasing Healthy Bacterial Flora
Other Novel Alternatives Indicated by Medical Research
Drugs are NOT Advisable for Majority of Heartburn and Acid Reflux Cases
Carefully Weigh the Risks and Benefits of these Drugs Before Taking Them!
Safe and Effective Strategies to Eliminate Heartburn and Acid Reflux